river or lake

Chapter 114 Chiton Villa

When Ling Yani said this, Qian Xiaoyun smiled awkwardly and said, "Haha! Miss Chu, Miss Jia, Ling Yani and I are just childhood playmates."

"Then you just said that you only met a few times?" Jia Yanjia didn't believe this.

Looking at Jia Yanjia who was a little angry and Chu Zihan who was walking with his head bowed and his face unchanged, Qian Xiaoyun sighed slightly in his heart, and quickly explained: "I said that because I was afraid of misunderstanding."

"My lady is not afraid, what are you afraid of?" Ling Yani walked in front and continued to stir up trouble.

"Hmph, it's really not a good thing!" Jia Yanjia glanced at Qian Xiaoyun, who was a little speechless, and pulled Chu Zihan to follow Ling Yani, leaving Chen Feifei and Qian Xiaoyun to walk slowly at the end.

Qian Xiaoyun shook his head helplessly, and said to Chen Feifei who was at the side: "Master Chen laughed, Yani has this character, please don't be offended."

"Hehe..." Chen Feifei really couldn't say anything about Ling Yani's character. After all, the two of them didn't spend much time together, so it was better to know each other. The person beside him knew more, was more familiar, and was more intimate.Coupled with the fact that the other party is more handsome than himself, Chen Feifei felt a little frustrated. Maybe they are the so-called natural couple.

When the two ladies went out, they must have embraced each other, and a group of more than a dozen people marched mightily towards Chitun Villa.

Except that the west side of Jinghu Lake is flat and wide, the other three sides are surrounded by circles of mountains. These mountains are connected with peaks and undulating. The local people classify these mountains into one name called Chitun Mountains.

Chiton Villa is just one mile away from the pavilion facing east. Generally speaking, villas are built on the mountain, but this Chiton Villa does not seem to be completely like this. I heard from Ling Yani that there are four Chiton Villas around here. , and were built on the north and south sides of Jinghu Lake, but not all of them were built on the mountain.

Of course, the Chiton Villa they were going to go to this time was still built on the mountain, and everyone planned to have lunch there and rest for a while before making other plans.

When a group of more than ten people led by Ling Yani came to the Chiton Villa, they were deeply attracted by the scene in the villa.

Let’s not talk about how big the villa is, but the criss-crossing roads on the mountain behind and the well-defined houses on the side of the mountain road are enough to prove that the villa is extraordinary. Walking from the gate of the villa to the foot of the mountain behind the villa , it will take at least a quarter of an hour.

"Miss Ling, are you here?" A person in charge at the door, about forty years old, came out and smiled at Ling Yani.

"Where's your landlord?" Ling Yani just nodded, and walked forward on her own. She never greeted this kind of servant with a smile, and she could do whatever she wanted.

The butler walked by and said, "The owner has something to do, where is Miss Ling going to eat today?"

Ling Yani thought for a while and said, "Then let's eat at Epiphyllum Hall!"

"This..." The person in charge was a little confused: "The Epiphyllum Hall already has guests, why don't you guys go and listen to Fengxuan? The scenery there is much better than that of the Epiphyllum Hall."

When Ling Yani heard this, she frowned, and said in a slightly angry tone, "What did Ah Tian tell you just now?"

The person in charge seemed to be a little afraid of Ling Yani, and quickly lowered his head and said softly: "Ah Tian gave orders to the villain just now, but the villainous guest really can't afford to offend."

When she said this, Ling Yani got a little angry: "Oh! So, you can offend Miss Ben?"

"The villain doesn't dare!" the manager hurriedly begged for mercy.

"Go!" Ling Yani waved her hands at the person in charge, "Kick them out, we have to eat in the Epiphyllum Hall today."

"This..." The manager said in a crying voice: "Miss Ling, please do me a favor, don't make it hard for me, I really can't afford to offend both of you!"

Ling Yani stopped her progress, and then said to the person in charge: "Then go and offend him, Miss Ben will take care of it for you."

Seeing that the person in charge still panicked and dared not leave, Ling Yani turned around and said, "Ah Tian, ​​you go with him."

"Yes! Miss!" Ah Tian came up from behind and pulled the person in charge to the side.

Chen Feifei saw all this and felt that Ling Yani at this time was different from the Ling Yani from the night before yesterday. She was beautiful and charming at that time, like a fairy, but now she has the temperament of a rich lady. and domineering.

"Everyone! I haven't eaten yet, so how about I show you around here?" Ling Yani asked the people behind her with a smile.

Everyone nodded in agreement, and after arranging the meals for the servants who came together, two men, three women and a group of five walked towards Chiton Villa under the leadership of Ling Yani.

"It's really big here!" Jia Yanjia looked around curiously.

Ling Yani nodded and said: "This villa is very big, I think we will live here tonight, so you can take a stroll after dinner."

"Okay!" Jia Yanjia happily took Chu Zihan's hand and asked, "Cousin, shall we stay here tonight?"

Chu Zihan nodded, and said to Ling Yani, "Then there will be Miss Lao Ling."

Ling Yani smiled slightly and said, "Well, we are all friends!"

The three people who were tense in the pavilion just now were laughing together, and even Chu Zihan, who had been cold-faced just now, would inadvertently say a few words, which made Chen Feifei and Qian Xiaoyun feel a little confused cloud.

Looking at the three beauties on one side, Qian Xiaoyun asked Chen Feifei softly beside him: "Young Master Chen, which of these three beauties do you think is the most beautiful?"

Qian Xiaoyun's question made it difficult for Chen Feifei to answer. Jia Yanjia was the least beautiful among the three, but she was also considered to be of the highest quality. I could only blame the other two for being too beautiful, but I couldn't comment on them. Which one is more beautiful among them, so I had to practice Tai Chi and push the topic back, "What does Mr. Qian think?"

Qian Xiaoyun seemed to have expected that Chen Feifei would do this, and replied with a smile: "I think...haha! Don't be afraid of Mr. Chen's jokes, I think Ling Yani and Chu Zihan are peerless beauties in this world. Slightly inferior to the two of them, Yani's beauty is passionate, while Miss Chu's beauty is reserved. Of course, I like Miss Chu's reserved beauty more. Although she looks cold, she can better reflect her beauty , I don’t know if another personality will appear after she accepts me. Mr. Chen, how about you? Who do you like among the three? Do you like Yani more? "

For some reason, Chen Feifei felt disgusted with Qian Xiaoyun. He seemed to feel that feeling whenever he mentioned Chu Zihan, but he didn't show it on his face. Instead, he waved his hands and said, "Mr. , Chen has never liked any of the three girls, I just treat them as friends, for friends, I can’t say whether I like them or not, as long as they can be said, they are friends.”

Qian Xiaoyun smiled, patted Chen Feifei on the shoulder and said, "That's great! Then you can help me in the future!"

"Help you for what?" Chen Feifei asked a little puzzled.

"Let the relationship between Miss Chu and me go further. I found that Miss Chu and Mr. Chen still have something to talk about, but she doesn't say anything to me." Qian Xiaoyun said helplessly.

Seeing Qian Xiaoyun confessing his love for Chu Zihan so frankly, Chen Feifei had no choice but to remain silent. He knew that he was no match for him in any aspect, and the gap was unusually large.

"Let's go to the Epiphyllum Hall!" Ling Yani led the four of them to wander around a few places, and then walked towards the Epiphyllum Hall.

"I'm eating here, and someone wants to kick me out? Miss Ling? That's great! Let's get together! Call her here quickly." A man's voice came from the Epiphyllum hall.


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