river or lake

Chapter 122 Hanging Out

Zhang Xiaohua didn't know about Woniushan, but Chen Feifei knew that the people in Woniushan did things like robbing the rich and giving to the poor, which showed that they had a good heart, but why did they rob the rich and give to the poor?This shows that they themselves are poor, and it is because they are poor that they know the sufferings of the poor, so they rob the rich.

But how to win them over?After all, they are not from the Jianghu. If they are really pulled in, their future life will not be as stable as it is now.

Chen Feifei said what he was thinking, and the other two also felt that this matter was not thoughtful, but the longer it took, the worse it would be for them.

"I have someone!" Zhang Xiaohua laughed suddenly.

"Xiaohua, do you have someone?" Xiao Mufeng asked hastily.

Looking at the reactions of the two, Zhang Xiaohua said calmly, "I think there must be!"

"Xiaohua, if you have something to say, speak quickly, don't fool your second brother." Chen Feifei said.

Zhang Xiaohua knew that he should answer seriously at this time, and after sorting out his thoughts a little bit, he said: "Li Yanran's grandfather Xiaying once said that he adopted a group of homeless orphans, gave them food and shelter, and taught them martial arts. Where?"

"You mean they were all cultivated by the old man Xiaying?" Xiao Mufeng was a little surprised. Now Zhang Xiaohua is the grandson-in-law of the old man Xiaying.

Zhang Xiaohua nodded and continued: "Although I don't know where they are, what is certain is that they are still staying somewhere in Yingxue Mountain, because it seems that the old man Xiaying hasn't let them out. After more than ten years of training, they Probably 30 or [-] years old."

"Great!" Xiao Mufeng said happily, "Brother, shall we go now?"

"No hurry, we have other things to do." Chen Feifei was also happy for the two of them, but he knew that the hatred between the two of them was too strong, especially Xiao Mufeng. If he acted rashly, the effect would be counterproductive, so this matter still needs to Think long term.

"Is there anything else to do?" Zhang Xiaohua asked.

"Sleep!" Chen Feifei said: "We should take our time with other things. Sleep is the most important thing now. You all lie on the bed and think about it."

Xiao Mufeng and Zhang Xiaohua were stunned for a moment, but before they could speak, they were "driven" out by Chen Feifei.

"Second brother! Are we in a hurry?" Zhang Xiaohua asked Xiao Mufeng who was beside him after he came out of Chen Feifan's room.

"I don't know!" Xiao Mufeng lowered his head and said, "Maybe... hey! Xiaohua, go to bed early!"

The three people's topic about building a gang stopped that night, and no one mentioned it the next day.

Yan Zeyu seems to be quite busy recently, after the four of them had breakfast together, they apologized to Chen Feifei and the others, and hurried out with Steward Hai.

The three left behind thought it was really boring to stay here, after discussing it slightly, the three decided to go to Shocking City.

After leaving the Yan Mansion, the three of them strolled on the street, and unknowingly came to the Ling Mansion. This Ling Mansion is the home of Ling Feng, the richest man in Shocking City.

Stone lions, gates, gold plaques, four big men, and high walls all reflect the extraordinaryness of this house.

"Is this where Ling Yani and the others live?" Chen Feifei asked the two people beside him.

"That Lingrou should also live here!" Zhang Xiaohua also followed the words.

The three of them looked at the Ling Mansion surrounded by high and wide walls from across the road, Xiao Mufeng nodded and said affirmatively: "Looking at this momentum, it should be the place where the richest man in Shocking City lives."

"Look! It's that old nine!" Zhang Xiaohua suddenly said while pointing at a person not far from Ling's mansion.

The last time I met the person who held the Nether Sword and was called the old nine, it was now that the three of them were facing each other. This old nine was a member of the Nighthawk Gang, so he was naturally with the Dark Wind League.

"There are three people following him!" Chen Feifei whispered.

It seems that the old ninth of the Nighthawk gang didn't notice the three brothers, talking with the two men and a woman behind him, walking forward all the way, the two men and the woman were all dressed in a strange way, although the clothes were no different from others , but the hair does not look like the people here, the two men have short hair to the ears, and the woman's hair is just a shawl.

"Brother, should we follow them?" Xiao Mufeng asked. This time, the three of them all carried swords when they went shopping. Even if they really wanted to fight each other, three against four would not necessarily suffer.

"It depends on the situation!" Chen Feifei replied. He just had an incident with the Emerald Tower a few days ago, and he was afraid that this incident would cause unexpected problems, but he didn't want to give up this good opportunity. Maybe there would be unexpected gains.

Seeing that Chen Feifei was hesitant, Zhang Xiaohua hurriedly said, "Brother, let's go and have a look. If it doesn't work, run away. We won't force them."

Seeing that the four people in front had started to walk away, Chen Feifei said, "Okay!"

Strange to say, those four people seem to be wandering aimlessly, usually taking the main road, and the only thing that is certain is that they have been walking towards the west of Shocking City.

Seeing that the whole afternoon is about to pass, but there is nothing to gain.

At this time, Lao Jiu and the other three found an inn at the west gate of Jingtian City to live in. It was difficult for Chen Feifei and the three of them to follow in, so they had to sit by the window on the second floor of the teahouse opposite the inn.

"Are they going to Jingtian Mountain?" Zhang Xiaohua expressed his thoughts.

Xiao Mufeng somewhat disagreed with Zhang Xiaohua's point of view: "I think they have actions at night, so they found a more remote inn."

"But why do the four of them carry packages with them? It doesn't look like it's for convenience, but it looks like they are out for sightseeing!" Chen Feifei somewhat agreed with Zhang Xiaohua's opinion.

"How about this?" Zhang Xiaohua suggested, "I'll run to talk to Mr. Yan later, and we'll follow them all night."

"Okay!" Both Chen Feifan and Xiao Mufeng agreed with Zhang Xiaohua's statement, and the store that Yan Zeyu is managing today is relatively close to here.

As soon as he left, Zhang Xiaohua picked up the freshly brewed tea on the table, blew on it and drank a few sips, then hurried downstairs, while Chen Feifan and Xiao Mufeng watched the opposite inn while drinking tea.

About half an hour later, the setting sun was about to set, and Zhang Xiaohua came back when the lights of Wanjia were just turned on.

Going up to the second floor again, Zhang Xiaohua drank the tea that Xiao Mufeng had just poured, and smiled at the two people who were waiting: "I told Mr. Yan that the three of us would like to go to Jingtian Mountain tomorrow. I want to stay in the inn on the west side of this place for one night. Unexpectedly, he gave me a tael of gold and three fast horses. I originally ordered a few servants to accompany me, but I declined them all. I only need three fast horses, and now they are tied downstairs."

"Okay!" Chen Feifei patted Zhang Xiaohua on the shoulder to express his appreciation for his actions, and then continued: "Let's go down and go to the inn opposite!"


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