river or lake

Chapter 119 Night

This chapter was uploaded by netizens and released for free for study and research.

For mobile phone users, please visit or "Is the Ziyun Tower also on the mountain?" Jia Yanjia asked.

"Yes! Halfway up the mountain!" Ling Yani replied.

"How long will it take to get there?"

"About half an hour!"

"Then shall we go directly to Ziyun Building?"

"No! Go up to the top of the mountain first, and then enter Ziyun Tower when you go down the mountain."

"How long does it take to get to the top?"

Ling Yani thought for a while and said, "About an hour or two!"

"It's been too long!" Jia Yanjia complained, "I don't want to go, cousin, shall we not go?"

Qian Xiaoyun

"What about you?" Jia Yanjia looked at Ling Yani worriedly and said, "Could it be that you all climbed the mountain yourself?"

Ling Yani smiled and said, "We can all do it!"

The five of them prepared a bit, and then set off, but this time they didn't take those subordinates with them, they only went up the mountain with the four people that the shopkeeper Huang had just found, and the maids and subordinates of Jia Yani and Ling Yani stayed here. The shopkeepers arrange room and board.

Chitun Mountain in Chitun Villa is actually not steep but has many steps. The scenery along the way is not bad. At the beginning of the journey, Ling Yani and Qian Xiaoyun talked the most, and Jia Yanjia also interjected a few words from time to time, while Chen Feifei and Qian Xiaoyun talked the most. Chu Zihan silently fell at the back of the line without saying a word.

Later, it was Ling Yani who talked the most, Qian Xiaoyun and Chen Feifei occasionally said a few words, Jia Yanjia was out of breath, and Chu Zihan still didn't talk with everyone, just enjoying the scenery in the mountains alone.

After climbing for about half an hour, Jia Yanjia was already sitting on a bamboo sedan chair carried by two people. In fact, all four of them were in good physical strength. After climbing for about an hour and a half, they reached the top of the mountain.

"Yani, are you not tired?" Chen Feifan asked.

Ling Yani smiled slightly and said, "I'm not tired, this mountain is not high."

"Miss Ling must also be a martial artist." This was the first sentence Chu Zihan said after going up the mountain.

"Yes, sister Chu." Ling Yani smiled sweetly, "I have learned martial arts since I was a child."

Chu Zihan didn't seem to like the word "sister" for Ling Yani, she frowned slightly and said, "Miss Ling, the word "sister" is still unnecessary."

As if she didn't hear it, Ling Yani pointed to the top of the mountain and said: "Sister Chu, the scenery here is not bad! Do you mind if I go there and have a private talk with you?"

Although Chu Zihan was a little uncomfortable

looking at two people

Both Chen Feifan and Qian Xiaoyun shook their heads. Since they went up the mountain just now, they have never spoken to each other, but they have to talk alone when they reach the top of the mountain, which makes people really understand.

The three of them waited for the other two while looking at the scenery on the top of the mountain. Fortunately, the conversation between the two did not last long.

Ling Yani took the lead and said: "Okay! We have also arrived at the mountain, now it's time to go back. It's almost time to eat at Ziyun Tower, finish eating early, and go down the mountain early to rest."

Ling Yani proposed to go down the mountain, and the rest of the people had no objections.

But on the way down the mountain, Chu Zihan still didn't say a word, even if Jia Yanjia wanted to talk to her, she didn't say anything, just silently

Ziyun Building is only two stories high. It is located on the mountainside of this mountain. It cannot be seen from the bottom of the mountain at a glance, because it is not built on the side of the mountain road. a small road heading north

Although there are only two floors, the interiors inside are extremely luxurious. The piece placed in the hall

The five randomly found a few seats on the first floor and sat down, then Ling Yani ordered a few points

Wait until the five of you finish dinner, God

Although it’s a bit early for dinner, it’s still bright in the sky, so it’s safer to go down the mountain, so as to avoid unnecessary troubles caused by going down the mountain after dark.

It was only after the five people returned to their guest rooms at the bottom of the mountain that it was only dark. Chen Feifei lay on the bed, looking at the phantom spirit sword beside him. This sword was not like a sword, but like a long piece of iron. Many people advised him Changing a weapon, but he never thought about it. This sword has been with him for the longest time, and he already has feelings for it. Later, when he reached the fourth level of sword art skills, he went to see this spirit sword again, and found that this Holding a sword is not that simple, but he still doesn't know why it is so difficult.

Chen Feifan touched the Yangfei Sword gifted by Ling Yani on his waist again. Except for sleeping, he always carried it with him at all times. He didn't know why Ling Yani gave this sword, what was the purpose and what was the significance?

Thinking of Ling Yani, it reminded Chen Feifei of Chu Zihan. I haven't seen him for a year. Apart from the great increase in his skills, Chu Zihan's words have also become colder. The last hero meeting was only a few words, and this time it was the same, not at all. It's been like a year, when it was only superficially cold, but now it's something from the bottom of my heart.

Just thinking about it, suddenly there was a knock outside.

"Chu Zihan." said outside.

Chen Feifei hurriedly said: "Here we come!"

"Miss Chu, what do you want me for?" Chen Feifei swallowed instinctively.

Chu Zihan didn't speak but still lowered her head

"Don't tell anyone that I've been here before." Chu Zihan said suddenly. . .

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