river or lake

Chapter 397 The situation is unfavorable

Hong Fei from the Li Snake Gang, who was watching the battle, saw the upright move, and quickly waved his hand: "Go."

As soon as the words fell, he took the lead and rushed out first, meeting Cai Kai who was also holding a dagger.

Although there are few sect disciples in Baiyue Pavilion in Jianghu, this does not mean that they are deaf to the affairs of Jianghu. Cai Kai knows that the person in front of him is Hong Fei from the Li Snake Gang, and he also knows the white poison dagger in his hand Has a life-threatening poison.

Since the opponent had poison in his hands, Cai Kai naturally had to be cautious. He dodged left and right, and had no intention of launching an attack.Seeing him like this, the other party didn't feel impetuous, but just stabbed with a sword.

Cai Kai knew that the opponent was stronger than himself, and that the sword was highly poisonous, so he wanted to find a chance to kill him with one blow; but Hong Fei was old and cunning, and he also had his own plans, so he was not in a hurry to fight, but It is to slowly try the young man in front of him.

From the eyes of others, the two of them were fighting fiercely with one attack and one defense, but in the eyes of experts, they all knew that this was just some insignificant temptations.At this moment, the most important thing is how to get everyone out of this dungeon, not about one person's winning or losing.

Therefore, Fang Zhong and the others took the lead in rushing forward. This time, the three sects of the Crazy Tiger Gang, the Blood Wolf Gang, and the Li Snake Gang were quite different from the previous ones. Fang Zhong and the others could continue to kill the enemy. However, the rest of the ordinary gang members were no match for each other. The members of the Dark Wind Alliance team all had extraordinary skills.

Chen Feifei saw that the masters of all sects were rushing forward, so he originally wanted to follow, but he also thought that Li Jun and others were still in the team. stay.

At this time, I saw a disciple of the Charity Court giving Li Jun a pulse. After he finished, Chen Feifei stepped forward and hurriedly asked, "How is it?"

The disciple shook his head first, then sighed and said: "The meridian is completely damaged, and I can no longer practice martial arts."

Unexpectedly, the Dark Wind Alliance made such a heavy hand, Chen Feifei glanced at Li Jun, and asked the disciple, "Where are the others?"

The disciple replied: "I saw a few people, and they are all like this. It seems that their martial arts have been abolished by the Dark Wind Alliance."

Instead of killing them, first abolish their martial arts, then lure everyone here, and then set up an ambush to eliminate them, this must be the entire plan of the Dark Wind Alliance.But even if you know it now, what's the use?It seems that the previous news should have been deliberately leaked by the Dark Wind Alliance, in order to attract various factions to come here.

"Is there any other way?" Even though he knew that total loss of meridians would be equivalent to a useless person, Chen Feifei still couldn't help but want to ask.

The disciple was stunned for a moment, but immediately shook his head and said, "I have nothing to do, maybe Master knows some good cure."

While the two were talking, they saw two people killed not far from the right side, one with a knife and the other with claws, obviously one belonged to the Wild Tiger Gang and the other belonged to the Blood Wolf Gang.

Chen Feifei smiled slightly, patted the shoulder of the disciple of the Mercy Courtyard and said, "Stay here and let me deal with it."

After all, Chen Feifan walked towards those two people without waiting for the other party's answer. With the Phantom Spirit Sword in his hand, it should be more than enough to deal with the two people in front of him. He quickened his pace while thinking this way.

When the two people on the opposite side saw Chen Feifei approaching with a sword, they looked at each other and smiled, and prepared to pinch Chen Feifei left and right.

Chen Feifan didn't talk nonsense with them, he stepped up and went straight to the disciple of the Mad Tiger Gang who was holding a big knife on the left; he saw the Phantom Spirit Sword in his hand flipped over and swiped under the big knife raised by the man, and then He just picked it up, and then stabbed hard, piercing a blood hole in the man's armpit.

The blood flowed out, the man felt the pain, and instinctively withdrew his right hand; Chen Feifei saw the timing, raised the long sword again, and wiped it towards his neck, killing him.

It took only two swords to kill the opponent. The disciples of the Blood Wolf Gang on the other side didn't see it clearly, but they knew that their companion was in trouble, so they stopped quickly, turned around, and charged at Chen Feifei who was facing him again.

In fact, Chen Feifei himself did not expect that members of the Crazy Tiger Gang would be so vulnerable, but he did not dare to be careless when the disciples of the Blood Wolf Gang came from the opposite side. This time he did not take the initiative to attack, but chose to wait quietly for the opponent to come .Looking at the disciple of the Blood Wolf Gang again, he walked left and right, but the target of his eyes was always on Chen Feifei.

The opponent's steps looked a bit like ghost steps, which reminded Chen Feifei of the leader of the blood wolf gang, Hidden Wolf.If it was really a hidden wolf, Chen Feifei would be cautious, and quickly activated the spirit gang sword energy in his whole body, and the phantom spirit sword was also wrapped in such a trace of sword energy.

Unexpectedly, there would be sword energy. The opponent was stunned when he saw this, but he didn't stop walking, and he still came to kill him. With a shake of the long sword in Chen Feifei's hand, he stabbed straight at the opponent's face. Damn, the hardness of this claw is not bad, when it touched the phantom spirit sword wrapped in sword energy, it was not damaged at all.

Just now, Chen Feifan wanted to vent his frustration with the Phantom Spirit Sword for not being able to fight with the Lieyang Dao just now.

The person on the opposite side seemed to realize that Chen Feifan was difficult to deal with, so Tie Claw drew back and hurriedly jumped back, ready to wait for an opportunity.

Seeing the other party's behavior, Chen Feifei raised the corner of his mouth slightly, moved his body, and went straight to that person.Although the sword energy was not used, the speed of the sword was extremely fast. Once the two fought, the opponent would find it difficult to parry.The phantom spirit sword flashed past the opponent's iron claw, leaving a long bloody gash on his left arm.

Such a result made Chen Feifei not interested. The opponent was too weak, and he couldn't bear to kill him any more.But the man endured the pain, and instead of running away, he gritted his teeth and rushed over.

Another extremely fast sword, Chen Feifan did not show mercy, the phantom spirit sword with the spirit of the spirit gang, after slashing the opponent's iron claw, cut the upper throat.The man looked at Chen Feifei with some despair, did not speak, struggled twice, and then fell to the ground.

Withdrawing the sword and retreating, Chen Feifan frowned slightly, feeling a little unbearable in his heart. The opponent was about his own age, but he was killed by such a sword. Maybe he had never killed anyone before, and he was not considered a vicious person.But he knew that good and evil have always been incompatible. If his martial arts were weak, then he would be the one who fell to the ground at this moment.

"Let's go. Let's go to the entrance of the cave." Lu Jie walked up to Chen Feifei suddenly and said.

Chen Feifei glanced at the entrance of the cave, there were people standing there, and then looked back at the people behind him, he had no choice now, if this drags on, the situation will become more and more unfavorable.


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