river or lake

Chapter 336 Another Coincidence

For Ling Yani's request, Chen Feifei was too embarrassed to immediately reject her. With a beautiful woman by his side, the journey would definitely be much more exciting.However, if Ling Yani really went to Huan Tianya with her, then she couldn't go to Shen Tao's Yunlong Sword School.

Seeing that Chen Feifei was silent, Ling Yani said softly: "Since Brother Feifei has difficulties, then forget it."

"No, no, no." Chen Feifei quickly waved his hands and said, "I'm just used to doing things casually by myself. Now that you've said that, I don't know what to do."

Ling Yani chuckled and said, "Don't worry, I've been to Huan Tianya, I won't hold you back."

Fearing that she might misunderstand, Chen Feifei hurriedly said, "Yani, that's not what I meant."

"I know. You feel a little uncomfortable because there is suddenly one more person. Isn't that right? Brother Fei Fei." Ling Yani asked happily.

"Yes." Chen Feifan nodded, but immediately felt that this was just turning a corner and didn't want Ling Yani to go with him, so he hurriedly said: "Yani, I..."

Looking at the embarrassed Chen Feifan, Ling Yani interrupted him with a smile: "Brother Feifan, I understand. Come, let's eat the vegetables first."

The two chatted while eating. They had a pleasant meal, but they had a small dispute when paying the bill. Ling Yani wanted to pay, but Chen Feifei would not let her pay.I came to you, and after being polite to each other for a while, the shopkeeper couldn't stand it any longer, so he took half of Chen Feifan's meal price and Ling Yani's half of the meal price.

Out of Pin Tian Xing, Ling Yani said: "Brother Fei Fei, what are your plans next?"

It would be a good choice to wander the streets with Ling Yani, Chen Feifei thought to himself, but said: "I don't have any plans, it's rare to come to Dingtu City, I want to have a good time here for a few days."

"This Dingtu City can be visited for a few days." Ling Yani nodded and said, "Brother Fanfan, you can come to me when the time comes, and I will accompany you to visit. However, today is not enough, I have something to do first gone."

Although he was inevitably disappointed, Chen Feifei still smiled and said, "Okay, then I won't keep you."

Just as Ling Yani was about to turn around, she suddenly said: "Look at my memory, I almost forgot such an important thing. Brother Fanfan, I live in the southern district of Dingtu City, there is a Liuyun Inn, you can go there anytime Find me there."

"Liuyun Inn in the south. Okay, I will remember it."

As soon as the two separated, Chen Feifan didn't go directly back to the place where he lived, but walked while thinking about how to go to Huantianya. At this moment, he had long since lost his mind to pay attention to the bustling scene around him.

It seems that this time Ling Yani really wants to go to the fantasy world with him. In fact, this time he set off alone, not only to try the taste of wandering the rivers and lakes alone, but actually there are many things to do.Let’s not talk about going to the Yunlong Sword Sect. Other things include looking for Lu Ran. What the Danyun Villa lacks is a doctor like Lu Ran; there is also the matter entrusted by Zuo Tian. Be sure to meet the old man by the stable.

It's a good thing now, with Ling Yani doing this, all his plans were shattered, but he is a person who doesn't know how to refuse. . .

Three days later, Chen Feifan was waiting at the east gate of Dingtu City. This was the place he had agreed with Ling Yani, and today was the day to go to Huantianya.

After about a stick of incense, I saw a woman with her long hair tied back, her pretty face without any rouge and gouache, without the usual gorgeous clothes, but a slightly tight-fitting white plain dress. Wearing a thin sword and a white horse under his crotch, he has such a chivalrous demeanor.

The woman riding a white horse was none other than Ling Yani, Chen Feifei quickly stepped forward and asked, "Yani, why are you dressed like this?"

Ling Yani smiled slightly, and asked back: "Brother Fanfan, if I was dressed like that three days ago, do you think it's better for me to ride a horse or a carriage?"

After being told by Ling Yani, Chen Feifei thought, yes, if Ling Yani was dressed as three days ago, she could only take a carriage, which would definitely slow down the journey.

Being so considerate, Chen Feifei's affection for Ling Yani has deepened a lot: "Yani, I..."

Ling Yani didn't seem to want him to answer, she stroked Ye Feng's horse's head and said, "Brother Fei Fei, is this Xiao Hei?"

That Night Breeze was also very close to her, and it seemed that the previous relationship was not ordinary.

"Xiao Hei? I call it 'Night Breeze'."

"Night Breeze." Ling Yani was taken aback for a moment, then smiled and said, "Good name. I'll call it Night Breeze too."

Although Ling Yani is the eldest lady of the Ling family, her horse riding skills are not inferior. It seems that she has learned kung fu, which is different, and she is much better than a young lady like Zhuang Shuzhen.

Originally, Chen Feifan wanted to take care of Ling Yani and ride slowly, but unexpectedly, this young lady was not as weak as she looked. The two rode fast horses for two days and arrived at Wangya City.

Wangya City is bigger than Dingtu City. This city is less than half a day away from Huan Tianya, and it is also the easternmost city of Longding Kingdom. There are a lot of people coming and going in the city. Judging by the clothes of those people, most of them are travelers. They came for Huan Tianya, it was indescribably lively in the city.

"Brother Fei Fei, why don't we take a day off in this city today and go to Huan Tianya tomorrow morning. What do you think?" Ling Yani suggested.

"Okay, I'll listen to you." Chen Feifei was not in a hurry, since he had nothing to do anyway.

The two found an inn, settled the horses first, and then rested all morning. In the afternoon, they walked side by side on the bustling street.

"Extraordinary." A woman's business is so familiar.

"It's her." Chen Feifei thought about it, and hurriedly looked back.Sure enough, he saw a beautiful woman standing behind him, dressed in light yellow attire. Although she was dressed in plain clothes, she couldn't hide her beautiful appearance. It was Chu Zihan whom he had been thinking about day and night.

"Zihan." As Chen Feifei opened his mouth, he couldn't help pulling a little distance away from Ling Yani beside him, in order to clarify the relationship between himself and her.

"We meet again!" Ling Yani spoke very bluntly, and she naturally noticed Chen Feifei's actions.

"Yes! We meet again!" Chu Zihan did not show any weakness.

There seemed to be some conflict between the two women, and Chen Feifei immediately felt that something was wrong in the atmosphere, not to mention the appearance of the two beauties had already attracted some people around him to stay.

"Let's go. Let's find a teahouse first." Chen Feifan said.


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