river or lake

Chapter 399

One-on-two, Guo Xu glanced at Fang Zhong, smiled coldly, and did not speak.He kicked his feet and rushed towards the two of them. This time, the Wuying knife in his hand was aimed not at Xu Tian, ​​but at Fang Zhong.

If two people work together to deal with one person, if the three are all masters, or if the two cooperate with each other tacitly, it will naturally be more effective; Backfired.

The three-person battle in front of him was such a situation. Guo Xu killed Fang Zhong, but Xu Tian didn't come to help, but walked around behind Guo Xu, trying to attack Fang Zhong from front to back.Fang Zhong held on to his bravery, and when he saw the opponent coming towards him, he didn't flinch, he raised the Tiger Roaring Saber in his hand, and went forward with all his strength.

Both of them have extraordinary arm strength, and the Wuying Saber meets the Tiger Roaring Saber head-on, the comparison is not only the hardness of the two knives; this knife has nothing to do with the knife technique, but the strength of the two.

Although Fang Zhong was full of confidence, he didn't dare to be careless in the face of Guo Xu, and used all his strength; unexpectedly, Guo Xu also used his full strength this time.In terms of saber technique, his strength is superior to Fang Zhong's, and in terms of arm strength, he is also obviously superior to Fang Zhong.

Soon, Fang Zhong couldn't hold it anymore, and quickly put his left hand on the handle of the knife.Seeing this, Guo Xu smiled coldly, then roared, and with a sudden force with his right hand, the Wuying knife was pressed forward again.

Faced with such a terrifying force, Fang Zhong really couldn't hold on any longer, so he hurriedly jumped back and lowered his hands, taking all the strength off the Tiger Roaring Knife.

At this time, Xu Tian had also arrived behind Guo Xu, stepped forward, raised the God-given knife in his hand, and slashed directly at the opponent's back.

For some reason, Guo Xu seemed to have eyes on his back, and he had already started to move before the knife was stopped.Seeing his right leg step sideways, he swayed to Fang Zhong's left side, and stretched out his hand to strike a knife.

Fang Zhong hadn't recovered the strength of his hands just now due to the collision of the sabers, but the situation was critical now, so he could only raise the Tiger Roaring Saber in his right hand to face the Wuying Saber swung by the opponent.

Unexpectedly, the strength of the opponent was still so great, with this swing, the Tiger Roaring Knife was thrown out of his hand, and fell about ten feet behind him.This is the first time Fang Zhong has let go of his hand, his face suddenly felt dull, he quickly backed away, and reached out to pick it up.But how could Guo Xu give him a chance, he stepped forward with his right foot, swung eight sword shadows with one knife, and went straight to Fang Zhong.

Facing the eight shadows of swords that had arrived in front of him, it might be too late to block them with swords. In desperation, Fang Zhong had no choice but to meet them with bare hands.But how could the two fists be able to defeat the knife shadow with saber energy, the eight knife shadows came and went quickly, leaving seven or eight bloodstains on Fang Zhong's body, but fortunately the wound was not deep.

Seeing Fang Zhong's suffering, Xu Tian naturally would not sit idly by. Although he was in vain before, he still moved forward bravely again.This time, Guo Xu didn't dodge, but turned around in a hurry, throwing a knife with his hand.

Xu Tian's footsteps didn't stop, he just turned to one side, avoiding the opponent's sudden head-on knife, and instead slashed from the opponent's right side.

Xu Tian dodged in time, counterattacked quickly, and the speed of the Tianci knife was extremely fast. Although Guo Xu was a master, he was still an individual after all. go out.This kick made Xu Tian take a few steps back, but even so, the knife just now cut a hole in Guo Xu's right arm.

As soon as Xu Tian retreated, Fang Zhong behind Guo Xu had picked up the Tiger Roaring Knife on the ground at this moment, enduring the pain and rushed over again.

Xu Tian was on the right, and Fang Zhong was behind him. Guo Xu was still unhurried. When he turned sideways, he saw that Fang Zhong was coming to kill him with a knife.

The phantom sword technique, everyone always thought that his sword shadow seemed illusory, but actually concealed murderous intentions, this is the origin of the phantom sword technique.In fact, otherwise, if it were really as simple as the sword energy hidden in the shadow of the sword, Guo Xu would not be on an equal footing with Pu Sihai, the leader of the Mad Tiger Gang.

Speaking of this, I have to mention Guo Xu's status in the Dark Wind League. Although he is the deputy leader of the Mad Tiger Gang, his own martial arts are not inferior to the leaders of other sects. Even Pu Sihai dare not send him easily He goes to work.In many cases, it is often the Dark Wind Alliance

The leader Qian Batian personally gave the order.Why would such a capable person be willing to be the deputy gang leader?So far no one knows, probably only Qian Batian and Guo Xu themselves know.

Of course, Zhengdao didn't know these things, only knew that Guo Xu was a person with high martial arts skills, but since he was the deputy gang leader, in their thinking, he was only the strength of a deputy gang leader.

That's what Fang Zhong in front of him thought. He shook the handle of the knife in his right hand, and this time he tried his best to try again.

Seeing that the two knives collided like this, Fang Zhong stomped his feet, gritted his teeth, and exerted force with his right hand. In a blink of an eye, the Tiger Roaring Knife slashed forward fiercely.Unexpectedly, the Wuying knife in the opponent's hand was like a phantom, and it fell apart as soon as it was chopped.

Fang Zhong hurriedly raised his head, and saw the corner of Guo Xu's mouth raised slightly. He didn't see what was going on, and suddenly felt a sharp pain in his left arm. He didn't dare to think about it, and quickly retracted the knife Take a few steps back.Looking at the deep bone-deep opening on his left arm, then at the half-smile expression on the other side's face and the Wuying knife raised in his hand.

Fang Zhong finally understood the difference in strength between the two, but he still did not give up and continued to move forward.Xu Tian on the side saw it, he couldn't let Fang Zhong pass by alone, so he quietly went around behind him, ready to attack back and forth again.

This time, it wasn't the sword shadow mixed with saber aura that flew over, but nine shadow swords appeared in front of his eyes. Which one is real?Fang Zhong couldn't tell right away, so he had to step back involuntarily.

Fang Zhong in front of him retreated, and Xu Tian behind him stepped in, and he was about to hit Guo Xu on the back. Guo Xu actually transformed into two people in an instant, one blocked Xu Tian's godsend knife with a knife, while the other Holding a knife, he approached Fang Zhong.

This sudden change made both of them dumbfounded, as if there were two Guo Xus here originally, they tried it secretly, and found that the Guo Xu standing in front of them was just like himself, it should be It is said that Guo Xu has truly become two people.But when the two took a few steps back, Guo Xu changed from two to one again. Obviously, this division into two also has its limitations.

But no matter what, the idea of ​​the two of them attacking Guo Xu back and forth or left and right is no longer possible.

There was no way for the two of them to fight against Guo Xu, and Cai Kai from Baiyue Pavilion over there fought equally hard against Hong Fei from Shangli Snake Gang.

Although Baiyue Pavilion has a small population and doesn't often get involved in Jianghu affairs, all of its disciples are outstanding figures in the Jianghu.

Cai Kai was holding a dagger, moving from left to right, his feet were like the wind, while Hong Fei was also holding a dagger, with quick movements and strange steps.The two are facing each other quickly, and others can no longer see clearly. I am afraid that only the two of them know who has the upper hand.


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