river or lake

Chapter 330

Since it hasn't affected him yet, Chen Feifan chose to continue drinking his tea. He and Ye Bumiai only looked at each other. Although neither of them spoke, the unkind atmosphere here has already infected them both. .

The other party didn't intend to make a move first, so Chen Feifan naturally wouldn't provoke, so he continued to drink his tea.

For those three people, Chen Feifei was a little curious. No matter how stupid a person is, he would not be so stupid that three people provoke the dozen or so people in front of him.Then, there are only two reasons that can be explained: one is that they have high martial arts skills and are not afraid of the dozen or so strong men in front of them; the other is that they feel that their background is much bigger than Niutoumen.

Regardless of the two reasons, Chen Feifei felt that he should stay and observe slowly.

Although the big man from the Niutoumen who spoke just now took the lead, he was not in a hurry to make a move. Instead, the gang of men behind him rushed forward.

The dozen or so people were obviously relying on their numbers, and when they went up, they fought with fists and kicks. The three of them didn't carry any weapons, but they were not afraid of each other at all. The young master took a few steps back, gently shaking the paper fan, as if he had no intention of joining the battle.

It seems that it is not unreasonable for the son to trust the two men around him so much.I saw that the first few Niutoumen who rushed forward were knocked down by the two men to the ground.

Seeing that the opponent was a little tricky, the rest of the Niutoumen immediately stopped and moved forward, and their momentum was also a little weaker.

That young master didn't forget to add oil and vinegar at this moment, and snorted coldly: "Hmph! A bunch of mobs. The people of Niutoumen are nothing more than that."

"Everyone go together!" The big man shouted.

Except for the few people lying on the ground, the other nine people, including the big man, all rushed up.

The so-called two fists are hard to beat with four hands, so many people rushed over at once, the two men couldn't take care of the young man behind them, and immediately, the two sides fought together.

The big man at Niutoumen was not stupid, he knew that the three people in front of him were difficult to deal with, so he hurriedly dismantled a chair, used a wooden stick as a stick, and threw it at the young man.

That young man was not in a panic. Seeing the opponent coming, he quickly dodged his body to the right and dodged it deftly. Then he took advantage of the situation and kicked the big man's abdomen hard. He tried his best, but his strength should not be underestimated.The kick made the big man roll his eyes, and immediately fell to the ground, clutching his stomach and screaming.

"You are from Liuyemen!" Ye Bumi stood up at this moment.

As soon as these words came out, both sides stopped their hands at the same time, and they couldn't help but each took a few steps back. The big man who fell on the ground was also supported by the two of them.

"Sure enough, it's Ghost Wind Swordsman. You know who we are so soon!" The young master still had a relaxed expression on his face.

"If I'm not mistaken, this son should be Fu Jun, the young master of Liuyemen." Ye Bumi said with a smile.

The young master did not refute, but also smiled and said: "Your Excellency is right, I am the young master of Liuyemen, Fu Jun."

No matter who is good or bad between Niutoumen and Liuyemen, just looking at the posture of Niutoumen just now, Chen Feifei is somewhat inclined to Liuyemen's side.However, he didn't know much about Liuyemen, so naturally he couldn't help, so he could only watch with a cold eye.

"I heard that Liuyemen is well-known in Jianghu for its hidden weapons. I'll think about it for a while today." Ye Bumi said and stepped forward.

Seeing that the capable person stood up, those people from Niutoumen all stepped back a few steps to make room for him.

The waiter in the teahouse carried the tea up to the second floor. When he saw this scene, he turned his head back in fright.

The man on Fu Jun's right stood up and said, "Then let me show you your clever trick for a while."

Ye Bumi sneered and said, "I mean Young Master Fu, you are not qualified yet."

"Then you have to pass my level first." The man naturally refused to give in.

Fu Jun didn't make a statement, but took a slight step back, obviously acquiescing to the man's actions.

"Forget it!" Ye Bumi sneered, and continued, "I heard that all of you Liuyemen have deep internal strength. I don't know if it's true or not, so let me try."

"Ye Bumiai, isn't it a bit boring for us to make gestures like this. Why don't we make a bet here, what do you think?" the man suggested.

"What kind of bet?"

"If I win, then please tell me who is going to be against our Liuyemen tonight."

"What if I win?"

"What do you say?"

"Cut off your right hand."

"Old Wu, this is not acceptable." Fu Jun hurriedly stopped him.

"What?" Ye Bumi smiled and said, "Young Master Fu, are you afraid that he will lose?"

"I just don't think the bet is fair." Fu Jun said.

"Then what do you think if I win?" Ye Bumi asked coldly.

"Information for information!"

"That's good. I want your Dingfeng Jue."

"You're delusional!" the man said and punched him.

The opponent's punch seemed unpleasant, but if he used his internal strength, that punch must be extremely heavy.Ye Bumiie smiled when he saw this, and then greeted him with his right palm.

With this punch and palm, when everyone blinked next, they collided head-on.Immediately afterwards, the two closed their hands at the same time and took a few steps back.

The big man at Niutoumen said at this time: "Brother Ye, let's go together and kill these three first, it will save a lot of trouble at night."

Ye Bumi nodded his head and said, "That's fine. But if you want to capture Fu Jun alive, the other two can be killed."

Seeing and hearing this, Chen Feifei still had no idea, he really couldn't find a reason to help others.In the arena, I am afraid of standing on the wrong team. If I stand on the wrong side, I will not only be affected by myself.In desperation, he could only continue to sit and drink tea, quietly watching the conflict between the two groups of people in front of him become more and more violent. ;

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