river or lake

Chapter 416

The middle-aged man sitting on the big mahogany chair in the middle was Shen Chujie. When he saw Chen Feifei, he hurriedly greeted him with a smile, "Fanhua, it's been a hard journey. Come, sit down."

"Uncle Shen." Chen Feifei saluted and sat down nearby, while Shen Fei sat down opposite him.

"Haha. Fanfan, Uncle Shen is very happy that you can come this time." Shen Chujie smiled and said, "Your Uncle Yang will also come over later. Fangfang is out on business, and I'm afraid I won't be able to come back in a few days."

"Father, you also said that you never told him where the Yunlong Sword Sect is." Shen Fei gave him a blank look as she spoke.

"It's my fault, my fault." Shen Chujie laughed and said, "I was confused for a moment and forgot to tell you."

Just as Chen Feifei was about to speak, a person came from outside the door. Before the person came in, he heard the person call out: "Fairy." He turned his head and saw that the person outside the door was the Uncle Yang that Shen Chujie had just mentioned, Village Chief Yang.So, he hurriedly stood up, walked over and said with a smile, "Uncle Yang, long time no see."

"Yeah, it's really been a long time, Fanfan." Uncle Yang seemed a little excited.

I haven't seen him for a few years, but Village Chief Yang is still the same, while Chen Feifei has changed a lot, and his clothes are no longer the same as when he came out of the village.After a long absence, they were naturally extremely excited. The two stood face to face, looking at each other who hadn't seen each other for many years. In the end, Shen Fei stood up and greeted the two to take their seats.

"Uncle Yang, I went back to Sanhuan Village once. Uncle Li and the others said that you all moved away. I don't know where you went." Chen Feifei said as soon as he sat down, "Later, Uncle Shen told me that you are here. .”

Village Chief Yang sighed and said, "Yes, there are some things that I have to leave Sanhuan Village. Fei Fan, there are some things that Uncle Shen and I can't tell you yet, don't blame us, you will naturally will know."

Chen Feifan became interested when Village Chief Yang said this. He only knew that Village Chief Yang and Shen Chujie knew each other before, but he didn't know that they had something to do with him.But now that Village Chief Yang said so, it was inconvenient for him to ask again, so he nodded.

"I remember that you and Fangfang have a three-year agreement, and now the deadline is getting closer." Uncle Yang asked with a smile, "I wonder if it can be fulfilled?"

"Uncle Yang, I..." Chen Feifei seemed a little embarrassed. He only had brother-sister feelings for Yang Fangfang, but he knew Fangfang's feelings for him, but he didn't expect that after more than two years, Fangfang still had feelings for him. He didn't forget him, but he didn't want to hurt her.

Uncle Yang is a person who has experienced it. When he saw Chen Feifan's expression, he understood what was going on in his heart, and quickly waved his hands and said: "You can tell her something in person. That silly child has been thinking about you, and I can't help it. But, Feifan, Although your Uncle Yang likes you, he won't embarrass you, you can handle it yourself. But, let's get to the point, don't hurt Fangfang, I'm just such a precious daughter. "

Chen Feifan nodded quickly and said, "Uncle Yang, don't worry, I will explain to Fangfang."

"Okay. How long are you going to live here?" Uncle Yang asked.

Regarding this matter, Chen Feifei thought about it seriously, then raised three fingers and said, "Three days."

"Only three days?" Shen Chujie seemed a little disappointed by Chen Feifei's answer.

"He must have his own affairs to take care of." Uncle Yang seemed indifferent, "But, extraordinary, you Uncle Yang wants to talk about it. You must be careful when you go out. No matter what happens, Uncle Yang and Uncle Shen is here, if you need anything, just come to us."

"Yes." Chen Feifei nodded emphatically. He was grateful for the two seniors in front of him treating him like this.

It can be said that without these two people in front of him, there would be no Chen Feifei now; maybe without them, he would still be in the village, even if he had fully learned the handed down sword formula, he would be just a farmer with some martial arts skills; Without the experience of the past two years, perhaps he could only stay at the first step in the handed down sword art.

"Uncle Shen, what do you think about the Dark Wind Alliance?" Chen Feifei did not forget the purpose of this trip.

Shen Chujie was silent for a moment and said: "After the incident of peeking into the cave, a lot of things did happen. Therefore, my Yunlong Sword Sect also resumed its old business and opened the Yunlong Escort Bureau just to inquire about news from everywhere."

Hearing Shen Chujie's words, Chen Feifan was relieved a lot, and hurriedly told a general account of what happened to him after he peeped into the cave.

Shen Chujie knew about the other Jianghu affairs, but he didn't know about the Black Dragon Mountain. Hearing what Chen Feifei said, he and Uncle Yang were silent for a long time.

"What do you think?" Shen Chujie asked Uncle Yang, obviously he attached great importance to Uncle Yang's opinion.

Uncle Yang glanced at Chen Feifan, and then said to Shen Chujie: "We are still standing still, and you should know that this matter is not that simple."

"Yes." Shen Chujie nodded and said, "As long as they don't come to cause trouble, we really can't be impulsive."

"Uncle Shen, Uncle Yang, what do you mean?" Chen Feifei was a little puzzled by what the two said. In his eyes, Yunlong Swordsman Shen Chujie was not the kind of person who would be proud of nothing.

"Extraordinary." Uncle Yang replied, "This matter is far from as simple as you see. You, Uncle Shen, and I have considered this decision for a long time. Many. You, Uncle Yang, still say the same thing, and you will naturally know when the time comes."

"Fan Fei, don't get yourself too deep, or you and I, Uncle Yang, won't be able to save you." Shen Chujie also said.

Chen Feifei was confused by the two people's you and me, but they didn't say the reason, which made him even more confused, so he nodded in agreement with them.After all, these two people really cared about him, and he should be careful when walking in the rivers and lakes. He already had a plan in his heart at this time, and felt that this matter should not involve Danyun Villa.

Under Uncle Shen and Uncle Yang's repeated attempts to stay, Chen Feifei lived in Yunlongjian faction for four days. During these four days, he also met Zhang Chuming and Yan Bihai, but he did not see Yang Fangfang.

Leaving Yunlong Sword Sect and Wangya City, Chen Feifan rode Night Breeze all the way west. . . .


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