
Xu Zhu couldn't understand a little bit, he continued to touch his head, still in the same manner that he didn't know what to ask.

Lin Pingzhi explained: "That is to say, a master should look like a master.

Look at you now, you are still as innocent as before, this image is not good. "


Xu Zhu reacted immediately, put down his hand, then straightened his chest and raised his chin.

Finally, it looks a bit like it.

However, this kind of deliberate element is in it, it really seems a bit awkward.

Let him adjust the latter by himself, and Lin Pingzhi won't say much.

Just after they went down the mountain.

When I came to the tea stand where I drank tea before, I found that Wang Yuyan and the others hadn't left yet.

Obviously waiting for someone.

Although Xu Zhu is a simple person, he has a little understanding of the relationship between men and women.

Seeing someone waiting for Lin Pingzhi, he said his goodbyes tactfully: "Amitabha, I'm leaving, my monk, benefactor, we are destined to meet again."

"it is good."

Lin Pingzhi smiled.

At this time, Xiao Longnv said with a little jealousy: "He is waiting here, don't you have to go up and reward him?"

Hear the word reward.

Lin Pingzhi had an evil thought.

He shook his head vigorously, washing away those evil thoughts.

After all, what I have to face is Sister Immortal.

There must be a sense of ceremony.

He smiled at Xiaolongnv and the others, indicating his purpose, and then walked towards the tea stand.

At this time.

Bao BuTong and Feng BoE noticed Lin Pingzhi and began to tease Wang Yuyan.

Wang Yuyan was a little shy, and said: "If you continue to behave like this, people will ignore you."


Who knew that the two of them laughed even louder, thinking that if the young master was there, they would probably hand her over to each other with confidence.

"Miss Wang."

Lin Pingzhi came over and glanced at the two people beside him.

Those two people were also very knowledgeable, and said: "We suddenly found that there is still something to do, you two talk slowly."


Bao BuTong pulled Lin Pingzhi aside again, maybe on a temporary basis, and whispered:

"Master Mingyue, we have entrusted the young lady to you, and hope that Mr. Mingyue will treat you kindly."


Lin Pingzhi didn't expect this to happen.

This is for yourself?

It's a little imprecise.

Bao BuTong said: "To tell you the truth, Master Yue entrusted us with a dream, which means that Master Yue is a good match for Miss.

And we see that Miss does have some thoughts for you, Mr. Mingyue, and Mr. Mingyue is also very concerned about our young lady.

You two are a match made in heaven. "

"is it?"

Lin Pingzhi was very surprised.

I don't know if the other party is talking nonsense about the dream.

If this is the case, then Murong Fu is really grateful to you.

I took your dog's life, but you actually helped me make this marriage happen.

What a kind man.


Lin Pingzhi couldn't believe it.

Bao BuTong patted his chest: "How can this kind of thing be fake? Do we still take Miss's innocence as a bet?"


Lin Pingzhi nodded.


These two people are still very loyal to the Murong family.

Absolutely will not do anything that breaks promises.

"All right!"

Seeing that Lin Pingzhi agreed, Bao Budong yelled loudly: "We should leave too, and we have to fulfill the last wish of Young Master."


Just leave with the turmoil.

But Wang Yuyan was left in place.

"Miss Wang."

Lin Pingzhi came to the tea stand and said, "Why don't you come back to the Escort Bureau with me, there are many sisters there."

Wang Yuyan nodded, a little shy.


Miss Wang still knows about the entrustment.

Right now I don't know where to put my hands.

far away.

Watching this scene, Duan Yu felt a little uncomfortable.


For the happiness of the one I love, I can only bear the pain and give up.

And he felt it too.

Mr. Mingyue is worth entrusting, he is much more reliable than himself.

So I can only bless you.

that's it.

Lin Pingzhi took Wang Yuyan on the road together.

This time he came to Dali Cangshan, although he did not inherit Wuyazi's inheritance, but for Lin Pingzhi he made too much money.

This is Miss Wang next to her.

"Miss Wang, how old are you this year?"

The little dragon girl greeted warmly.

She didn't regard Wang Yuyan as an outsider.

after all.

We will be a family in the future, and now we have to be familiar with each other.

Wang Yuyan said softly, "The little girl is nineteen this year."

"Okay, it's the time of youth."

Xiao Longnu teased: "Now is the time for a flower, but don't plant it on a lump of cow dung."

Lin Pingzhi heard the last black line on his face.

I wonder if you ever said that about your husband?

I am no cow dung, I am simply a yak!

"Miss Long really knows how to joke."

Wang Yuyan knew what this sentence implied, she lowered her head shyly, and blushed instantly.

The appearance of this little girl really made Xiao Longnv and the others laugh foolishly when they saw it, thinking that they were like this before.

But later, after being slept by a certain beast, she seldom showed such a shy look.

It's kind of nostalgic to say the least.

Now that I have come to Dali.

Then of course go to the royal family of Dali to have a look.

On the way, they went to the Dali Palace and greeted Duan Yu.

After all, they are sworn brothers, so they came here all the way, how can they pass by without visiting?

Lin Pingzhi and others stayed here for a few days.


He has always been in an ambiguous relationship with Wang Yuyan.

But didn't cross that line.

At any rate, he knew that Duan Yu had Wang Yuyan in his heart, and Lin Pingzhi was a knife to Duan Yu's chest.

Finally set foot on the return journey.

After half a month.

They returned to Fuwei Escort.

The Escort is still the same Escort, there is no difference.

Really want to talk.

That is, the business is broader.

After returning to the Escort, Lin Pingzhi asked Wang Yuyan to tidy up an independent courtyard.

There is no sex between men and women yet, and some things still need to keep a certain distance.

of course.

Prey that has not been caught is often the most attractive.

Lin Pingzhi would come to Wang Yuyan's courtyard every night for a chat, and then he wanted to do something.

It's just that Wang Yuyan is very shy.

Or rather nervous, pushing Lin Pingzhi away every time.

But in fact.

She wanted it too, but couldn't muster up the courage.

This matter still gave Lin Pingzhi a headache. Obviously, the meat had already been brought to his mouth, but he couldn't bite it.


Lin Pingzhi felt a little troubled in his heart, but he had to proceed step by step.

Wang Yuyan was a different type, and he hoped that he could justly sleep with her.

This seems to have a more sense of conquest, rather than making the other party surrender in a rough way.

That would be too boring.

During the quiet period of time, the rivers and lakes were naturally not idle.

The legend about Xiaoyaozi naturally spread all over the rivers and lakes very quickly, and it was quickly spread.

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