Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1191 Qualifications to go up the mountain


This sentence was within Lin Pingzhi's expectation, but it shocked Nie Feng who was next to him, feeling that he had been discovered, as if he had been exposed.

"It seems that Xiongba has already begun to doubt me."

Nie Feng frowned.

Lin Pingzhi didn't care about these things, and said: "It seems that I really want to go to the Tianxiahui, and I have to go to the dragon's lake and the tiger's den."

"Master Mingyue, don't worry."

Nie Feng next to him said: "This incident was caused by me, I will definitely protect the safety of you and senior.

I think Xiongba probably doesn't intend to break skin with me now, and I can still help secretly. "


Lin Pingzhi nodded.

after that.

Everyone started to go to the Tianxiahui, and it didn't take long before they came to the gate of the Tianxiahui.

In front of you is a long ladder to the sky, and the headquarters of the Tianxiahui is halfway up the mountain.

Looking up at this moment, it turned out to be so majestic. It seems that the TV series are still too conservative.

Lin Pingzhi had a little joke in his heart, and suddenly, a group of people surrounded him.

These are people from the world.

The disciples of the Tianxiahui all wore headscarves, and some showed their chests and backs. They were really bold and unrestrained, a little different from other gangs.

"Ha ha ha ha."

Followed by.

At the top of the ladder, a majestic voice sounded instantly.

Look up.

I saw a domineering middle-aged man sitting at the top with a peerless beauty in his arms.

That woman, even though she is already a middle-aged woman, still has a frown and a smile, which is still captivating.

It turns out that beautiful women don't have to be young.

Presumably that should be Nie Feng's mother.

Lin Pingzhi recognized those two people, and the clown-like person next to him was Wen Chouchou.


Xiongba smiled loudly, he was already prepared for Lin Pingzhi's arrival.

"It is really an honor for Mr. Xiong to come to our world-famous Master Mingyue as a guest."

Xiongba got up to welcome him, stepped on his feet, and the whole person flew up, but in the blink of an eye, he came to the bottom of the ladder, and came in front of Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi wasn't panicked at all, the middle-aged man in front of him was at least a tyrant, so it's not surprising to have such strength.

Lin Pingzhi smiled and said: "The leader of the Xiong clan is really over-reputed, but I am finally able to see the leader of the clan today, Kamikaze. I am really lucky."


The flattering Xiong Ba was very comfortable, and he was very proud from the beginning to the end.

after all.

Now have this strength.

He laughed and said: "Young Master Mingyue really knows how to be a man, no wonder he has such a good reputation in the world."


Xiong Ba continued: "It's not in vain, I greet you personally, please take a seat, I appreciate young heroes the most."

Say it.

Once again, he stepped down a little, and the whole person turned into an afterimage, but in the blink of an eye, he returned to the top of the ladder.

He continued to sit there with a playful expression on his face, as if looking forward to it.

next moment.

Following Xiongba's snap of his fingers, those Tianxiahui disciples who were located around the ladder drew their swords instantly.

Everyone blocked the ladder and stood there stiffly.

It seems to have the meaning of blocking customers.

Nie Feng frowned, knowing that this was what Xiong Ba wanted to test, so he couldn't help feeling a little angry.

He said: "Master, this Young Master Mingyue is my good friend, don't lose your courtesy.


Mr. Mingyue has such a great reputation in Jianghu, we don't want to offend him. "


Xiong Ba's face turned stern, and he immediately became dignified, saying: "Feng'er, are you questioning your teacher?"


Lin Pingzhi smiled, helped to smooth things over, and said, "Master Nie, such a trivial matter is not difficult for me."


Lin Pingzhi tapped the foot of his head, and immediately performed the light kung fu of staying fragrant in the dark night, and his whole person became elegant and unrestrained.

In the blink of an eye, he also arrived at the top of the ladder, looking quite free and easy.

The movement is so light, and everyone admires it.


Jellyfish Yinji also performed lightness kung fu, she was not as elegant as Lin Pingzhi and Xiongba, but, after all, she was a master of transformation, so naturally she would not be too bad, and she would not appear to be very strenuous.

"it is good!"

Xiongba praised it, and immediately ordered Wen Chouchou next to him: "Set up wine and banquet immediately, I want to entertain Young Master Mingyue and others well."


Wen Chouchou went to make arrangements immediately.

With a big wave of Xiongba's hand, all those people retreated, there was no need to continue to test.

Turning around, he looked at Lin Pingzhi with unpredictable eyes: "Young Master Mingyue, don't take offense.

Those who can enter our door in the world cannot be mediocre. "


Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly: "The world will develop rapidly in recent years, and it is already a strong contender for the world's largest gang.

Of course mediocre people are not qualified to come up. "

"it is good!"

Xiong Ba said bluntly: "Master Mingyue has a big heart, I really admire him, please, go inside and drink tea."


People go in.

And this time.

Lin Pingzhi noticed Yan Ying next to him, and seemed to look at him from time to time.

He wanted to find an opportunity to stare at the past, just to meet the other person's eyes and stare together.

As for Yan Ying, she actually smiled shyly, but without the coercion of those little girls, she actually stared straight at her.


Make your intentions obvious and don't feel ashamed.

This woman, is she fancying herself?

Lin Pingzhi was a little surprised, but thought to himself, it was indeed Yan Ying's style.

There is a saying that.

A man who has never been slept by Yan Ying can't be called a hero, which shows how coquettish this woman is.


It's a bit courageous, Xiongba is still by his side.


Several people came to a majestic hall, as luxurious as a palace.

throughout the process.

Neither Lin Pingzhi nor Xiongba mentioned anything about Miao Renfeng.

They all seem to be tacit, and they all feel that it's not the right time.

After drinking tea, Wen Chouchou over there prepared a banquet again.

Lin Pingzhi's people ate another feast, and only after that did they really get down to business.

"The gang leader."

Lin Pingzhi said: "My father-in-law, Miao Renfeng, seems to have been taken away by people from Tianxiahui.

I don't know if the boss can let him go. "


Xiong Ba smiled, thinking that you finally hit the point, and finally couldn't hold back.

He said: "What did Young Master Mingyue say?

How dare I catch someone like Miao Daxia?

It's just that I admire his reputation, so I invite him to be a guest at the Tianxiahui, I have no other ideas.

It's just that Xiong was too enthusiastic and took him around all over the world, maybe he was tired, and he was still resting today and didn't get up. "

"is it?"

Lin Pingzhi kept smiling.

But who would believe such nonsense?

Obviously polite words.

Even if he was caught, it seemed that the old man in front of him didn't intend to let Miao Renfeng go easily.

Maybe I want to use him to do some articles.

For example, to blackmail yourself.

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