river or lake

Chapter 362

After traveling all night, coupled with his injuries, Chen Feifei hadn't closed his eyes all day and all night, but staying in a hotel to rest in broad daylight would inevitably arouse suspicion.So he hurried on for another day, and when night fell, he had already arrived at Shocking City.

Lying on the soft bed, Chen Feifan couldn't sleep. So many things happened in the past few days, it seems that the whole world is about to undergo earth-shaking changes.

Lin Yun, the leader of the Zhengtian Gang, is fake, and Qian Batian, the deputy leader of the Gang, is the leader of the Darkwind League. This kind of plan didn't start in a year or two.The more Chen Feifei thought about it, the more frightening he felt. The Dark Wind Alliance had been planning for a long time. From this point of view, the deaths of Xiao Mufeng and Zhang Xiaohua's family were also part of a certain plan.

Speaking of the Dark Wind League, one has to mention Prime Minister You who supported them behind their backs, and Prime Minister You also has a deadly enemy, Prime Minister Zuo.This time, the Dark Wind Alliance has completely stirred up the situation in the entire arena, and Prime Minister Zuo probably won't sit still.Having his own Danyun Villa at this time, Chen Feifei didn't know whether it was a blessing or a curse, but now that the situation was like this, he had no choice but to bite the bullet and continue.

In the battle last night, when he came out, he didn't know how many people escaped, and the casualties were also unknown.But what is certain is that the Zhengtian Gang is over. This former No. [-] martial arts gang collapsed overnight.If this matter was put in the past, no one would have thought that Lin Yaokun should be the most injured person now.

Early the next morning, Chen Feifei rode Night Breeze and continued on the road. He didn't see Du Mengyue and the others in Jingtian City. He wasn't sure where they were. Anyway, he knew that the sooner he arrived at Hongyanmen, the better.

A few days later, Chen Feifei finally arrived in Qinghe City, but when he entered the city, he felt as if he was facing an enemy. Passers-by on the street were in a hurry, and most of them avoided him when they saw that he had knives and swords on him.

Feeling a little puzzled, Chen Feifei hurriedly got off his horse and saw a young man next to him, who didn't walk away immediately like the others, but hurried forward a few steps, saluted him, and said, "This little brother. "

Seeing this, the man hastily saluted and asked, "Young man, why are you here?"

Chen Feifan wouldn't just say it straight to the point, and hurriedly replied: "I was passing by here, and I saw everyone behaving like this, why is that?"

"If you pass by, then leave this city early." The man said and took a step back.

"Brother, can you explain in detail what happened here?" Chen Feifei was a little confused. There were no officers and soldiers guarding the city, and no notices were posted. At this moment, all he could think about was the affairs of Jianghu.

The man waved his hand and said, "I see that you are young and passing by here again, so don't worry about what's going on here, just leave now."

The little brother didn't say anything, but Chen Feifei was a little anxious, and hurriedly said: "To tell you the truth, I passed by this place this time to go to Hongyanmen. I don't know if what happened here is related to Hongyanmen?"

When the man heard this, his face was full of horror, and he took a step back and said: "Young man, you don't know something, something happened to the Hongyan Gate. I don't know where a large group of people came from, and the Hongyan Gate was completely surrounded. , Even our Qinghe City has quite a few of them, as long as people from the Jianghu come here, no matter what they do here, they will be surrounded and beaten by those people, and I have even seen someone beaten to death with my own eyes."

Dark Wind Alliance, this is what Chen Feifei thought of first.He smiled, and was about to go forward to ask the little brother about some things here, but he saw that the people around him were even further away from him.Apart from taking a few steps back, this little brother has no intention of running at any time.

There might be some deceit in it. Thinking about it this way, Chen Feifei became more cautious. He stood where he was and continued to ask the man, "Then how long has this happened?"

The man thought for a while and said, "About three days ago."

Chen Feifan smiled at him, got on his horse, and clasped his fists at him again: "Thank you!"

"Young man, I advise you not to go to Hongyanmen, just go." The man said and took another step back, now he was seven or eight steps away from Chen Feifan.

Chen Feifan rode on the horse and nodded. At this time, he still didn't know whether the person in front of him was an enemy or a friend, so he decided to tell a lie: "I'll inform Master and see what the old man will do."

"Alright. Young man, be careful all the way." The man said as if to walk away.

"Thank you, little brother." Regardless of whether the news is true or not, Chen Feifan still plans to go to Hongyanmen.

He had just ridden forward for dozens of steps, when he heard the man behind him shout loudly: "Young man, please stop."

As soon as Chen Feifei turned his head, he felt Ye Fei under his crotch suddenly flash to the right, almost throwing him off.Immediately, he felt a gust of wind whistling past his left ear, almost brushing past his ear, and then he saw an arrow firmly planted on the ground.

He hurriedly turned his head and looked forward, only to see a few scattered passers-by on the street in front of him. Looking up again, he saw a person in a teahouse opposite with a bow and arrow turning around and running away. He should be the one who shoots the arrow.

It was too late for Chen Feifan, the man in the teahouse, to chase after him, so he could only turn Night Breeze around immediately and try his best to catch up with the little brother who was already running.From this point of view, there is indeed something wrong with this little brother. If Ye Fei hadn't dodged in time just now, Chen Feifei would have been hit by the arrow by now.

Night Breeze's speed was beyond the reach of ordinary people. In the blink of an eye, Chen Feifei had already caught up.Seeing this, the man hurriedly took out a dagger from his pocket, but he was no match for Chen Feifan, the Phantom Spirit Sword hadn't been drawn out of its sheath yet, and with just one swing, his dagger fell off.

He didn't pick up the short sword when it was dropped, but continued to run forward. At this time, Chen Feifan was not soft on his hands, and knocked the man to the ground with a single palm of his right hand.

Chen Feifan's palm was neither heavy nor light, but the man was lying on the ground and didn't get up, obviously his skill was too weak.

"Are you from the Darkwind Alliance?" Chen Feifei jumped off his horse and came to that person.

Seeing Chen Feifei approaching, the man hurriedly sat up from the ground, with a look of horror on his face, hurriedly waved his hands and said, "Hero, please be merciful. Little one, no, no, really not."

People who practice martial arts naturally watch all directions and listen to all directions. At this moment, Chen Feifei knew that there were people slowly approaching him around, so he hurriedly patted Night Breeze's ass to make him leave here first.


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