river or lake

Chapter 366 Dragons Without Heads

Lin Tai took Feng Xingjian with both hands, looked at Chen Feifan, and said in a daze, "Why is this sword in your hand, where is that brother?"

Chen Feifei didn't speak, and pointed to himself with a smile. Seeing that the two of them didn't seem to understand, he had no choice but to say, "It's me."

"What, it's impossible, did you use the Disguise Technique?" Both uncle and nephew were taken aback, they never thought that it was Chen Feifan and the others who came to rescue them a few days ago.

Lin Tai then asked: "What about the other brother, who is he?"

Song Sheng didn't say anything, and Chen Feifei didn't talk too much, and hurriedly replied: "Second Uncle Lin, it's not convenient for me to talk about this, please forgive me."

Lin Tai nodded and said: "It's understandable, understandable. But, I don't understand why you know the dark wind alliance's conspiracy?"

Chen Feifei didn't know how to answer this question. He thought for a while before he said, "Brother Lin, Second Uncle Lin, believe it or not, I can only say this. I met that friend by chance that night." I just went there together. As for whether he knew about this conspiracy in advance, I don’t know.”

"Brother Chen, was it just the two of you that day?" Lin Yaokun asked at the side. He felt that Chen Feifei would not say anything about the other person, so he was embarrassed to continue asking, so he had to make insinuations.

Although their uncle and nephew were reliable, Chen Feifei didn't want to make extravagant tricks, so he tried not to say anything, after all, the current situation is a bit complicated, which makes people feel uncertain, so he said: "There should be no one else. "

The uncle and nephew looked at each other, Lin Tai sighed and said, "The Zhengtian Gang is completely over."

Seeing that neither of them continued to speak, Chen Feifei asked, "Second Uncle Lin, what happened to you after Hongyanmen spread the goddess fans?"

"Sit down first, let me talk about this." Lin Yaokun brought a stool from the side and asked Chen Feifei to sit down.

After the three of them were sitting together, Lin Yaokun said: "After the Hongyanmen sprinkled the heavenly girl fans, my second uncle and I rushed out from the main gate to protect Master Du. Today's female fans are nothing to the people of the Hongyanmen." It's nothing, everything went smoothly when we came out of the gate, but on the way, we were ambushed, and Second Uncle was injured like this."

"What about the situation here?" Chen Feifei continued to ask.

Lin Tai is recuperating here, and he doesn't seem to know what's going on outside. Hearing Chen Feifei's question, he hurriedly said to Lin Yaokun, "Tell me."

Lin Yaokun raised his head, sighed again, and then replied: "The few people from our Zhengtian gang who came here are actually members of the Dark Wind League. When the head of the Du Sect is away, they should cooperate with each other and hurt a lot of Hongyan Sect. Fortunately, this is what happened two days before we came here, and Shang Lin can barely handle it. It's just..."

Seeing Lin Yaokun, Chen Feifei paused for a moment, knowing that this matter was not that simple. If those members of the Dark Wind Alliance just now, with the strength of Shang Lin and the others, they would not have been bullied into the gate.

"It's just." Lin Yaokun continued, "Early this morning, a one-eyed Taoist priest came with a few members of the Wild Tiger Gang. The one-eyed Taoist priest has very good martial arts, and he doesn't know what sect or sect he came from. Even the monk Lin was not his opponent, and they took away several disciples of the Hongyan Sect, one of whom was taken away by the one-eyed Taoist priest. Shang Lin was worried about the safety of that disciple, so she let four second-generation disciples and two A generation of disciples went out from the back door and went to pursue them, but there is no news so far. The rest are the four people that Brother Chen saved just now."

"From what you've said, I know a thing or two about that one-eyed Taoist priest." Lin Tai frowned slightly, "That bastard often collects yin to replenish yang, and he has acquired a whole body of skills. He is invulnerable to swords and guns. The self-proclaimed Qingju Daoist is really a scum of the Jianghu. The person you sent is not his opponent at all, and the woman is probably in danger."

"There seem to be other people in the Dark Wind League." Chen Feifei had met them before, so he would naturally think of this, but he didn't know what the relationship between these people and the Dark Wind League was.

Both the uncle and the nephew nodded. For the Dark Wind Alliance to act like this, there must be other people in the rivers and lakes involved. They have thought of all this, but they still don't know who is involved.

At this time, a young woman knocked on the door and came in and said, "Young Master Lin, Senior Sister Shang has sent a message, please go to the main hall outside."

Lin Tai continued to lie down on the bed after listening, while Chen Feifan and Lin Yaokun left the room, followed the woman to the white jade-colored hall outside.At this time, there were quite a few people standing inside, most of them were first-generation disciples of the Hongyan Sect, and there were also many second-generation and third-generation disciples. A lot of suspicion arose.

Entering the main hall, there were also many people standing here, but Chen Feifei only knew two people, one was Shang Lin, and the other was Liang Liang.

In the center of the main hall was a woman, about thirty years old, and seeing that the people around her were almost here, she said, "Seniors and sisters, I think you all know that the head of our Hongyan Sect has passed away. Disciple Gu Yufei is not Cai, entrusted by the sect master on his deathbed, to act as the sect master."

After the woman finished speaking, all the people present were silent. Such sudden news shocked Hongyanmen deeply.The group of dragons has no leader, and was attacked by the Dark Wind Alliance for several days, which is simply worse.

Chen Feifan never thought that Du Mengyue would be injured so badly that he even lost his life.He has seen how powerful Du Mengyue is, but even such a master will die in the hands of the Dark Wind League, so there is no doubt that the Dark Wind League is terrible.

After the surroundings were silent for a while, Gu Yufei continued: "Sisters, although the sect master has left, we should not lose our footing in the face of a catastrophe. Shang Lin, come with me to the back mountain."

Now it has come to the critical moment of the Hongyan Sect's life and death, Gu Yufei was ordered in the face of danger, and it is really difficult to be the head of the Sect.But this time as the head of the sect, Shang Lin was asked to go to the back mountain with her, which made everyone very puzzled.

"Little Liang, what's there in the back mountain?" Lin Yaokun walked to Liang Liang and asked softly.

Liang Liang shook her head and said: "There is a place in the back mountain, and you can't go in without the master's permission. So far, I haven't seen anyone go in. Maybe, this time, Senior Sister Gu and Senior Sister Shang are going there."

What she said made Chen Feifan and Lin Yaokun very interested, but they couldn't do anything, they could only wait here for the two of them to come out from the back mountain.


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