river or lake

Chapter 404 Unexpected

Such a move by Liu Shiheng and Jiang Qi will inevitably affect the overall situation. Maybe this is the result that the Dark Wind League wants to see, and it is also something in their plan.

Except for the Dark Wind League behind Liu Zheng and Jiang Zhicheng who stood still, the Dark Wind League in the other directions rushed towards them brandishing their weapons.

Once out of the cave and encountered such a thing, Chen Feifei felt a little helpless. He was surrounded by enemies in front of him and pursued in the cave in the back. He could only follow Lu Jie and the others, hoping to get out of here.

"Let's go." Lu Jie signaled to go back the same way, but this time he stayed beside Daoist Bai Mi, as if the life and death of others had nothing to do with him.

Seeing that Chen Feifei was still alive, Xu Tian and the others were naturally very happy, and hurriedly called him over.There are not many people alive in each gang, and with the sudden departure of Liu Shiheng and Jiang Qi, the situation of the whole team is worrying.

Should we help Liu Shiheng and the others, or should we leave them and take Daoist Bai Mi and others to break through forcefully?This choice has always troubled everyone, so that the entire team moved slowly, surrounded by people from the Dark Wind Alliance.

Looking at Liu Shiheng and Jiang Qi again, they really love their sons eagerly, completely disregarding the dangers around them, and brought the members of the gang to come to their respective sons.Both parties are trying to persuade each other, hoping that the other party can be included in their own camp.

Suddenly, Liu Zheng pointed at Liu Shiheng with the flowing sword in his hand: "Old man, if you persist in your obsession, don't blame me for being rude."

Liu Shiheng didn't expect that his own son would point his sword at him in front of so many people, so startled, he quickly took a step forward, pointed at the other party and cursed: "Bastard, why don't you get out of here."

As soon as he finished speaking, Liu Zheng was indeed in front of him, but before he could react, he felt a chill in his lower abdomen, and had already been stabbed in his lower abdomen by the sword in his son's hand.

Looking at the blood flowing from his lower abdomen, Liu Shiheng looked up at his own son again, and what caught his eyes was an indifferent look.Such a look came from his son, he felt a little scared, and after a while, there was a sharp pain in his lower abdomen, but at this moment, it was not his lower abdomen but his heart that caused him the pain.

This scene made everyone stunned. The first to react was the rest of the disciples of the Mang school, one side was the gang leader, and the other was the young gang leader. As disciples of the Mang school, they did not dare to intervene in the affairs between father and son without authorization.Only a few people stepped forward to protect the guild leader, while the others frantically checked his wounds.

Liu Hua on the side couldn't be more angry, and raised his sword to kill Liu Zheng. The stone-cracking sword technique of the Pishan School and the Mangliu sword technique of the Mang School, this time it was not a martial arts competition, but a contest between life and death.

Contrary to Liu Zheng's actions, Jiang Zhicheng was not so impulsive, but stood not far away, watching everyone motionlessly, no one knew what he was thinking in his heart.

Jiang Qi sighed heavily again, put away the knife in his hand, and beckoned to Jiang Zhicheng: "Come back."

Jiang Zhicheng didn't say anything, but turned his head and smiled behind him. This smile was extremely weird, but the only one who could see him smiling was the Dark Wind League behind him.

With a smile on his face, he looked back, nodded at Jiang Qiqi, pulled out the long knife in his hand, and walked over slowly.Gradually, everyone found that the direction he was walking was not Jiang Qi's side, but towards Liu Zheng and Liu Hua.

No one expected that Jiang Zhicheng came behind Liu Zheng without saying a word, without the slightest hesitation, and it should be said that he shot very quickly, stabbing Liu Zheng's back.This knife was enough to be fatal. Liu Zheng suddenly felt a chill, followed by severe pain, and a sense of powerlessness gradually infected his whole body. He turned his head with difficulty, looked at Jiang Zhicheng in disbelief, wanted to speak, but couldn't make a sound. , as if all the words were stuck in the throat, and there was no strength to push it up.

Jiang Zhicheng was about to fall to his support, bowed his head and whispered in his ear: "Brother, let's go on the road with peace of mind."

Both sides were stunned by this knife, Liu Shiheng yelled, and rushed over in a hurry regardless of his own injuries.

"Father, Uncle Liu, Liu Zheng is determined to join the Dark Wind Alliance. I tried to persuade him to no avail, so I had to do that." Jiang Zhicheng stood on the spot and cried.

"Ah Zheng." Liu Shiheng pushed Jiang Zhicheng away and hugged Liu Zheng in his arms. He called out a few times, but Liu Zheng closed his eyes tightly and was completely out of breath, only the blood behind him was still flowing.

The most difficult thing at this moment is not Jiang Zhicheng, but his father, Jiang Qi, the leader of the Pishan faction. He never thought that his son would actually kill Liu Zheng.

Jiang Zhicheng glanced at Liu Shiheng and his son, put away the knife in his hand, and strode towards Jiang Qi: "Father, I was forced."

Jiang Qi looked at his own son in front of him, he couldn't laugh or cry, but it was his own flesh and blood, what else could he do?Even if he killed Liu Zheng and broke his relationship with Liu Shiheng, he still couldn't turn away this son who seemed to have reformed.Thinking of this, he couldn't help but sigh again.

"You bastard." Jiang Qi could only curse so hard, watching Liu Hua and Jiang Zhicheng walk towards him.

Liu Shiheng hugged his son and cried for a while, ignoring the injuries on his body, he half-dragged and half-hugged Liu Zheng back, and the disciples of the Mang School hurried forward when they saw this.Liu Shiheng was crying and said nothing. He turned his head to look at Jiang Qi and his son, and Jiang Zhicheng's eyes were obviously not friendly.

Originally, the relationship between the two factions was not bad, but in this way, everyone knows the result.At such a critical moment, the two factions are still in conflict, which is obviously not what everyone wants to see, but no one can persuade them.

Just after Liu Shiheng carried his dead son back, the Dark Wind Alliance on this side also showed their weapons one after another, and finally killed them.

Surrounded by four sides, all sects and factions can only stand in place and resist desperately. However, there are more and more people in the Dark Wind Alliance, while the number of people on your side is getting smaller and smaller.If he kept stopping like this, his entire army would definitely be wiped out. In desperation, Lu Jie pointed upwards and said loudly, "Go up with all your strength. Let's charge together."

After Lu Jie finished speaking, he went forward alone, and behind him were two young Taoist priests who watched quietly. One of them carried Taoist Master Baimi on his back, and the other little Taoist priest supported him on the side. Behind the three of them were Daoist Tanmi and other living disciples of Mingjingguan.

Seeing that the people from the Unrestricted Sect opened the way, the morale of the people naturally increased, and they all followed.Chen Feifan also followed the people of Fantian Valley and killed them all the way up.

Unexpectedly, a person suddenly appeared on the left side of the entire team. His skills were very good. Ordinary disciples could not pass ten moves under his hands. He saw one kill one. The most frightening thing was that every time he could hear that kind of creepy The sound of bone scraping.

This person looks ordinary, but he has a pair of leopard eyes, a beard all over his face, a burly figure, but agile skills.At this time, this person is not far away from the people of Fantian Valley, and Li Jun is in the team of Fantian Valley, so someone must stay to hold this person back.


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