river or lake

Chapter 402

Chen Feifan's attention was all on his sword, and he never expected that the opponent would withdraw his sword. This sudden change made him a little panicked. When he looked at the opponent again, he saw that the opponent had already reached his own sword. right.

As expected of being the deputy gang leader, Chen Feifei secretly praised him in his heart, but he was not an ordinary disciple who was just fledgling. When he saw the long sword in his hand and swung his backhand, a purple sword energy flew out.

With such a short distance, coupled with the fact that the speed of the sword energy was too fast, Hong Fei had no time to dodge this time, so he quickly raised his right hand, and the white poison dagger exuded green light to meet him.

The purple spirit gang sword energy is the most powerful sword energy that Chen Feifei can display today.Hong Fei answered in a hurry this time. Although the sword body and sword energy in his hand were not broken, the huge momentum from the sword energy from the Linggang forced him to take a few steps back.

This purple spirit gang sword energy is really not something ordinary people can block, when the white poison dagger touched it, Hong Fei immediately realized this.This is different from the purple-red sword energy before, the two cannot be confused at all. Although Hong Fei blocked the sword energy this time, the green sword glow on the white poison dagger was much smaller.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's sword energy would be so powerful, Hong Fei couldn't help but put on a [-]-point spirit, pointing his feet back and forth, his eyes fixed on Chen Feifei, and the sword glow on the white poison dagger in his hand rose again It seems that he is going to show his real skills this time.

Chen Feifei also noticed the change in Hong Fei. The previous contest with Guo Xu did not make him shrink back. The spirit gang sword energy of the Phantom Spirit Sword changed from purple red to purple at this time, and the sword light changed from the original Two inches had shrunk to one inch, but the Phantom Spirit Sword hadn't changed. It seemed that he wasn't ready to fight with all his might.

How could Hong Fei on the opposite side know this? He had already shown his true skills and planned to kill Chen Feifei here.

Hong Fei's speed was faster than before, and he was in front of Chen Feifei in the blink of an eye. The white poison dagger in his hand was like a spirit snake. A slight negligence could be a fatal blow.

Of course, Chen Feifei also has his own skills. Not only does he have the spirit of the Linggang sword, but he also has the sword skills of several schools. He can't use a sword, but he is not afraid of the deputy leader in front of him with a sword.

The two men clashed swords, fighting with sword spirit for more than a dozen rounds, neither winning nor losing.The fight between the two did not mean that Hong Fei was inferior to Guo Xu, it was just that Chen Feifei was not afraid of his life, and others would have already died under his sword.

At this moment, Hong Fei and Chen Feifei were standing face to face with a distance of three or four steps.What made Hong Fei unbelievable was that Chen Feifan was able to stand motionless after being poisoned half his life, with a good expression on his face.Before, Hong Fei thought that he was just returning to the light, but now it seems that a stroke of half life seems to have no effect on him.

If it is a poisonous snake, its venom has no effect on people, then this poisonous snake has no threat at all; but Hong Fei is different, although the poison in his hands does not work, his skill and swordsmanship are not ordinary masters. Copeable.

Chen Feifei personally experienced how strong Hong Fei was without poison. He couldn't kill Hong Fei, but Hong Fei couldn't kill him either.

The two of them didn't make any moves, but looked at each other, trying to find flaws in each other's bodies. For them now, it was not a contest of martial arts, but a battle where either you die or I die .

Just when the atmosphere was tense to the extreme, Daoist Tanmi hurried over. His left arm was already dripping with blood. Just as Chen Feifei was about to ask, he saw Xu Tian and Fang Zhong also rushing over. What happened to them? Not very good either.All three of them were injured, and there were people chasing after them. Without asking, Chen Feifei knew what was going on.

"The lost dog." Hong Fei chuckled and took a few steps back, not intending to continue.

The three of them heard these words, but they were all silent, and they didn't intend to get angry at all.

"Withdraw." Daoist Tanmi whispered in Chen Feifei's ear while covering his wound.

"Want to run?" The person who spoke was Zhao Wumen, the vice-leader of the Blood Wolf Gang. He had a smile on his face, and there were no obvious scars on his body. It was obvious that Daoist Dunmi had been at a disadvantage just now.And beside him is Guo Xu, the deputy leader of the Wild Tiger Gang. Although he has a little injury, he looks even more fierce. No wonder Xu Tian and Fang Zhong are not his opponents.

At this moment, the two of them were already standing beside Hong Fei. If the three joined hands, Chen Feifei and the four of them might be in danger.

It seems that without such masters as Daoist Baimi, Lin Tai, and Li Jun, Daoist Dunmi and others are no match for Guo Xu and the others; they can't even beat the deputy gang leader, and today's righteous way is indeed no match for the Dark Wind League.

For the first time, Chen Feifei felt a little overwhelmed. Even if they could escape now, wouldn't they be hunted down by Guo Xu and the others?With Li Jun and the others, they couldn't go fast at all, and the only one they could rely on now was Lu Jie, but they didn't know how much the Freedom Sect would help this time.After all, the Wuzhi Sect is a sect outside the Jianghu, and it is their way not to meddle in other people's business.

"Withdraw!" Fang Zhong's voice was thick and loud, obviously not for the three people around him.As soon as he made a sound, all the sects and factions around him reacted immediately, and the scene became quite chaotic for a while.

Naturally, the more chaotic the escape, the better. Seeing this, Chen Feifei and the three people around him quickly turned around and ran away. The four of them ran towards Lu Jie one after another. It seemed that everyone had the same goal.How could the three people behind him give up, they all chased after him, and they chased very closely.

The four of them managed to join the crowd, and the three behind them were behind them in a blink of an eye. If they continued to fight here, it would not only delay the time, but might even lose their lives.As soon as Chen Feifei thought of this, he looked at the three people beside him. The three were injured, bleeding, and a little tired. With this embarrassed appearance, how could the three of them face Guo Xu and the others again? Looking at the three people on the opposite side, Hong Fei had an expression of wanting to fight. It was obvious that the battle just now made him a little breathless, while Zhao Wumen stood silently behind Hong Fei, but exuded a feeling that he was about to pounce at any time. Guo Xu carried the big sword on his shoulder, and at that station, it seemed that everyone in front of him was already in his pocket.

At such a critical moment, Chen Feifan could have left on his own, but although he has no connections, he has already regarded himself as a member of the righteous way in his heart. If he refuses to save him now, he can't do it.Chen Feifei exhaled lightly, and then turned his head to look up. At this moment, everyone was not far from the entrance of the cave.

So, he said to the surrounding people: "You go, I will come to the rear."

Everyone was stunned, and just about to speak, they saw the phantom spirit sword in Chen Feifan's hand slowly changing.


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