river or lake

Chapter 111 The Covenant of Tranquil Lake

The two talked for a long time, and decided to do a good job of this business first. As for the other things and the shop that has been sold, Han Lin said that he would slowly find a way to solve it.

Although Han Lin's courtyard is not very big, there are still guest rooms. After the two of them settled everything, Chen Feifei slowly walked towards the guest room.

The three of Chen Feifei had not left here for a few days, and Han Lin hadn't packed up the things in the guest room. Everything was as usual, so they could go to sleep directly.

Back in the guest room, Chen Feifan threw the burden on the bed, and walked out again. Han Lin's room was out of light at this time, and he should be asleep.

Chen Feifan was walking in the courtyard, blowing a bit of cool night wind, looking at the quiet courtyard around him, but his heart couldn't calm down at the moment.

Thinking of myself who just walked out of the Third Ring Village a year ago, I had nothing at that time, but now, not only have brothers and so many friends, but also have my own business.However, Chen Feifei never really understood in his heart that unlike the two brothers, they had family feuds and goals, but he never thought about what was the direction he was really pursuing.

Don't you really have no goals?The purpose of practicing kung fu this year is to protect myself in the arena, not to become a generation of masters. Kung fu is not my pursuit. In fact, what I do now is to avenge the family revenge of two sworn brothers.If revenge is over, what will I do for it?

Chen Feifan shook his head, really couldn't figure out the future, sighed, and decided that he should go on with his heart in the future.

After regaining his mood, Chen Feifei looked up at the night sky and found that there was no moon tonight, but the sky was full of dazzling stars. When he just moved his eyes away from the stars, a black shadow suddenly flashed across the street across the street.

"There are thieves!" Chen Feifei thought in his heart, quickly climbed over the wall, and chased after the black shadow, but the black shadow moved too fast, and lost track in a few clicks.

Although Chen Feifan's movements were not as fast as Zhang Xiaohua's, he had also learned basic lightness skills in Fantian Valley. If he was an ordinary thief, he should have been caught long ago, but this black shadow was more than twice as fast as himself.Qinggong is so good, obviously it is not a thief, it must be a person in the Jianghu, the most taboo in the Jianghu is to meddle in other's business, even if it is murder and arson, it is better to keep these grievances in the Jianghu light, otherwise it will cause fire.

Thinking of this, Chen Feifei returned to the guest room of Han Lin's house again, probably because of a long day's journey, he fell asleep in bed not long after.

This sleep lasted until dawn, and when Chen Feifei walked out of the guest room, Han Lin had already prepared breakfast.

The two ate something casually and were ready to go. Han Lin also specially changed into a more decent dress.

Because he had an appointment with Ling Yani, Chen Feifei took his luggage with him, and then led the horse and Han Lin to the headwind restaurant that was agreed last night.

When the two came to the Headwind Pavilion, they found Steward Hai was already standing at the door quietly waiting for the two of them.

"Steward Hai, we are late!" Chen Feifei apologized.

Steward Hai let the two of them into the room and said, "Young Master Chen, you guys are not too late, but I came earlier, let's go in and talk."

"it is good!"

Probably because it was early, there were no other customers in the restaurant except the shopkeeper and the waiter. Steward Hai led the two of them around the counter, into the inner room, and then out through the back door of the inner room, passing through a small Open space, then walk into the smallest room on the right of the three rooms on the opposite side.

There are five large sandalwood chairs in the room. Judging from the specifications and layout, it is obviously a room for entertaining distinguished guests. There are two in the middle and two on each side. Steward Hai sits on the first chair on the right, while Chen Feifei and Han Lin sat on the first and second chairs on the left respectively.

When the three sat down and the servants brought tea and poured water, Steward Hai spoke first, "Mr. Chen, is this the friend you mentioned?"

Chen Feifei nodded and said, "This is my friend, Han Lin."

Han Lin stood up and bowed to Steward Hai, "I'm going to Han Lin, and Steward Hai will take care of you in the future."

Steward Hai laughed and said: "It's easy to say, since Mr. Chen trusts you so much, it seems that Brother Han must have something special."

Han Lin sat down again and said, "I learned business from my father when I was young, so I know a thing or two about business."

Steward Hai took a sip of tea and said slowly: "Although our Yan family doesn't have many Nifeng restaurants here, there are three of them. This time, we came here to learn about the situation of these three with Mr. Han."

Han Lin was a little excited and said, "Great! Please ask Steward Hai to discuss it in detail. Let's start now."

Steward Hai nodded and asked, "Young Master Han, how much do you know about our three Headwind Pavilions?"

Han Lin thought for a while and replied truthfully: "The goods in Nifengguan are generally from the west. Compared with those local stores, there are good and bad places."

"What's good and what's bad?" Steward Hai asked, looking directly at Han Lin.

Han Lin picked up the teacup on the side, took a sip of the tea in the cup, and answered with only one word: "Goods!"

Steward Hai didn't speak, but there was a hint of approval in his eyes.

Chen Feifei was a little depressed. He couldn't get in the conversation between Steward Hai and Han Lin, so it was better to leave early.

So, when there was a pause between the two people's words, Chen Feifei drank the tea in the cup, got up and said: "You two, I don't know anything about business, the two of you will chat slowly first, and I will take my leave first." Steward Hai, Han Lin will leave it to you."

Steward Hai laughed, stood up and said, "Mr. Chen is serious. After the agreement with Jinghu, will Mr. Chen still come to destroy Hongcheng? I promise my son that you will come and go safely."

Chen Feifei waved his hand and said, "I appreciate Steward Hai's kindness. After you and Han Lin are done, you can go back first, and I will go back."

Han Lin also stood up and said: "Steward Hai, he knows martial arts, I think he can protect himself, so don't worry about it. Fan Fei, don't worry, I will not disappoint your trust, our plan And it will continue.”

Chen Feifei smiled and nodded, "Okay, we will wait for your good news."

After the two sent Chen Feifei outside the library, they returned to the room to discuss the remaining matters.

Leaving Miehong City, we headed east all the way, only five miles away. Whether it was fast or slow, Chen Feifei calmed down his mood while riding.

It took about half an hour to arrive at Jinghu Lake, but after arriving at Jinghu Lake, he was a little at a loss. Jinghu Lake could not be seen at a glance, and there were mountains all around except mountains. Where can I find Ling Yani?

He didn't know the way, and there were no passers-by around to ask, so Chen Feifan had to bite the bullet and chose a right-facing path along the lake and walked slowly.

Clear water and green mountains, the scenery here is very beautiful, but the lake is too big, too many mountains are too high, walking along the road for almost two hours, it seems that it is almost noon, and the lake is still not at the end.

"Brother Fanfan." When Chen Feifei felt a little tired and bored, a sweet voice suddenly sounded.

It was Ling Yani's voice, and Chen Feifei immediately stopped his horse and looked around.


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