river or lake

Chapter 342 Yangfan City

After a good day of rest in Qitian City, the two set off for Yangfan City the next day.That city is in the northwest of Qitian City, and it takes three days to ride a horse.

Seeing that he was not far from the gate of Yangfan City, Chu Zihan suddenly turned his head and said, "Fan Fei, how is your horse?"

"My horse?" Chen Feifei didn't understand the meaning of Chu Zihan's question, but he still replied, "It's a good horse."

"How long has this horse been with you?" she continued.

"It's been more than a year." Chen Feifei still didn't understand.

"Okay. Let's put the horses outside the city first, and then walk in."

The two dismounted in a small wood not far from the city gate, and then left the two horses here without using a rope to tie them.

Now, Chen Feifei knew Chu Zihan's intentions. She was preparing to escape. Is this Yangfan City really so scary?

As soon as the two entered the city, they immediately looked around. At this time, they wanted to meet the Dark Wind Alliance, but they didn't want to meet the Dark Wind Alliance.This kind of conflicted mood is because you can ask the cousin's whereabouts if you meet him, but if you don't meet him, you can get away with it.Then he thought, if we do meet, I'm afraid there will be too many enemies, and I will be in danger before I meet Jia Yanjia.

"Let's find an inn first." Chu Zihan said softly.

"Is there no Pintianxing here?" Chen Feifei asked. Although this city is not as big as Qitian City and there are not many people coming and going, it is still a big city.

"No." Chu Zihan replied bluntly.

"Zihan, how do we find your cousin?" Chen Feifei had no clue about who to look for.

Chu Zihan didn't answer, since she entered the city, the expression on her face was cold.Before she could answer, Chen Feifan could only sigh softly, and silently followed behind her.

It's no wonder that Chen Feifei felt uncomfortable as soon as he entered Yangfan City, as if he was being stared at by others, as if he was surrounded by enemies.

The two walked at a leisurely pace, it was not evening yet, and they were not in a hurry to find an inn to stay, so Chen Feifan let Chu Zihan go ahead, and he followed silently.

After walking for a while, there was an inn on the side of the road that was smelling of vegetables. After eating dry food for several days, the two of them were already tired of eating. Although they didn't speak to each other, they both walked towards that inn.

As soon as the shop waiter saw the two of them, he quickly greeted them with a smile and asked, "You two guests, are you going to eat or stay in the shop?"

"Are there two good guest rooms?" Chu Zihan asked.

The shop waiter was taken aback. This lonely man and widow actually wanted two guest rooms. He didn't want to understand, but he didn't dare to think any further, so he nodded and replied: "Yes, yes, yes."

"Then serve us good wine and good food first." Chen Feifei said, the smell of the food in the room was too long, and he became more and more hungry.

"Will the two guest officials eat downstairs, or send it to the guest room of the two of you?" asked the waiter.

"Let's eat here." Chen Feifei said.


The two chose an inconspicuous corner, and then ordered a plate of beef, a stack of peanuts, and a few home-cooked dishes.The two ate for a long time before the waiter in the shop brought up a jar of wine.

The waiter in the shop said that they made good wine by themselves, and they were well-known in the city. The two of them didn't usually drink much, but the waiter in the shop talked about the wine so hype, so they had to order a jar to try it.

As soon as the altar was opened, the aroma of the wine overflowed, and Chen Feifei felt a little thirsty. It would be nice if he could drink a few sips of wine to soothe his throat and relieve fatigue, and then sleep comfortably.

He poured the wine into a big bowl, and was about to drink it, but was stopped by Chu Zihan: "Don't drink it yet."

Before he could speak, Chu Zihan put a red pill into the bowl, and saw that the pill melted as soon as it touched the wine, and the color also changed from red to black. Suddenly, the entire bowl of colorless and transparent wine turned black.

"Toxic." Chu Zihan slapped the table and stood up.

"Could the food I ate just now be poisonous?" Chen Feifei was a little annoyed. He never thought that he was poisoned by someone who was greedy for a moment of appetite, not to mention that he was poisoned for no reason.

"Don't worry, I've tested the food just now with a silver needle, and it's not poisonous." Chu Zihan's words made Chen Feifei feel relieved.

While the two were talking, a group of people had already poured out all around, surrounding the two of them.

"Hey! The man was killed, and the woman was captured alive." The person who spoke was the waiter from the shop just now.

Unexpectedly, they entered a black shop. The two of them glanced at each other and both smiled. Today's luck is a little bit bad.The two stood back to back and drew out their respective swords at the same time. Facing the dozen or so people holding swords around them, the two did not feel afraid.

"Give it to me."

As soon as the waiter in the shop finished speaking, it was not those people who made the first move, but Chen Feifan and Chu Zihan.With this move, it was discovered that the gap between the two sides was not usually large. After one move, two of them were stabbed and fell to the ground.

Chen Feifan and Chu Zihan didn't want to cause trouble in Yangfan City. Seeing the people around them being stunned, Chen Feifei hurriedly said, "We don't want to kill people here, and we hope you don't overestimate your capabilities."

This hurt both of them at the beginning, and the momentum of the people around them was indeed much weaker. Now that they heard Chen Feifei's words, they all hesitated and took a few steps back.

But this is only a few steps back, the two are still surrounded by them at this moment, the enemy can't move and I can't move, the two sides are so deadlocked.

"Chu Zihan, the daughter of Lengye Mountain Villa, Chen Feifan who has no background and no affiliation but was able to enter the top ten in the Heroes Conference." The waiter in the shop suddenly said this.

"Who are you?" Chu Zihan asked coldly.

The waiter in the shop smiled and said, "Dark Wind League."

These words stunned the two of them, they didn't expect to run into Dark Wind League so soon, but seeing that the dozen or so people around them were all little people who hadn't been beaten, and felt that the waiter in this shop was playing tricks, so they could only be dubious.

"It's better to leave early." Chen Feifei whispered to Chu Zihan who was behind him.

Although Chu Zihan didn't speak, the Zibing sword in his hand had already taken action and killed the few people blocking the door.

The difference in strength between the two sides was too great, these people couldn't stop them at all, they almost all slashed one by one, the waiter in the shop was a bit powerful, but after only four moves, he was stabbed to the ground by Chu Zihan's sword.

As soon as the two of them left the store, they found a group of people already standing outside, who seemed to be waiting for them.


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