river or lake

Chapter 109 Unexpected opponents

"Hmph!" Looking at Zhang Xiaohua's back, Ling Rou said with a look of disgust, "You stubborn guy."

"Miss! What do you think we should do?" After Ling Yi came back, he stood beside Ling Rou and asked softly, "Do you want another competition?"

"Miss!" The maid named Ping'er on the other side also said softly at this time: "It seems that they are really not rich men."

Ling Rou frowned slightly and said, "Could it be that the rich man doesn't know martial arts? Ping'er, why are you facing outsiders now?"

"Ping'er doesn't dare!" the maid hurriedly lowered her head and said.

In the beginning, Ling Rou and the others really regarded Xiao Mufeng and his brothers as rich sons. People who can fill up the three treasures of the Emerald House are either rich or expensive. In addition, sister Xu personally accompanied them when they ate, which made them more sure of their identities. , It's just a little strange that the clothes of the two of them, especially Zhang Xiaohua's clothes, don't look like rich people.

In fact, if the two of them were just simple rich sons, Ling Rou would not have any resentment.But the bad thing is that when Ling Rou heard that the two were friends of her elder sister Ling Yani, it made her feel disgusted.In recent years, my sister has often appeared in public, because of her peerless beauty, many dignitaries coveted her, but she couldn't succeed, so she often called herself her friend to get close.

However, along the way, Lingrou found that the two brothers Xiao Mufeng really didn't seem to be rich sons, but Zhang Xiaohua's bad words just now made her a little angry.

Ling Rou glanced at Zhang Xiaohua who had returned to Xiao Mufeng's side, and said with disdain: "You can tell that he is a rich man, with his fists and legs."

Since my lady didn't mean to stop the competition, of course the subordinates can't disappoint, Ling San immediately said to Xiao Mufeng: "This friend, will you also come out and compete with us?"

"No!" Xiao Mufeng waved his hands and said with a smile, "I am not your opponent."

"Oh?" Ling San said jokingly, "Why, my friend, you were the first one to say the comparison just now, and you are the one who doesn't compare now? Are you scared?"

"Second Brother!" Zhang Xiaohua gritted his teeth and touched Zi Gengjian on Xiao Mufeng's waist intentionally or unintentionally.

Xiao Mufeng knew what Zhang Xiaohua meant, and he asked him to use weapons to fight the opponent, but if it was really a weapon sparring, how could it be so simple? If the opponent did it on purpose, then casualties would be inevitable. Regardless of whether it is him or the other party, as long as there is a death or injury, then this matter will be unfavorable to him. After all, in Shocking City, the Ling family is a person who can speak.

If you take a step back, you don't need a weapon. After watching the martial arts contest between my third brother and Ling Yi, the other party obviously has reservations. Just agreeing to the contest was just a momentary impulse. After going all this way, if you think about it carefully, the gain outweighs the gain.

After weighing the balance, Xiao Mufeng still waved his hands and said with a smile: "The kung fu of that Ling Yi just now, we two brothers have also seen it. Knowing that it is not a few opponents, it is meaningless to continue the competition."

After hearing this, Ling Rou didn't say anything, turned around and left.

"Miss!" Ping'er quickly turned around and chased after her.

Ling Yi smiled helplessly, clasped his fists together and said to Xiao Mufeng, "Both friends, we will meet later."

"There will be a period later."

When Lingrou and his group of seven walked not far away, Zhang Xiaohua just started to leave, but found Xiao Mufeng standing there and looking up.

"Second brother!" Zhang Xiaohua complained to Xiao Mufeng: "Why do we admit defeat like this, you have never compared with them, so you may not lose!"

"Because there are still some friends waiting for us." Xiao Mufeng pointed to the above and said.

Following Xiao Mufeng's finger and Zhang Xiaohua looked up, he saw seven people lying or standing on the roofs around the dead end.

"Who are you guys?" Zhang Xiaohua said while pulling out the Cold and Heat Swords he had just received from Xiao Mufeng.

Those seven people didn't answer, they jumped down from the roof one after another, surrounding Xiao Mufeng and the two of them.

The seven people in front of them are ordinary in appearance and ordinary clothes, and they can't tell which sect they belong to. Each of them has a knife in their hands.

"Who are you guys, are you following us?" Xiao Mufeng also pulled out the Zi Gengjian in his hand, and stood next to Zhang Xiaohua back to back.

"Stop talking nonsense, since you found out, I have to kill you!" One of the seven people finally answered.

Zhang Xiaohua lost in the test because he didn't use weapons just now, and he is still holding a breath in his heart. Now someone came to provoke him, just to let him vent, so before the seven people made a move, he had already said nothing. The sword stabbed at one of them.

"Third brother, be careful." Xiao Mufeng felt that his back was empty, knowing what was going on, he had no choice but to turn around and follow Zhang Xiaohua to protect him.

The strength of this group of people was really beyond the expectations of the two brothers. After a few rounds, four of the seven people were injured, and the encirclement collapsed in an instant.

It's not because Xiao Mufeng and Zhang Xiaohua are too strong, but because the opponent's strength is too weak, they can only hack randomly with knives, they have no rules at all, full of flaws.

"Who are you?" Xiao Mufeng asked again.

The seven people glanced at each other, still didn't answer, they all backed away. The three uninjured people supported each other and supported the four injured people. No matter so many, all the moves were done with all his strength, and the sword wounds suffered by these four people were all from his hands.

"What's the matter?" Ling Yi walked over, and the few of them had just walked out not far away, when they heard the sound of fighting inside again, Ling Rou hesitated for a while, then asked Ling Yi and Ling Si to go in and have a look .

At this time, Xiao Mufeng and Zhang Xiaohua were standing with their backs to the entrance of the alley. When they heard Ling Yi's voice, they turned their heads for a while, and the seven of them jumped onto the roof at the same time and disappeared without a trace. Such a good lightness skill, Xiao Mufeng There is no way to catch up, and Zhang Xiaohua, who is very good at lightness kung fu, is now injured in his right leg. Even if he is not injured, Xiao Mufeng will not rest assured that he will chase him alone.

"What are you doing here?" Zhang Xiaohua was a little annoyed why Ling Yi kept making trouble with him.

Ling Yi also saw what happened just now, and said apologetically, "Miss sent the two of us to see what happened here."

Xiao Mufeng was afraid that Zhang Xiaohua would talk indiscriminately again, so he hurriedly said: "It's nothing! It's just a few punks. They have all escaped now. Thank you, Miss Ling, for your concern!"

"We still have to say sorry for ruining the good things of the two of you!" In the scene just now, both Ling Yi and Ling Si knew that it was unnecessary for them to come here.

Seeing the backs of Ling Yi and Ling Si walking away slowly, Zhang Xiaohua said, "Second brother, who do you think is trying to harm us?"

"I don't know!" Xiao Mufeng shook his head and said, "The seven people's lightness skills are very good, they probably followed us all the way, and they probably didn't plan to kill us just now."

"Hmph!" Zhang Xiaohua said unconvinced: "The next time I meet those seven people, I must compete with them in lightness kung fu."

Today's incident made Xiao Mufeng a little puzzled. Judging from the Dark Wind League he had been in contact with, it was impossible to send such third-rate kung fu people to follow him, but he had never provoked any other gangs except the Dark Wind League.

Coming out of the alley, Xiao Mufeng and Zhang Xiaohua didn't bother to go shopping anymore, and walked slowly towards Yan's Mansion.


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