Mistress, I am a real gentleman

Chapter 1106 Discovered

"So I still have to thank you?"

Su Xin's tone was not kind, and her expression was extremely indifferent.


Lin Pingzhi sighed, knowing that the other party was only temporarily angry.


He is also very fortunate.

Fortunately, this girl didn't know about Tianxiang cardamom.

Otherwise, with her ingenuity, she would definitely be able to analyze the reason for her use, and she would not necessarily be disgusted with herself.

He hugged Su Xin, and the latter did not resist.

Lin Pingzhi's guess was correct, and he said softly: "Believe me, I'm really worried that you won't be able to carry it.


We also need to be realistic.

I also want to avenge Cheng right and wrong, but that guy's strength is too terrifying. We are not opponents now, so we can only endure it.

But don't worry.

I have already mastered the indestructible magic of Vajra, as long as my realm rises, it will not be a problem to defeat him in the future.

At that time.

I will make him pay for his life! "

"So you tried?"

Su Xin asked.

"of course."

Lin Pingzhi replied in an affirmative tone: "When he attacks Cheng Zhengfei, I will naturally stop him.

But in the end nothing was done. "


But he didn't know that he had fallen into the opponent's routine.

When Su Xin heard this, she stared at Lin Pingzhi firmly again, and said, "So, the skins have been torn apart between you.

So why did you survive?Is it right or wrong?

What is the reason why Zhu ignored you and didn't attack you? "

Upon hearing this.

Lin Pingzhi's heart skipped a beat.

He was stopped by the girl in front of him again.

It's really impossible to guard against.

Surprised at the other party's strong logical ability at the same time.

His brain was also running at high speed, thinking of excuses.

After thinking about it without a trace, he slowly opened his mouth: "Naturally, I have caught some of his tricks, and it can be regarded as a show of loyalty.

after all.

The value of me and Haitang is still there.

I have the Fuwei Escort Agency, which is a good helper for him. Haitang is my wife, so I naturally try my best to protect it.


Speaking of which, there was actually a reason why Zhu Wushi insisted on killing Cheng Shifei.

The main reason was that Cheng Shifei didn't control his emotions at that time, and he wanted to avenge his father's death, so he was killed. "

"is it?"

Regarding Lin Pingzhi's words.

Su Xin didn't doubt it.

Or the point of focus is different.

She only heard that her son wanted to avenge the killing of his father, so he was killed.

Think about it this way.

Be more open-minded.


At last.

He lay down in Lin Pingzhi's arms and began to cry happily.

Lin Pingzhi heaved a sigh of relief, and finally fooled it, without revealing any flaws.

At the same time, she gently patted Su Xin's back with her hand to express comfort.

a long time.

It was quiet in the room.

Lin Pingzhi couldn't help asking: "How did you find out that we are different?"

Su Xin replied: "Isn't this simple? I still know Zhu Wushi's affection for me.

The first time I passed out, he didn't step forward to help me, so I knew something was wrong.

Coupled with the fact that I was so sad for being right and wrong later, it seemed unreasonable to others.

And he didn't ask, obviously he knew the relationship between us, so he wouldn't be surprised. "


Lin Pingzhi gave a thumbs up.

Sure enough, all women are detectives.

Through these small clues, it is actually possible to deduce the general situation of the matter.

Really smart.

"What's your plan next?"

Su Xin looked at Lin Pingzhi with a begging look in her eyes.

Obviously wanting him to help revenge.

Lin Pingzhi nodded affirmatively: "Don't worry, the guy I killed with my own hands will avenge you.

Of course, before I have absolute strength, I absolutely cannot act rashly.

So for now we can only bear with it.

When my strength reaches a certain level, when I am no longer afraid of him, I will naturally tear myself apart with him and send him to hell. "


Su Xin nodded seriously: "I believe in you, and I also hope that this day will come as soon as possible."


She said again: "Since you have torn your face, what are you going to do next? Are you still staying at Hulong Villa?"

"of course not."

Lin Pingzhi shook his head: "Staying here may be dangerous.

I'm definitely going back to my dart board next.

Speaking of which, it's been a while since I went back, and I don't know what's going on there.

I want to take you with me. "

"is it okay?"

Su Xin frowned: "Zhu Wushi will definitely not let me go."

"Don't worry, I have a solution."

Lin Pingzhi said seriously.

He was going to threaten.

Tianxiang cardamom has a great effect, it is simply a puppet frame for manipulating Zhu Wushi.

of course.

Everything still depends on the scale, you can't mess around.

"any idea?"

Su Xin looked at Lin Pingzhi with longing in her eyes.


She also wanted to leave with Lin Pingzhi, if she stayed by her enemy's side all day, she had to pretend to be indifferent, so it shouldn't be too tiring.


Lin Pingzhi just wanted to answer.

As a result, there was only a slap at the door, and the door of the room was kicked open in an instant.

Even the door panels flew in.


Then I heard Zhu Wushi's very angry voice.

"Lin Pingzhi, I didn't expect you to do such a thing! How can I tolerate you?"

Zhu Wushi rushed in angrily.

Obviously heard some of the previous words.

In other words, they learned about the ambiguous relationship between Lin Pingzhi and Su Xin.

I want to come here for an explanation.


Lin Pingzhi was taken aback at the time, thinking he had been discovered.

Still a bit careless, shouldn't have stayed for such a long time.


It is futile to think about these now, it is better to think about how to get out.

It's too late.

Zhu Wushi hurried to the boudoir, with the words Rising to the Sky already written on his face, and the veins on his forehead were throbbing.


Su Xin was startled, and quickly put Lin Pingzhi behind her.

She knew that the person in front of her would not hurt herself.

So unscrupulous.

Lin Pingzhi didn't resist, just make the best use of everything.

"Su Xin, get out of the way, I'm going to take his skin off!"

Zhu ignored watching his beloved woman plead for other men.

The heart is piercing pain.

He channeled all his anger on Lin Pingzhi, gritted his teeth and said, "I must have his body torn to pieces tonight, otherwise I won't be called Zhu Wushi!"

"do not want!"

Su Xin was in a hurry, she spread her hands to protect Lin Pingzhi.

She had never seen Zhu Wushi so angry.

"he and I"

Su Xin's business is weak, and she is making up reasons.

Lin Pingzhi answered immediately: "We have already had intercourse, and Su Xin is already pregnant with my baby."


This series of words was like a bolt from the blue.

He struck Zhu Wushi's head with precision.

Zhu ignored the numbness of his whole body and stood there blankly.

It really felt like being struck by lightning.

He remained motionless, opened his mouth slightly, with an expression of disbelief.

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