river or lake

Chapter 391 Dungeon

Although everyone has their own ideas, but this time, Taoist Master Tanmi of Mingjingguan took the lead, so naturally everyone will not raise any objections.

Going down this road, you will inevitably find many people from the Dark Wind Alliance. Even if they pass through the forest, they will inevitably run into each other.In this encounter, everyone did not say anything, showed their weapons, and insisted on killing you to the death.Fortunately, all the people I met were from Tingfengtang, only a few people were injured, and no one was killed.

If it weren't for the fear of many enemies on the mountain road and instead of going forward in the forest, the dungeon in the mountain is really not easy to find. The entrance is behind a huge rock in the forest, and a disciple of Lingdaomen discovered it by accident.

There was no one from the Dark Wind Alliance at the entrance, and it was unknown whether the other party intended it, or they did not expect that everyone had already appeared here.

The entrance is not very big, only two people can pass through in parallel. There is no door or other things blocking the entrance, just like a cave.If it weren't for the bright lights inside, everyone would really treat it as an ordinary cave.

Lu Jie stepped forward, but was stopped by Taoist Master Tanmi, "Young Master Lu, we will come here first." There is no doubt about Lu Jie's strength, but after all, he is also a human being and not a god. The dungeon is different from the outside. There is really a trap, and if you want to get out of it, I am afraid it will be very difficult.If something happened to Lu Jie, Ming Jingguan couldn't afford it, so Taoist Dunmi didn't dare to let Lu Jie go forward rashly.

The leader was naturally Daoist Tanmi, followed by the other disciples of Mingjingguan. This time Xu Tian didn't go down immediately, but stood at the entrance of the cave with the people of Fantiangu.No one knows what's going on here, and no one knows what ambush will be outside, so Xu Tian and Fan Tiangu's people also have the Tianfu Gang from the Seven Gangs in the North, and the Mang School from the Fifteen Gangs in the South. , These three sects stayed at the entrance of the cave to be responsible for guarding.

Chen Feifei didn't want to stay with Fan Tiangu and the others this time, but walked into the cave with Fang Zhong. The entrance of the cave seemed a bit narrow, but walking slowly along the stone steps, after a dozen steps, it became It is spacious enough to accommodate seven or eight people in parallel.The reason why the cave is unusually bright is that there is a lamp hanging on the stone wall every seven or eight steps, which also makes everyone be careful along the way, for fear of being discovered by the Dark Wind Alliance.

After walking down for dozens of steps, Ming Jingguan at the front came to an open space, but it was a bit dark further down.Taoist priest Tanmi looked there, and found that there was a door in the downward passage. This door was tightly closed and seemed to be made of pure iron. If there is no key or mechanism to open the door, this place will become a dead end.

The people at Ming Jing Guan knew nothing about unlocking or mechanisms, but they didn't dare to destroy it rashly, so they had to ask the people from Foundry Villa and Yintie Gang to come over to have a look.

In less than half a cup of tea, a few people pushed the thick iron door open, and saw five people standing in the passage below, each holding a big knife in their hands, looking up at what happened in front of them, A look of bewilderment.Judging from the costumes of these five people, they should be members of the Wild Tiger Gang.

Qi Jie from the Foundry Villa had sharp eyesight and quick hands. Seeing his footsteps slipping down, he swung the hammer in his hand and smashed it forward. Before the man in front of him had time to raise the big knife in his hand, he smashed his head flat with the hammer.

Seeing this, the other four members of the Wild Tiger Gang were naturally outraged, picked up their big knives one after another, roared and charged forward.

These roars made the originally quiet passage suddenly reverberate.With such a movement, the people below must have heard it.

"Rush." ​​Qi Jie didn't care about that much anymore, he swung the hammer in his hand, and passed between the four of them.The remaining disciples from the Foundry Villa also followed closely, brandishing their hammers and blocking the big knives in the hands of the four.At this moment, Qi Jie was alone behind the four of them, forming a double-team with the other disciples from the Foundry Villa.

When he fought Fu Yan back then, Chen Feifei knew that Qi Jie was a ruthless character who dared to risk his life, and now it seems that he is also desperate.

The four members of the Crazy Tiger Gang never expected that one of them would rush behind them alone, but before they could turn around, they were chopped down by the rushing crowd.

Keep going, this time, everyone hastened their pace, anyway, they will be discovered sooner or later, saving people is the most important thing, and everyone can't care so much.

Taoist priest Tanmi and Ming Jingguan were still at the front of the team, while Chen Feifei was walking side by side with the Charity House of the Northern Seven Gangs.

After walking down about [-] steps of stone steps, the crowd came to an open space again. This open space was very large and could accommodate hundreds of people.There are three passages behind this clearing, each entrance is guarded.

Judging from the costumes of the other party, people from three gangs came to guard the place. From left to right, the three entrances were the Wild Tiger Gang, the Blood Wolf Gang, and the Leaking Snake Gang.Chen Fei counted the three gangs, and there were five or sixty people in total.Although the number of people on his own side is dominant, the number of people on the other side is also large, which is difficult to deal with.

When the two sides met, they were naturally extremely jealous. Without even saying a word, they showed their weapons one after another.

The battle between the two sides was imminent, and soon the two teams were fighting together.Chen Feifan, Fang Zhong and others stood behind the crowd and did not participate because there were disciples from the Charity Court behind them.

These are all ordinary disciples of the Dark Wind Alliance. There are people like Taoist Master Tanmi, Lu Jie, Jiang Qi, Liu Fei, etc., so there is nothing to worry about.The Baiyue Pavilion in the Southern Fifteen Gangs is not usually seen by people, but this time it was an eye-opener for everyone, which is why Baiyue Pavilion's status in the Southern Fifteen Gangs has always been under the watchful eye.

Cai Kai, nicknamed Pen and Sword Scholar, was holding a ten-inch dagger in his hand, and he followed the crowd to the enemy's side, followed closely by the other two Baiyue Pavilion disciples, also holding daggers.

Suddenly he saw a person on one side with a big knife slashing towards Cai Kai, he dodged hastily, avoiding the blade, with a shake of the dagger in his hand, it stabbed straight into the opponent's lower abdomen.The speed was so fast that the man couldn't dodge in time, as soon as the dagger was drawn, blood was splashed all over his body, and the white intestines were also drawn out from his stomach along with the sword.

As soon as the sword was finished, a member of the Blood Wolf Gang on the other side had rushed towards him with iron claws, and the iron claws were only a few inches away from him, which really made people sweat.

Cai Kai was still calm, he moved his feet, leaned back, then turned around, swung the long sword in his hand, and stopped the iron claw.A sword and a claw collided with each other, causing both sides to pause.

It was just such a pause between the two sides, of course Cai Kai would not miss such a good opportunity, so he took this opportunity and swirled the dagger in his hand, bypassing the opponent's iron claw and right arm, and the tip of the dagger was straight Pierced into the opponent's right rib.Then, Yiji twitched at an extremely fast speed, lifted it up, and wiped the opponent's neck.These actions were done in one go, and there was no chance for the opponent to be on guard.

Fast and ruthless are obviously the characteristics of Baiyue Pavilion's swordsmanship, and so are the other two disciples.With such three people present, Chen Feifei really felt that there was no need to do it himself.


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