Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1168 The Truth 1

After listening to Lin Pingzhi's words.

Nie Feng obviously hesitated, and looked up at Lin Pingzhi again, as if he wanted to cooperate.

This time the master's order was absolute, and he didn't want to be unable to complete it.

As they grow older, the master's requirements become more and more stringent.

Sometimes mistakes are not even allowed.

Nie Feng knew that this was a kind of training for them, so he would not have any doubts.

Every task strives to be perfect.

No exception this time.

But I carefully calculated it in my heart.

He still felt that trusting someone he had just met was not a sane decision.

Although the other party has long been famous all over the world, he should still have a heart of defense. Human nature cannot stand the test.


Nie Feng still clasped his fists with a smile and said, "Thank you, Mr. Mingyue, for your kindness, but I still decided to go it alone.

If there is a chance, we will cooperate again next time. "


Lin Pingzhi took a deep breath.

In the original book, Nie Feng should be a better talker.

Why are you so cautious after coming here?


In this case, there is only sowing dissension.

With his eyes, he hinted at Vice Hall Master Song next to him, saying that some words can only be said in front of Nie Feng, and it is inconvenient for others to hear them.

Nie Feng ignored it, and said, "I don't have any doubts about employing people, and I don't need to doubt people.

Since you chose to trust him, you should naturally treat him like a confidant.

Young Master Mingyue, if you have anything to say to me, you can naturally tell him. "

"Okay, what a Nie Feng."

Lin Pingzhi smiled lightly, sometimes he really admired the other party's courage.


Then only two people will tell, but the following content will be very shocking, and I don't know if they can accept it.

Anyway, be prepared to be beaten.

Lin Pingzhi suddenly sat cross-legged and said, "What I'm going to talk about next may be a little long.

You two, let's find a place to sit down and chat. "

With a shake of Nie Fan's body, he came to a nearby tree and sat there to listen.

The other stood still.

Lin Pingzhi smiled and said: "Master Nie is really good at lightness kung fu, your Fengshen legs should have been practiced to a state of perfection.

It seems that the old man Xiongba didn't hold anything back from you, he probably passed on the essence to you. "

He heard the other party call Xiongba's name directly.

Deputy Hall Master Song refused to agree, and said: "Boy, you dare to call our sect master by his first name, do you want to die?"

"What did Hall Master Nie say?"

Lin Pingzhi didn't pay attention to the other's reaction. He cared more about what Nie Feng thought, because it directly determined the development of the next story.

Nie Feng, who had a friendly face just now, was a little more serious now, and said: "Young Master Mingyue, it's better to show some respect.

To me, he is both a teacher and a father, the most important person in my life. "


Sure enough, as Lin Pingzhi expected, he looked up to the sky and laughed, feeling very ridiculous, "The most important person in life, Nie Feng, Nie Feng, you are being played around by others, and you don't even know it."

Upon hearing this.

Both Nie Feng and Vice Hall Master Song were a little dissatisfied.

The meaning in the words is, is Xiongba a hateful person?

How can two people bear this?

"Master Mingyue, please respect yourself."

Nie Feng said with a cold face, "He is a highly respected sect leader, and I grew up to this day under his protection.

Do you know how many homeless children are taken in in Tianxiahui?

I'm afraid you can't count them all. "

"It is true that there are a lot of children there, but are they really homeless and taken in?"

There is something in Lin Pingzhi's words.

The tone is even more intriguing.

Nie Feng frowned, and asked, "Young Master Mingyue, why did you say that? It feels like you know something inside."

"Master, stop talking nonsense with this guy!"

Vice Hall Master Song said: "He's here to sow discord, can we fall into his tricks?"

Nie Feng waved his hand and said, "The relationship between Master and I is naturally impossible to be shaken by a few words from others.


I really want to hear what Young Master Mingyue wants to say.

Isn't it just a simple distance meter? "


Lin Pingzhi sneered, the temperature in the night was a little low, he actually shivered.

It seems.

Autumn has really come.


Heaving a sigh of relief, Lin Pingzhi finally revealed the answer to the mystery, and said, "Master Nie, others don't know how those children got here, but I do.

For example, you were accepted to the Tianxiahui in that way. "

"Young Master Mingyue, don't continue to play tricks."

Nie Feng said: "Or are you just trying to stall for time, waiting for people from Wushuang City to come and arrest us?"

"Master Nie is really thoughtful, and he can consider such non-existent things."

Lin Pingzhi cupped his hands in admiration, and then said: "Master Nie, do you know the fortune-telling clay bodhisattvas in the world?"

"of course."

Nie Feng said: "Some time ago, the master ordered us three brothers to bring back the clay bodhisattva.

Currently, he is still a guest in Tianxiahui. "

"That should be soon."

Lin Pingzhi smiled slightly, it really came at the right time.

Nie Feng was a little confused and asked what was going on.

Lin Pingzhi replied: "Since you are in Tianxiahui, have you ever heard the saying that gold-scale-is-is-chi-zhong-things change when encountering wind and cloud?"

"of course."

Nie Feng said: "This is the result of the divination by the clay bodhisattva many years ago, and the master also developed and strengthened the world according to this sentence."


Lin Pingzhi said: "It is precisely because of this sentence that there are so many orphans in Tianxiahui.

The meaning of the words is that if your master Xiongba wants to truly grow into a dragon, he needs someone with wind and cloud in his name to assist you.

Naturally it is you and your senior brother Bu Jingyun. "

Nie Feng frowned.

He somewhat figured out the meaning of the words.

In addition, occasionally someone in the gang will mention it.

It is not unusual to know these.

But he doesn't understand why the other party understands so clearly, and what's more, what does this have to do with his appearance in the world?

Lin Pingzhi shook his head and said: "Although you are thoughtful, you are too pure, but you will not consider any conjectures that are not conducive to Xiongba.

It's normal not to be able to guess. "

Lin Pingzhi sighed, and stopped playing tricks, and said: "It is precisely because of this comment from the Ni Bodhisattva that Xiong Ba went on a rampage in the rivers and lakes, looking for children with wind and clouds in their names.

This is the truth that the world will adopt orphans. In fact, those orphans are all created by Xiong Ba! "


Nie Feng couldn't bear it anymore, stood up abruptly, and said viciously: "The image of Mr. Mingyue is really shocking.

If you dare to insult my master again, even if I can't beat you, I will fight you to the death! "

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