river or lake

Chapter 419

In the elegant seat by the window on the third floor of the teahouse, there was a pot of tea and two cups. The two sat facing each other. Neither of them spoke. They drank tea quietly and watched the people coming and going on the street outside the window.

Apart from Chu Zihan, Ling Yani was the one who moved Chen Feifei's heart. Right now, Yiren was sitting opposite him. How could the scenery outside the window compare to the beauty sitting opposite him? He couldn't help but take a few more glances.

"Did you find Miss Jia later?" Ling Yani spoke first, then asked after a pause, "Where is Miss Chu now?"

Chen Feifei took a sip of the tea in the cup, moistened his throat, and then described in detail what happened to him and Chu Zihan after the three of them separated that day.

"I didn't expect Qian Xiaoyun to be such a hypocrite." Ling Yani seemed a little resentful.

"Qian Xiaoyun will have retribution sooner or later, but Jia Yanjia is suffering." Thinking of Qian Xiaoyun using this to blackmail Jia Fuqian, Chen Feifei felt a little troublesome, after all, Jia Fuqian was just such a precious daughter.The Jia family is a big family, and if Qian Xiaoyun really took advantage of it, then the Dark Wind League could use the Jia family's eyeliner and connections, and they would definitely be able to catch the righteous way of the martial arts by surprise.

"Then you haven't met Miss Chu since then?" Ling Yani looked at Chen Feifei and asked.

"No." Naturally, Chen Feifei would not tell Ling Yani about the scene when the two parted.

Ling Yani didn't speak this time, but picked up the teacup in front of her, but didn't drink it, and turned her head to look out the window.

Chen Feifan didn't know what Ling Yani was thinking at the moment, the atmosphere around her became quieter for a while, and he also looked out the window with her.After a while, he asked, "Yanni, how is the situation here?" After chatting for so long just now, it's time to talk about serious business.

"Same as usual." Ling Yani finally took a sip of the tea in her hand, "I heard that the Zhengtian Gang is gone." The Ling family is the richest man in Shocking City, and they were already inextricably linked with the Zhengtian Gang. Knowing this, Chen Feifei was not surprised at all.

"I've heard about it too." Chen Feifan nodded. Although the beauty in front of him moved his heart, he still didn't treat her as one of his own.If he didn't know that she and Qian Xiaoyun were childhood sweethearts, maybe he would have told the truth a long time ago, but now even though Ling Yani has drawn a clear line with the Qian family, he still has some concerns in his heart.

"Without the Zhengtian Gang, my father doesn't know much about other sects in Jianghu." Ling Yani stretched out her slender white hand like a green onion, tapped the table with her index finger and continued, "There should be members of the Dark Wind League in Shocking City." People are here, but there is not much movement here, as usual, there is no fighting or killing."

This time, it was Chen Feifei who was silent. He didn't know what the purpose of the Darkwind Alliance was. These few days in Shocking City, as Ling Yani said, the surroundings were harmonious.He also passed by the Dark Wind Escort in Shocking City a few times, but there was nothing unusual, and he still looked like an Escort.

But he had personally experienced the rebellion of the Zhengtian Gang and the collapse of the Hongyan Sect, and he has a deep understanding of the horror of the Dark Wind League.No one knows what the Dark Wind Alliance will do next. It is unknown how long this situation will last. If it continues like this, Chen Feifei is afraid that the righteous way of the world will not be able to hold on sooner or later.If there is no Fantian Valley and Forge Villa, then the righteous way is like a basin of loose sand, even if it can be condensed again, it is just an ant, how can it shake an elephant like the Dark Wind League.In any case, in today's situation, the righteous way of the world is more ominous than good, and if you want to reverse the situation, you must unite to overcome the difficulties in front of you.

Seeing Chen Feifei looking out the window thoughtfully, Ling Yani was also well-behaved, also kept silent, quietly drinking tea with him.

After a long time, Chen Feifei came back to his senses, seeing Ling Yani looking at him at the moment, his heart felt hot, and he smiled slightly: "Yani."

Ling Yani responded softly, put the tea cup in her hand on the table, and looked up at him.The two looked at each other, looking at each other's clear eyes, Chen Feifei's heart jumped several times, he leaned back slightly, smiled and shook his head: "It seems that you can't help me with this matter." busy."

"Brother Fei Fei, you don't even say anything, how do you know that Yani can't help?" Ling Yani also leaned back in the chair.

Chen Feifei was impulsive just now, and only thought of asking Ling Yani for help, but now that Zuo Tian used to be a member of the Dark Wind League, and that old man might also be a member of the Dark Wind League, he felt a little awkward.But now that Ling Yani said this, he had no choice but to answer, so he thought for a while, drank the tea in the cup, and then filled himself up again, and then said: "I want to find someone who was favored by a friend. Trust, said that his master is in this shocking city."

"Entrusted by Miss Chu?" Ling Yani picked up the teapot and filled it up for herself while talking.

"No." Chen Feifei waved his hand and said, "A friend asked me to help him find someone if I come to Shocking City."

Ling Yani giggled and said, "I'm afraid Brother Fei Fei came here for this purpose."

The beauty in front of him was so smart, Chen Feifan could only smile awkwardly: "It's just one of them, it's not a big deal if you can't find it."

"It's simple. Brother Fei Fei." Ling Yani patted herself on the chest and said, "In Shocking City, there is no one Yani can't find."

Chen Feifei hesitated for a moment, then took out the picture from his pocket and put it on the table, "That friend gave me this picture back then, saying that I could find him by clicking on it."

Ling Yani stared at the picture for a while, then called the shop waiter, asked for paper and pens, and drew the picture.After that, he said to Chen Feifei: "Wait here for me tomorrow evening, and I will definitely give you news."

Seeing that Ling Yani was confident, Chen Feifei was naturally happy. He had no news for four days, and he was deeply disappointed; now that someone came out to help him, even if the result was not satisfactory, he could feel relieved.

"Then I'll thank you in advance." Chen Feifei raised his teacup and said, "Come on, Yani, I'll offer you a glass of tea instead of wine."

Ling Yani pursed her lips and smiled, glanced at him, and picked up the teacup in front of her.Seeing the eyes of the beautiful woman on the opposite side, and the jade hand raised lightly, Chen Feifei's heart was already fluctuating. This is really replacing wine with tea, and he is drunk before drinking tea.

The two teacups touched lightly, and the two drank it down at the same time. Then, Chen Feifei picked up the teapot at the side and filled both teacups.

This sitting lasted an entire afternoon, and the two of them went downstairs when night fell and the lights of the Wanjia were lit.After leaving the teahouse and parting with Ling Yani, Chen Feifei had nothing to do, so he wandered around the city, waiting for Ling Yani's news tomorrow.


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