Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1143 Xu Zhu, It's You

"Little master Xu Zhu, are you ready to accept the old man's inheritance?"

Wu Yazi looks at Xu Zhu.

At this time.

Su Xinghe next to him felt the need to recommend it, and said, "Master, I think that Mr. Mingyue is more suitable."


Wu Yazi also thought that Lin Pingzhi was excellent, and said: "But this little master is the one who cracks the chess game, I have to abide by my own rules.


Being able to solve the Zhenlong chess game shows that he and I are destined, and that he has certain qualifications. "

"No no no."

Xu Zhu refused again and again, said: "Actually, it was not me who solved the chess game, it was Young Master Mingyue who told me the steps through sound transmission.

He told me how to do it, and I solved the problem according to his meaning, but I didn't expect to actually solve it. "


Wu Yazi hurriedly asked, and it could be seen that there was some inexplicable excitement on his face.

And the people around heard all this and exclaimed even more.

To know.

Just now when Xu Zhu was solving the problem, Lin Pingzhi was fighting with Zhang Wuji.

Even in this situation, can you distract yourself and guide others?

To know.

Solving the Zhenlong chess game is very exhausting, you must concentrate on it, and you must count everything.

Everyone who knew the ending looked at Lin Pingzhi like a monster.

No wonder Zhang Wuji, who had been fighting Lin Pingzhi just now, could only be crushed unilaterally.

It turned out that Lin Pingzhi didn't pay attention at all just now.


Wu Yazi yelled "Hello", he also hoped that Lin Pingzhi could inherit his mantle, so this could be regarded as a very perfect ending.

the other side.

While absorbing Zhang Wuji's skill, Lin Pingzhi replied: "Thank you, Senior Wu Yazi, for your kindness.


I don't want to accept your inheritance. "


Hear what he has to say.

Everyone was in an uproar, everyone was shocked, everyone was very confused, and they all looked at each other in blank dismay.


They knew that Lin Pingzhi's strength was also terrifying.

But compared to senior Wu Yazi, he is much weaker, why not accept it?

Regardless of the strength of both parties, wouldn't it be good to learn more martial arts and inherit more internal strength?

Lin Pingzhi would actually refuse.

The more so, the more Wu Yazi appreciates it.

It is rare to be able to stick to one's own martial arts.

He said: "Master Mingyue, why doesn't he accept it?"

Lin Pingzhi smiled and said: "Because if I want to accept your words, I will definitely abolish all my own skills.

This is why I don't accept it. "

"Master Mingyue actually knows this."

Wu Yazi shook his head regretfully.

That being the case.

Then you can't force it.

It can only give up such a good talent.

After hearing such an answer, everyone understood the reason and began to understand Lin Pingzhi.

After all, I learned it hard.

It is really hard to let go of destroying the things given by others.

At this time.

Lin Pingzhi gave another suggestion, saying: "Senior Wu Yazi, I think that little monk Xu Zhu is not bad.

It seems that he is simple and transparent. After he has more experience in the world, he will naturally become outstanding.

It's really hard to find a clean martial arts practitioner like him. "


Wu Yazi also thought so, and nodded approvingly: "He looks stupid, but in fact, some skills are more suitable for him.

This is how the Xiaoyao faction works.

Those who are too smart and self-interested are not suitable for learning and will go crazy. "

Explaining, he looked at Xu Zhu again: "Little master, are you ready?"

"No no no."

Going around and falling on himself again.

Xu Zhu repeatedly evaded: "The junior is already a disciple of the youth sect, so he won't learn other sect's kung fu.

Otherwise, it is tantamount to betraying the teacher. "


At this time.

Master Fang Yuan stood up and said: "Thanks to Senior Wu Yazi's love, Xu Zhu, how dare you shirk it?

It doesn't matter whether you are a Shaolin disciple or a disciple of the Xiaoyao Sect, if you are too attached to your status, it is really a bit stupid. "

"Elder, I"

Xu Zhu didn't know what to do, he panicked all of a sudden.

He thought that the other party was going to drive him out of the division.

Master Fang Yuan continued: "Xu Zhu, this is your creation, it is a gift from Buddha to you.

Besides, even if you have inherited the skills of the Xiaoyao Sect, it doesn't mean you must have betrayed Shaolin.

In the future, if Shaolin encounters difficulties, you will have the ability to relieve Shaolin's worries.

When encountering injustice in the world in the future, you will be more able to overcome it with compassion, and you will be able to publicize the benevolence and righteousness of Buddhism.

Why not do it?

Or do you mean that after you finish your studies, you don’t care about Shaolin or the world? "

"No no no."

Xu Zhu explained again and again: "How can I ignore Shaolin.

Even if Shaolin Temple kicks me out, I will still care about Shaolin. "

"Amitabha, children can be taught."

Master Fang Yuan smiled and said, "Since that's the case, why are you hesitating?"


Xu Zhu hesitated a little, then he said: "Senior Wu Yazi, then I will be grateful for your love, Xu Zhu is willing to accept it.

Anyway, this bit of skill of mine is dispensable, and if it is abolished, it will be abolished, and it is not worth a pity at all. "

"it is good!"

Wu Yazi smiled happily, ready to teach the exercises.

And right now.

He suddenly felt a very unusual aura approaching in the distance.


Lin Pingzhi was absorbing Zhang Wuji's skills.

It's not long since he has practiced the Dafa of suction, so the speed is not very fast, and he has only sucked less than half of it up to now.


Already very good.

After all, this kid's internal energy is quite vigorous now, but it is quite nourishing.


Zhang Wuji gradually became painful.

That is at this time.


A terrifying aura suddenly swept from the sky, like a small tornado, and slapped directly towards Lin Pingzhi.

Lin Pingzhi suddenly felt bad.

He felt that this aura was very terrifying. If he was hit head-on, he would have to lie in bed for several months without dying.

So he quickly dodged and interrupted the power absorption.

And after that roll of breath forced Lin Pingzhi back, it became very gentle, rolling up Zhang Wuji and protecting him.


That breath actually has a nourishing effect, and it is gradually healing Zhang Wuji's internal injuries.

Such a method can be called a unique skill, it really amazed everyone, wondering whose handwriting it was?

Even Wu Yazi became dignified, he knew that it was not easy to come, and his skills might not be inferior to his own.

"Tsk tsk tsk, don't you feel ashamed for bullying one of my apprentices?"

An old and sinister voice sounded.


A figure floated from the sky, appearing in the center of the arena like a ghost, making everyone present unable to react in time.

His sudden appearance startled everyone.

And when he looked closely, he was even more startled.

The person who came was none other than the Baishang Taoist who disappeared before, the founder of Xuanming God's Palm!

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