river or lake

Chapter 375

The woman in white who had already taken the second pill was the one who came later, before the woman in red, and stabbed Taoist Qingju's right rib with a sword, only to see a flash of red light on the opponent's body, but still failed to block the woman in white With this sword, that pepper had already pierced his Taoist robe, but it was a pity that he didn't stab him zxs

However, the woman in red who followed followed flashed past behind the woman in white and came to the left side of Taoist Qingju. She stretched out her hand and heard a "dang", and was caught by the sudden flying sword blocked

At this time, the woman in Tsing Yi stepped forward and swung her sword down. Without the flying sword and the red light on the opponent's body, her corner was very smooth, and she saw Taoist Qingju's Taoist robe being cut obliquely. There was a gash, and a bloodstain was drawn on his chest. If he hadn't noticed that he was quick enough, he would have been ripped open by now

This is the first time the four of them have gained the upper hand in a four-on-one match, and it is also the first time Taoist Qingju has been beaten by them a little bit.

However, no one is happy with such a result, because two of the four elders have already taken the second pill. If this continues, no one will be able to lead them to rebuild Hongyanmen

At this moment Taoist Qingju is a little angry, but he is angry with himself. The wound on his chest was caused by taking the enemy too lightly. This kind of thing must not be committed a second time, otherwise no matter how good his martial arts are, he will be in danger of his life

At this moment, Chen Feifei noticed that everyone around him was watching the battle between the five people, while Jie who appeared just now was still obediently staying by his side, and did not disappear. Because of the flying sword above, what is the relationship between the two? He has no way of knowing. If it weren't for the injury on his leg, he really wanted to rush there with the phantom spirit sword and meet Taoist Qingju for a while.

This wound didn't hurt very deeply, but it completely angered Taoist Qingju. With a shake of his body, he seemed to be much faster than before. The woman in red and the woman in blue couldn't keep up with him. The woman in Tsing Yi and the woman in white could barely keep up. If this continues, it really won't work. The woman in Lan Yi swallowed the second pill she was carrying

Three of the four had already taken the pills, but the woman in red hadn't taken it yet. If even the woman in red had taken the pills, it would be ten years before Hongyanmen would make a comeback. Whether it is good or evil, it all depends on strength to speak, if there is no outstanding person in the school, then troubles will follow

After taking this medicine, the woman in blue clothes suddenly became a little older, but her movements were much faster than before, just like the other two, she could barely keep up with Taoist Qingju's footsteps At this time, Taoist Qingju struck a sword After stabbing over, the woman in blue clothes quickly flashed to the side, and then the woman in white clothes came in from behind, and the woman in blue clothes also came in from the left, only the woman in red clothes retreat back

She withdrew, but the Qingju Taoist saw the opportunity, and saw him swaying his sword, tricking the woman in blue clothes, and then quickly passed by the woman in green clothes. stabbed

Looking at the red-clothed woman again, she originally wanted to escape from the battle circle temporarily, but unexpectedly Qingju Daoist's sword stabbed at her, she couldn't dodge it in time, and quickly flew out with a sword qi, and the ribbon on her left hand was also sent forward But this can't stop Taoist Qingju at all. I saw that the sword energy was shattered by the flying sword, and the silk ribbon was shattered by the long sword in his hand.

The strength of the two sides can be determined immediately, and the woman in red has no choice but to block with her sword while taking phantom steps. This Taoist Qingju is really capable, and his sword seems to be A sword, in fact, there is a red sword aura before the long sword, but the speed of his sword is only slightly slower than the sword aura, no one will notice if you don't look carefully, let alone both are extremely fast, How can people take a closer look at the effort of one fold

I saw the long sword of the woman in red was slammed backward by the red sword energy that arrived first, and then the long sword that followed passed under the two. Taoist Qingju's speed was extremely fast. The woman in red was staring blankly. Watching the opponent's long sword piercing his leg, there is no way to fight back

The other three rushed over quickly. Taoist Qingju learned the lesson from before, and quickly pulled out the long sword. Then he turned around immediately, and the flying sword above his head was hovering above at this moment

The woman in red was enduring the severe pain in her thigh, and stabbed the opponent's back with a sword. As expected, the flying sword was blocked in time, which gave the three sisters in front of the opponent a chance.

However, the three of them didn't take advantage of it. Taoist Qingju actually relied on one person and one sword to defuse the attacks of the three people one by one. The woman in red saw it in her eyes and was anxious in her heart. Take your second pill

The medicine is effective immediately, and the price paid is also obvious. The four of them have no way to turn back now, and the future of Hongyanmen can only depend on these young people

The woman in red raised her hand to strike a sword. This sword was naturally much faster than before, but it was still blocked by the flying sword. Seeing that the blow failed, the other three made a comeback. Immediately, the four surrounded Taoist Qingju Inside, there was a flash of swords and swords, and everyone around couldn't tell who had the upper hand

At this time, Taoist Qingju suddenly exerted strength, bypassing the two people in front of him, and chopped off the left arm of the woman in blue clothes with a sword. The woman in white next to her reacted after being spattered with blood

Without her left arm, the blue-clothed woman gritted her teeth in pain. The blow was indeed a bit heavy. The white-clothed woman beside her raised her sword, but Taoist Qingju had already set her sights on her, and saw his flying sword block it. And the sword in his hand pierced through the lower abdomen of the woman in white. It was just a stab wound just now, but now the pepper has come out of her back

Enduring the pain, the woman in white wiped the sword towards his neck with all her strength, but was held firmly by the flying sword, and didn't move a bit in a daze.

None of the people at the side thought that the battle of you and me just now turned out to be one-sided. Taoist Qingju, with lightning speed, seriously injured the two of them all at once.

Hongyanmen couldn't believe this sudden result, but everyone saw with their own eyes that the two elders, the woman in blue and the woman in white, were seriously injured.

The woman in red and the woman in blue looked at each other, and they didn't have time to check the injuries of the two sisters, so they killed Taoist Qingju at the same time.

For some reason, the woman in red took a step faster than the woman in green, and then the flying sword appeared in front of her again. At this moment, the woman in blue with a broken arm suddenly came over and talked with Na Fei, which made her The woman in red can jump over the flying sword and stab the Taoist Qingju

The other party is fighting with their lives, of course Taoist Qingju did not dare to be careless, he hastily swung a red sword aura first, who knows that the woman in red will not dodge or dodge, as soon as she gets close to the oncoming sword aura, no matter what the result is , she didn't pause at all, she still went straight to her opponent

Taoist Qingju felt bad, but it was too late, before he had time to step back, he was hugged by the woman in red. I have entangled myself tightly with him

At this moment, the woman in Tsing Yi stabbed towards her with a sharp sword, the sword was fast and powerful, piercing through the right chest of the woman in red and directly piercing the left chest of the Taoist Qingju

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