"Nine Swords of Dugu!"

When Lin Pingzhi yelled these words, the sword demon immediately froze.

Because he is very obsessed with Dugu Qiubai, he is naturally eager for Dugu Nine Swords' moves.

years ago.

He has been traveling all over the rivers and lakes, and stayed on Huashan Mountain for the longest time, wanting to find Feng Qingyang and learn Dugu Nine Swords.

They also went to Wushuang City to study, but they all returned home without any gains.

Even later, after I settled in the Sword Worship Villa, I would still go to find the sword formula when I was free.

Unfortunately, there are no results.

The trick he had been thinking about was displayed by the enemy in front of him. How complicated is his mood?

"Stop fucking pretending to be garlic!"

The sword demon didn't believe it, and his eyes were red with blood, thinking that the other party was bluffing, thinking that the other party was deliberately provoking him.

In fact, he was already irritated.


Lin Pingzhi didn't take it seriously, he danced the sword formula and began to perform the breaking sword style, which was vividly danced by him.


The Sword Demon was dumbfounded, he had seen this move before, and recognized it as one of the moves in Dugu Nine Swords.

At that time, I was stunned and completely became a fool.

I didn't expect that the other party would really know Dugu Nine Swords!

"and many more!"

He immediately yelled to stop, and at the same time stepped back, with a rather complicated expression.

Lin Pingzhi looked at him speechlessly on the spot: "Why? Are you still fighting?"

The sword demon struggled, and slowly said: "Young Master Lin, can you teach me the Dugu Nine Swords?

I want to be a real Sword Demon. "


Lin Pingzhi smiled, "I promised Senior Feng Qingyang that I would not teach this to others, you should give up on it."

"Sure enough, Senior Feng Qingyang is not dead yet."

The sword demon seemed to have expected it long ago, and knew that Feng Qingyang, who had disappeared for a long time, was still alive.

What Lin Pingzhi didn't expect was that the guy knelt down and begged on purpose: "Master Mingyue, please teach me!"

Everyone present was startled.

Lin Pingzhi didn't expect this guy to be so obsessed with it. He really looked down on him and disdained him.


He cursed and didn't even want to look at it.


Even Bu Jingyun, who seldom speaks, is ridiculed by the side.

You must know that a man has gold under his knees, let alone a person who walks the rivers and lakes, the word dignity should be regarded as more important than life.

To actually kneel down to others for a set of tricks, a gentleman is not ashamed!


At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded, quite harsh.

Looking in the direction of the exit, it was a middle-aged woman coming in style, wearing a veil, and it was not clear what face it was.


According to Lin Pingzhi's experience, she can be considered a beautiful woman, she should be Mrs. Ao.

Madam Ao was very disappointed, she came to Sword Demon angrily, went straight up and gave him a slap, and then punched and kicked again.

While teaching me a lesson, he said: "You spineless guy, why is my old lady talking to you?

With your appearance, who cares about you!Stand up quickly and kill those guys! "


The sword demon actually pretended to cry, seeing that this was too different from before, it seemed that he really liked Mrs. Ao.

He said aggrievedly: "Ma'am, you don't know that I am obsessed with Dugu Qiubai. Now I finally have the opportunity to learn his old man's sword skills. How could I let this opportunity go?"


Mrs. Ao took a deep breath, and continued to scold: "You have no dignity, you are really a two hundred and five!

This is your territory, you kill other people first, then tie him up, threaten him, and threaten with your life!

I can't believe he won't teach you!

If you are still not at ease, go to Fuwei Escort and kidnap some of his women, those are his weaknesses, Lin Pingzhi will definitely obey! "


The Sword Demon slapped the back of his head, "Why didn't I think of that?"

"Because you are stupid!"

Mrs. Ao cursed loudly. Although she couldn't see her face clearly, one could imagine that she must have an expression of disdain for herself.

The Sword Demon sneered and stood up, but seeing Lin Pingzhi's face was extremely indifferent.

"Hey, Mr. Mingyue, it seems that my wife is right, you are indeed afraid of this."

The Sword Demon was still giggling, not knowing who he had provoked.

What Mrs. Ao said was right, those women were indeed Lin Pingzhi's weakness, in that case, they couldn't be allowed to succeed.

Now, he is very eager to kill.

If you dare to move your woman's mind, there is only one end.


"Just right."

Mrs. Ao continued: "After learning the Dugu Nine Swords, I just handed it over to Aotian. He has a peerless sword, and with the Dugu Nine Swords, he will definitely be invincible in the world!

At that time, Baijian Villa will become famous. "


Upon hearing this, Lin Pingzhi couldn't help but sneered, and said, "I'm really sorry, I'm afraid your wish will come to nothing."

"rest assured."

The Sword Demon would misunderstand, and said: "I have plenty of ways to force you to hand over your tricks! You don't have to worry about the old man."

"I mean, you can't teach him anymore."

Lin Pingzhi explained: "Because I cut off his head on the way here."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Ao's expression changed, no wonder Aotian hadn't come back yet, and there was an ominous premonition in her heart.


He didn't immediately believe the other party's words: "Nonsense, it's impossible."


Bu Jingyun sneered and took out a letter from his bosom.

That's exactly what I found from Aotian, it was an invitation letter, inviting Bu Jingyun to pay homage to Jianshanzhuang.

Bu Jingyun threw it out and said: "Although it can only prove that we met him halfway, you believe it or not is up to you."


Mrs. Ao's face changed greatly, thinking that her son must have had an accident, otherwise there would be no news.

"Could it be..."

She became more and more afraid, afraid that this matter was true.

"Don't doubt it, that kid has indeed been killed by me."

Lin Pingzhi was slightly proud: "When he died, he was still threatening me, thinking that I would not dare to kill him.

Just a joke, just worshiping the young master of Jianshan Villa, what is there to be afraid of, my son?

If he had been more sensible, perhaps I would have shown mercy.

It's a pity, with an arrogant attitude, it's hard not to kill him, and he doesn't have any vision. "

"Kill him, kill him!"

Mrs. Ao became agitated, pointed at Lin Pingzhi, and ordered the sword demon to go up and kill people, to avenge her son.

The sword demon was entangled, but he also knew that Mrs. Ao would not listen to it at this time, thinking of tying up Lin Pingzhi first.

Then think about the long term.


Rush forward and continue the previous duel.


He always underestimated Lin Pingzhi. He didn't know that he was not an opponent at all, and the gap was in the realm.


Lin Pingzhi sneered, rushed forward, and continued to perform the broken sword style in Dugu Nine Swords, to make him die convincingly without any complaints.

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