river or lake

Chapter 124

A few steps away, the three Chen Feifan brothers rushed over at the same time, Zuo Tian raised his sword in front, but the two men and one woman behind him did not move for a long time, but one of them was muttering something.

Zhang Xiaohua, who rushed to the front, was the first to collide with Zuo Tian. The Cold and Summer Sword faced the Nether Sword, but Chen Feifan and Xiao Mufeng encountered a strange thing. Fireballs as big as fists appeared in the sky, and there were more than one. Several of them smashed towards the two of them together.

Chen Feifan and the two had no choice but to stop, and each used their swords to block the impact of these fireballs. When they approached their eyes, they realized that these fireballs were divided into two groups, the front and the rear. The fiery temperature brought by the fireball made the two of them not dare to be careless at all. In this situation, they could avoid it if they could. If it was impossible, they could only block it with a sword.

The situation on Zhang Xiaohua's side is also very unfavorable to him. It seems that Zuo Tian's title of Nether Eagle is indeed not in vain.

Although the Nether Sword in Zuotian's hand is not as terrifying as before, his swordsmanship is still top-notch. Zhang Xiaohua's unfinished Thirty Eagle Strikes are no match for him at all. Already at a disadvantage.

"Hey! Don't fight everyone! You are not from the Dark Wind Alliance, and neither are we!" The handsome-looking man among the three behind Zuo Tian shouted loudly.

At this time, the two batches of fireball attacks had ended, Chen Feifan and Xiao Mufeng were unharmed, they quickly bypassed Zhang Xiaohua and Zuotian, and rushed directly towards the three people behind Zuotian.

"Friend, we are not members of the Darkwind Alliance!" The person who spoke loudly just now said again.

It's just that just after the man finished speaking, a ball of light suddenly appeared in midair, and the next moment the ball of light flew towards Xiao Mufeng.

However, this time, Chen Feifan and Xiao Mufeng finally saw clearly the origin of the ball of light, which was made by the woman on the opposite side. The strange thing was that the woman just pointed her hand forward and the ball of light appeared out of thin air.

At this moment, Xiao Mufeng could only quickly withdraw Zi Gengjian, which was a few inches away from the speaker's throat, raised the sword upwards and then turned it outwards, and then managed to push away the ball of light, but the ball of light was only slightly Changed a direction, drew an arc strangely, but the target remained the same or Xiao Mufeng.

Waiting for Xiao Mufeng to press the sword down before resisting, the ball of light would have hit his body long ago, so he could only dodge to the side at the moment, so this time it was Chen Feifei's turn to make a move, and the red sword energy was instantly released And then, the speed was faster than that ball of light, one red and one white collided in mid-air, a soft sound erupted, and then disappeared at the same time.

"Li Muyao, stop!" The handsome man still stood still and shouted to the woman not far behind.

"Wu Suowei! Why are you yelling? My attitude is so bad. I didn't take action because I saw your danger! Hmph!" The woman named Li Muyao stomped behind him.

"Everyone stop, we are indeed not members of the Dark Wind Alliance!" Another man spread his hands outward, "We really have no hostility."

"Brother, they seem to be..." Xiao Mufeng withdrew the Zigeng sword in his hand and said softly to Chen Feifei who was at the side.

Chen Feifan nodded and said: "It seems that these three people are indeed not members of the Nighthawk Gang, but I don't know why Zuo Tian is with them."


"Xiaohua, come here."

When Zhang Xiaohua returned to Chen Feifan and Xiao Mufeng, he was already out of breath. The frequent switching of offense and defense in the battle with Zuotian just now cost him a lot of energy, but he knew that Zuotian was not fully committed at all, while he used about [-]% of it. The strength, the gap between the two made him feel frustrated.

"Who are you?" Xiao Mufeng asked the four people on the opposite side first.

Now there are three people on one side and four people on the other side standing face to face, but at this time both sides have withdrawn their weapons, and the tense atmosphere just now is gone.

"We come from another world." The young woman named Li Muyao said.

"What?" The three of Chen Feifei couldn't react for a while.

Saten came out and explained, "They mean they are not from here."

"Then what are they doing here? What is their purpose?" Xiao Mufeng asked.

"We are not from the Dark Wind Alliance!" said the man named Wu Suowei, "My name is Wu Suowei, his name is Zhang Fan, and her name is Li Muyao. It's just a coincidence that we came here."

"Coincidence?" Zhang Xiaohua pointed at Zuo Tian and said, "Then is he also a coincidence?"

Wu Suowei nodded and said: "Yes, and Zuo Tian has already left the Dark Wind Alliance."

"He, has he left the Dark Wind Alliance?" Wu Suowei's words made Chen Feifei and the three brothers a little unbelievable.

"Why not?" Zuo Tian said silently.

"Don't talk about that for now, is the one you used just now magic?" Zhang Fan pointed at Chen Feifei.

Chen Feifan was a little confused, pointed to himself and said, "What did you say I used?"

"Magic! Is it magic? Because your magic is used differently from the sword energy here." Zhang Fan said.

Chen Feifei shook his head and said, "I still don't understand what you said. This is also sword energy, not magic as you said."

Zhang Fan just opened his mouth, but after being held back by Wu Suowei and whispered a few times, he never spoke.

On the contrary, Li Muyao, who was behind the two of them, came up and said, "Since you are not from the Darkwind Alliance, then who are you?"

Chen Feifei smiled and said: "This is my second brother, Xiao Mufeng, and this is my third brother, Zhang Xiaohua. The three of us have no family or sect."

"If you are looking for the Dark Wind Alliance, then you are looking for the wrong person!" Zuo Tian said.

"Then what are you guys going to do tonight?" Xiao Mufeng still didn't quite believe that Zuo Tian would leave the Dark Wind Alliance.

"Go buy a horse!" Wu Suowei said.

"Why are you buying horses? Could it be that you are going tonight..." Zhang Xiaohua said as he touched the Cold and Heat Sword with his hands involuntarily.

"You still doubt us!" Li Muyao said angrily.

Zuo Tian glanced at Chen Feifan and the three of them, then suddenly turned around and said, "Believe it or not, follow me if you have the ability!"


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