Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1151 Ascension Legend


When Xu Zhu heard it, he was a bit surprised, but he congratulated: "The little monk congratulates Senior Wu Yazi first."


Wu Yazi said, "Congratulations for what?"

"Congratulations to the benefactor for letting go."

At this moment Xu Zhu spoke in the tone of a Buddhist, he didn't call him a senior, he said:

"The Buddha said, put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately."

Wu Yazi asked: "Isn't this what you said to those wicked people? Does the little benefactor think that I am a wicked person?"


Xu Zhu made a bow and said: "Put down the butcher's knife, it doesn't necessarily mean the wicked.

It can also refer to the mundane world, to human desires, to greed, hatred and ignorance, and so on.

The benefactor intends to flee far away, which means that he has put aside all fame and fortune, and all obsessions.

This is a good thing.

The monk thought that the life of the donor must be carefree.

So congratulations. "

"it is good."

Wu Yazi said hello very relieved, and said: "Although the little benefactor is young, he has deep morality.

Your understanding of Buddhism is not shallow, and you are indeed a rare talent. "


He didn't even ask for the other party's consent, and forcibly brought him into the cave where he was practicing.

Then start teaching the exercises.

Xu Zhu didn't resist at all, he had agreed to him before, now, he just left and returned.

after all.

He still has desires.

Although I understand the truths I just said.


Not necessarily to that extent.

Xu Zhu is still very young.

If he really wants to reach Wu Yazi's level, I'm afraid he has a long way to go.

He himself understood this truth.

Buddhism pays attention to the purity of the six senses, but if you don't really experience it, you don't experience all your desires.

What about cleanliness?

If you want to be extraordinary, you must first be a layman, otherwise how can you be refined?

Under the cave.

Xiaoyaozi looked at his two female apprentices and said, "He has put down everything, how about you?"

Li Qiushui and Tianshan Child Elder glanced at each other and said with a smile: "Of course we will continue to follow in Master's footsteps."


Xiaoyaozi didn't believe this, and joked there like a peer: "Don't think that the teacher doesn't know what you are thinking."


The two women were actually a little shy: "We will follow the senior brother (junior brother) in the future, and we will never pay attention to the affairs of the world."

"it is good."

Xiaoyaozi was very satisfied, and nodded: "When I founded the Xiaoyao School, the ultimate goal was this.

You can understand the word "Xiaoyao", you are worthy of being my disciples. "

turn around.

He looked at Su Xinghe, his disciple and grandson again, and said: "From now on, the Xiaoyao Sect will be handed over to you."

"Yes, Master."

Su Xinghe replied excitedly.

What an honor it is for the Patriarch to speak to himself in person, and of course he has to fulfill this mission.

"All right."

After everything was arranged, Xiaoyaozi finally felt relieved.

Finally, he was in the mood to take care of things outside of his sect.

I didn't let Lin Pingzhi leave just now, I just wanted to say something to him.

At this time, he turned around, looked at the transparent young man, and said, "Young Master Mingyue."

"May I ask what orders Senior Xiaoyaozi have?"

Lin Pingzhi cupped his fists.

"It's nothing, it's just that I haven't talked to anyone for a long time, and I want to chat with someone."

What Xiaoyaozi said surprised everyone present.

I thought he had taken a fancy to Lin Pingzhi's talent and wanted to accept him as a disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect.

Turns out you just want to chat?


Lin Pingzhi readily agreed: "Chatting with the seniors will benefit the juniors a lot, so it's natural to wish for it."

"it is good."

Xiaoyaozi was very satisfied with Lin Pingzhi's reaction, and said: "Generally speaking, ordinary people will be surprised because they don't believe that I'm just chatting.

Furthermore, people with a little depth will think that I am speaking modestly, but I actually want to give some pointers.

But people who think like you are really rare, they just want to chat.

Well, if you are a member of the Taoist school, it is really possible to transform the Three Purities in one breath. "

"Senior, what is one breath and three cleanses?"

Lin Pingzhi asked.

Others also raised their ears to listen, this is an area they can't reach.

"It's nothing."

As a result, Xiaoyaozi said: "When you reach that level, you will naturally understand that what I say now is useless."


Lin Pingzhi was slightly disappointed, and then took the initiative to ask: "Then senior, I wonder if this junior can know your current state?"

"Seek defeat."

Xiaoyaozi's answer seemed a little hesitant.

He didn't know if he was in this realm.


All the people present were surprised.

That kind of realm almost only exists in legends.

Now I finally see myself.

At least, those present couldn't think of anyone else in today's martial arts world who has reached this level.


That is to say, only Zhang Sanfeng of the Wudang faction is qualified to talk about it, and the others are not possible at all.

"Don't be surprised."

Xiaoyaozi saw their surprise, and said: "I can feel that I am not the only one seeking defeat in the Jianghu.

That Baishang Taoist has good qualifications, and if he is given another 20 years, he can also reach the realm of seeking defeat. "

Speaking of this.

Everyone feels sorry.

That being the case, why didn't he just kill him?


Lin Pingzhi didn't dwell on this question, but looked at Xiaoyaozi curiously, and said, "You seemed a little hesitant when you answered the question just now.

Don't you really seek defeat? "

"That's it."

Xiaoyaozi said: "Now I have stepped out of this realm with half a foot and reached the next realm.

So it's half a fight. "

Hear this.

Even Lin Pingzhi couldn't help being surprised.

Li Qiushui and the others were even more tongue-tied. People like them who have been famous for a long time in the world have never heard of other realms beyond seeking defeat.

Everyone's eyes widened, their eyes were clearly full of curiosity, and they wanted Xiaoyaozi to explain.

Xiaoyaozi stroked his beard and said, "Land God."

After a pause, he continued: "At this level, you can already sense the power of heaven and earth.

But there is no way to ascend.

Therefore, they are called land gods, and they can only be gods on land. "

Everyone couldn't be calm for a long time.

I also thought of the kind of genuine energy that Xiaoyaozi showed just now, which is indeed different from ordinary people.

It turned out that it was already in the realm of immortals.

Really shocking.

and many more.

Could it be that there is really a legend of ascension?

It is recorded in the ancient books of Taoism that when martial arts reach its peak, it is a legend of ascension.

At that time, you can use the power of heaven and earth to open the gate of heaven, soar into the fairy world, achieve true immortality, and become a fairy.

Everyone thought it was just a legend, or that it was just a hypothesis.

Is there really such a saying?

The appearance of Xiaoyaozi undoubtedly opened the door to this imaginary and made it real.

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