river or lake

Chapter 117 Eating

"Haha!" The young master Fang asked with a smile: "The Taoist priest is really powerful, do you want to compete again?"

Daoist Xikong shook his head and said, "No more comparisons, just compare one if you say one."

"Okay!" Ling Yani still smiled and waved her hand towards the door behind her: "Please!"

During the conversation, the person in charge just invited shopkeeper Huang over. The shopkeeper nodded and bowed as soon as he entered the door: "Miss Ling, Mr. Fang, Mr. Lian, Mr. Chu, and other distinguished guests, what's going on?"

"Hmph!" Mr. Fang glanced at Ling Yani, then greedily glanced at Chu Zihan and Jia Yanjia behind her, and walked out first.

Immediately after, Mr. Lian, Mr. Chu and those useless subordinates walked out, and the last one was the Daoist Zhang Kong.

Daoist Xikong walked up to Chen Feifei and said with a smile, "I will still compete with you if I have the chance in the future!"

"Why me?" Although Chen Feifan didn't hate this Daoist priest who kept his word, he also didn't like other people looking for trouble. He was not a person who liked to fight and kill all day long.

Daoist Xikong laughed and didn't answer Chen Feifan's words, but turned to Ling Yani and asked, "Girl, what meal did you promise just now?"

Ling Yani smiled slightly and said, "Master Dao, don't worry, you can go with shopkeeper Huang! I will make arrangements."

"Thank you!" Daoist Xi Kong said, "I've never liked to owe others anything. If I eat your meal, I will help you with one thing, but I can't do those things that hurt nature and reason!"

"Okay! Taoist priest, Yani, I have written down what you said!" Ling Yani said to Taoist priest Xikong, and then said to the shopkeeper Huang: "Treasurer Huang, you just take this Taoist priest and Mr. Fang They went to the Lotus House, and all the meals there were paid on Miss Ben's account."

"Okay!" The shopkeeper Huang didn't say much, whispered a few words to the person in charge at the side, and then led Daoist Xikong and Mr. Lian in front of him to the other direction.

"Several! Please go to the Lihuaxuan next door to rest for a while, and the food will be served in a while!" The person in charge said respectfully to Ling Yani and the others.

Ling Yani nodded and said, "Alright! Clean up here!"

Except for Ah Tian who went out alone, the rest of them were taken to the next door Lihuaxuan by one of the maids who followed.

After about a stick of incense, the person in charge came over and said with a smile: "Everyone, the food is ready, you can go there."

When the five people returned to Epiphyllum Hall, they found that the entire hall had been rearranged. There was a large dark red round wooden table in the middle of the hall. There were more than [-] dishes on the wooden table. There are two maids standing next to each seat.After Chen Feifei and the others sat down once, the maids started to get busy with chopsticks, chopsticks, bowls, and vegetables. Those who eat don't have to do anything, just order and open their mouths. I got it.

Ling Yani and the three of them didn't feel anything about having a maid serve the meal like this, but Chen Feifan and Chu Zihan couldn't get used to it, especially Chen Feifan was not used to this way of eating at all.

As a result, Chen Feifei hesitated for a moment, and still half grabbed the chopsticks from the hand of the maid and said, "I'll do it myself."

The maid froze for a moment, then blushed and lowered her head, she said in horror: "My lord, is it because the servants are not doing well enough?"

Chen Feifan didn't expect the maid to have such a reaction. She looked flustered, as if she was afraid that the guest in front of her would be angry and blame her, and the maid beside her who was holding the bowl was also a little embarrassed.

Chen Feifan put down his chopsticks, got up quickly and explained: "No, I really want to pick up the food myself, and it has nothing to do with you."

Seeing that Chen Feifei didn't know how to enjoy herself, Ling Yani clapped her hands twice with a smile. The person in charge just now came in from the door and said respectfully, "Miss Ling, what's your order?"

"Let them all go out!" Ling Yani said.

The person in charge couldn't react for a while, and said with a little surprise: "Miss Ling, these are the people who usually serve you. Did they offend you today?"

Ling Yani smiled and took the chopsticks from the maid beside her, and said to the person in charge: "No one made a mistake. I am in a good mood today. I want to eat this meal with chopsticks by myself. Let them all go down. Divide ten points to each of them." Two silvers, you should be better off with that A-Tian just now, you can go down too."

"Yes!" The person in charge responded, and walked out with the maids.

Without the maid serving, the five picked up their chopsticks again. Ling Yani looked at Chen Feifei and said with a smile: "It's also a special feature of the maid to serve food here. I didn't expect that we would erase this feature as soon as we came in."

Chen Feifei didn't feel anything, and replied easily: "I still like to pick up my own food. It's really unbearable for people to feed food. It's worth noting this feature."

Jia Yanjia who was at the side snorted softly, and said in a low voice, "I really have never seen the world before."

"Miss Jia!" "Yanjia!" Ling Yani and Chu Zihan said at the same time. Although they spoke at the same time, their tone was different. Just some small reproaches.

"What are you doing?" Jia Yanjia was a little puzzled, but soon understood what was going on, and smiled and glanced at Chen Feifei.

At this moment, Qian Xiaoyun, who was sitting next to Chen Feifei, felt a little frustrated. No matter what, he couldn't figure out that Jia Yanjia's words would make the other two people react that way, and Ling Yani did it for Chen Feifan. Cancel the special service here, you must know that Ling Yani seldom agrees with other people's opinions.

"Miss Chu!" Ling Yani looked across the table at Chu Zihan, who was about the same size as her, and said with a half-smile, "When did you and Mr. Chen meet?"

Chu Zihan raised her beautiful eyes and replied, "Last year."

"Yani, why did you ask this?" Chen Feifei had just picked up a bite of food when he suddenly heard Ling Yani ask Chu Zihan this question, so he couldn't help but speak.

"Brother Fanfan, I was asking her, not you." Ling Yani said.

"You guys have known each other for a year!" Ling Yani talked to herself for a while, and then said to Qian Xiaoyun, "How long have you known Miss Chu?"

Qian Xiaoyun took a mouthful of vegetables and put them in the bowl, looked at Chu Zihan beside him, and said, "I have known Miss Chu for about two years."

Ling Yani seemed not satisfied with the answer, and then half-jokingly said to Chu Zihan: "Miss Chu, forgive me for asking, which of Fei Fei and Xiao Yun do you like?"

"..." Chu Zihan didn't know how to answer for a moment, so he chose to remain silent.

"If I were my cousin, I would definitely choose Mr. Qian." Jia Yanjia said without hesitation.

Ling Yani smiled and said: "That Miss Ben is just the opposite of you, I will definitely choose Brother Fei Fei."

"Miss Ling, I'm a little curious. You and Mr. Chen have only known each other for a few days. Why do you turn to him everywhere? Mr. Qian is your childhood sweetheart!" Jia Yanjia asked the question in her heart at this time.

Ling Yani looked at Chen Feifei, who was pretending to be buried in food, and Qian Xiaoyun, who was calm and calm, and then shook her head and said, "I don't know, maybe I'm too familiar with Xiaoyun."


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