river or lake

Chapter 501 1 Road Follow

Through the dialogue between the two below, the three on top can probably confirm that the man below is Tian Shigui, the owner of the Chiton Villa, and now it seems that Tian Shigui is also a member of the Dark Wind League.What makes people wonder, and even a little confusing, is that if Ling Yani is controlled by others, it is impossible for her to be so familiar with the people of the Dark Wind League that they can talk here alone; but she is really familiar with the Dark Wind League, Then why is it controlled by people?

However, now is not the time to think about it, the three of them continued to listen quietly to the conversation of the two below.

"Recently, a group of girls came here. I need you to go and have a look and speak softly." Tian Shigui said.

"Let's go tomorrow morning, I'm a little tired." Ling Yani replied.

"I have something to do tomorrow, let's go and have a look tonight, it won't take long." Tian Shigui pleaded.

The change in Tian Shigui's attitude made Chen Feifei and the three confused for a while, and the relationship between the two was a bit confusing.

"Okay." Ling Yani nodded and said, "Then go now."

The two of them went out the door after they finished talking, the three above did not move, but waited for the two below to go out and walked about ten steps forward before setting off to follow.

"Brother, this Ling Yani, you really have to be careful." Xiao Mufeng said softly beside her.

"Don't fall for her beauty trick, brother." Zhang Xiaohua snickered.

Chen Feifan's mind was in a mess, he didn't know how to face Ling Yani in the future, seeing that the two brothers beside him cared about him, he nodded and replied: "Understood."

The two people in front walked forward quickly, walking higher and higher, and climbed up the mountain in a while. The three of them didn't know where they were going, so they had to follow carefully.

As they were walking, the two of them suddenly changed their route and turned right into a mountain path; among the three brothers, Zhang Xiaohua had the best lightness kung fu, so in order not to startle the snake, he was asked to follow closely first, and the other two Follow slowly.

Along this path, they walked further and further down, and then turned a corner. What appeared in front of the three of them was a cottage. The gate outside the cottage was guarded by four big men with knives, and the inside of the cottage was also brightly lit.

Ling Yani was dressed in green and walked in side by side with Tian Shigui. The four big men outside the door nodded and bowed to them with a very respectful attitude.

The inside and outside of the cottage were heavily guarded, and the three of them came to inquire about the news, but in the current situation, they could only enter by force, but it was not in line with their original intention, so they had to stop not far from the cottage.

The three hid in the dark, Zhang Xiaohua first asked softly: "What should we do now? The two of them went in."

"Wait. Just wait here." Chen Feifei replied.

About a meal time, Ling Yani came out alone, and the big man outside the door still respected her; the three of them saw it, and it seemed that Ling Yani was a member of the Dark Wind League, which was already an indisputable fact.

After coming out of the door, the three of them followed all the way to the Chitun Villa; when Ling Yani entered a room, the three of them still jumped to the roof, lifted the bricks and looked down, only to see that it was a guest room, and there was no room inside. Others, only Ling Yani is alone.

Seeing that the people below were about to take a bath and change clothes, Chen Feifei quickly grabbed the two brothers and jumped off the roof together, regardless of whether the other party was an enemy or a friend, peeping at others taking a bath is not what a gentleman does.

The three of them found a corner to hide again, and it was Zhang Xiaohua who asked, "Big Brother, Second Brother, what should we do now?"

Chen Feifan didn't speak, but Xiao Mufeng said: "Don't worry, Xiaohua, let's talk about our views first, and then make plans. Now it seems that the news that Brother Lin said is true, and the Dark Wind League is indeed here. It's just that there is no Come to think of it, this Chitun Villa is their territory."

"And that Ling Yani is also a member of the Dark Wind Alliance. Today can be regarded as a great harvest." Zhang Xiaohua said sideways.

Xiao Mufeng glanced at Chen Feifei, smiled, and continued, "I just don't know whether it is Ling Yani alone or the Ling family who is related to the Dark Wind League."

Zhang Xiaohua reminded: "In the conversation between the two just now, it seems that Ling Feng is in the hands of the leader. Ling Yani should be the only one who has contact with the Dark Wind League."

"What is the relationship between this Ling Yani and the Dark Wind Alliance? It's really confusing." Xiao Mufeng couldn't think of a reason.

Chen Feifei, who had been silent all this time, said at this time: "Don't even think about it, just rest here for a good night, and Mu Feng and I will stay here tomorrow to see if Ling Yani makes any moves. Xiaohua, your lightness kung fu is good, tomorrow Take the news here early in the morning and go to the Danyun Residence in Jingtian City, which is the closest to here, and then we will meet at Danyun Residence in Jingtian City."

Zhang Xiaohua glanced at the two of them, didn't say anything, just nodded.

Before dawn, Zhang Xiaohua went out over the wall, found the horse in the forest, and rode the horse straight to Shocking City.

The two people left behind could no longer jump to the roof to find out after dawn, they could only hide in the corner, watching the movement around them, and paying attention to the guest room where Ling Yani was sleeping.

Ling Yani didn't come out until the sun was high. During this period, only one maid entered her room carrying a plate, and walked out again within a quarter of an hour. No one else entered after that.

After coming out of the guest room, Ling Yani walked forward slowly, and the two immediately followed closely when they saw this, and she stopped when they reached the gate of the villa. At this time, someone led a horse and came to her side.

"Not good." Both of them exclaimed at the same time, from the looks of it, Ling Yani was going to go somewhere else on horseback, even if the two of them had light kung fu, they couldn't match the foot strength of a fast horse.

Fortunately, there is only one road from Jinghu to other places, so the two hurriedly left Chitun Villa to find their horse in the forest outside.

Naturally, they lost Ling Yani in this trip, but the two firmly believed that she would go somewhere else, so they chased carefully all the way forward; finally, after a stick of incense, they found her again about half a mile ahead, riding alone in the on the way.

"The number one beauty in the world is actually going on the road alone. Brother, don't you find it strange?" Xiao Mufeng asked.

"What's so strange?" Chen Feifei was puzzled. Every time he met her, he seemed to be alone.

Xiao Mufeng stretched out his hand and raised three fingers and said: "Such a beautiful woman is walking around the rivers and lakes without being escorted. I think there are three possibilities: [-]. Maybe she is a master and does not need protection from others; [-]. She is a member of the Dark Wind Alliance. I dare not touch her when I see her on the road; Third, someone secretly protects her."

After hearing this, Chen Feifei smiled and said, "First, she does know martial arts, and she is not weak; second, she may really be a member of the Dark Wind League; third, if someone secretly protects, we have to be careful."


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