river or lake

Chapter 107

Zhang Xiaohua didn't expect Ling Rou to come up again, just glanced at it, then picked up the chopsticks just now and continued to eat as if nothing had happened.

Sister Xu also had a big head. She glanced at Zhang Xiaohua, hurriedly walked towards Ling Rou, and said with a smile on her face, "Miss Ling, what else can I do?"

Lingrou forced a smile and said: "Sister Xu, I forgot to give you the money, so I folded it back."

Sister Xu shook her hand and said, "It doesn't matter, Miss Ling can give the money anytime."

"Sister Xu! How embarrassing! You still have to give me the money!"

Sister Xu and Lingrou were talking over there, and the maid named Ping'er next to Lingrou looked at Zhang Xiaohua, and she became more and more angry as she looked at Zhang Xiaohua. Not only was his lady interrupted by him when she was talking just now, but now he still Talking bad things about others behind their backs, being discovered, and still eating there as if nothing had happened.

Thinking of this, the maid named Ping'er pointed at Zhang Xiaohua and said loudly: "Hey, what did you say just now? Why did my lady offend you?"

"What? See, I'm not a high-ranking official, and even a maid wants to bully me?" Zhang Xiaohua didn't look up, still slowly eating the food in front of him.

"You..." Ping'er pointed at Zhang Xiaohua and was about to speak, but after glancing at Ling Rou who was already stern, she swallowed the words again, and silently retreated behind Ling Rou.

"Mr. Zhang!" Lingrou's tone was not as angry as they expected, but just a little cold: "I don't know if you are deliberately provoking a dispute, or do you have other purposes?"

Zhang Xiaohua wanted to stand up, but was held down by Xiao Mufeng, so he could only sit down and said, "If you and Ling Yani were chosen, I would definitely choose Ling Yani. At least she is more beautiful and gentle than you, and she doesn't care about poverty when making friends."

Lingrou snorted coldly, glanced at Zhang Xiaohua, shook her head, turned around and said, "Pinger, let's go!"

"Miss." Ping'er was still unwilling, but seeing Lingrou walking down resolutely, she had no choice but to keep up.

"Miss Ling, please stay!" Xiao Mufeng stood up at this moment.

Ling Rou walked a few more steps before stopping, and then turned her head to look at Xiao Mufeng.

Xiao Mufeng walked around the dining table in front of him, and walked quickly to Lingrou. When he was about ten steps away from Lingrou, he was stopped by the masters who had been waiting beside her.

"If you have anything to say, just say it, I'll listen." Lingrou said calmly.

Xiao Mufeng bowed and clasped his fists and said, "I'm apologizing to you on behalf of my third brother. Just now my third brother said something rude. I hope Miss Ling has a lot, so don't bother with my third brother. What's more, sister Xu said just now that we should be friends , rather than becoming a future enemy."

Ling Rou didn't speak, but looked coldly at Zhang Xiaohua who was still sitting there, and one of the guards who seemed to have a temper quickly said loudly: "If you say you are offended, you will be offended, if you say sorry, you will be sorry? Who are you as our lady? ?”

"Then what do you want? Is it possible that you still want to beat us?" Zhang Xiaohua also put down his chopsticks and walked over.

"Xiaohua! Go back, sit down, don't talk anymore!" It was the first time Xiao Mufeng scolded Zhang Xiaohua loudly like this.

Seeing that her mouth was about to turn into her hands, Sister Xu, who had been unable to get in the conversation just now, quickly stood in the middle and said: "Everyone, everyone, listen to me, do me a favor, we are all friends, so why bother? Mr. Xiao please persuade Mr. Zhang, Miss Ling, this dish is still delicious when it is hot, take it home quickly."

"Ling San!" Ling Rou spoke again, her tone became colder, obviously in a bad mood, "Young Master Xiao, I hope we won't meet again in the future! Farewell!"

"Go slowly!" Xiao Mufeng was a little helpless. He thought that even if he wasn't a friend, he could get along well, but he didn't expect that things would develop to this point.

"Miss!" Ling San had no intention of leaving at all, but pointed to Zhang Xiaohua and said, "I hope to fight him."

Someone provoked Zhang Xiaohua to stand up and said without showing any weakness, "Come on!"

"Xiaohua!" Friends are no longer enough, and now they have to make enemies, which is the last thing Xiao Mufeng wants: "Eat, eat first!"

"Ling San!" Ling Rou ordered, "Let's go!"

Ling San was obviously not reconciled, "Hmph! I'm a coward, I don't know how my parents taught me. Is it because they are both dead that I didn't teach them well. I have weapons on my body, but I don't know martial arts, I can only play lip service."

"Friend!" Xiao Mufeng looked at Ling San coldly and said, "Isn't talking too much?"

"If you have the guts to compete with me!" Ling San said without fear.

This time, Xiao Mufeng and Zhang Xiaohua had the same opinion, "Compare!"

It seems that the competition is inevitable, sister Xu sighed and said: "Several, I still have business here, can I not fight here?"

"Okay!" Xiao Mufeng nodded and said: "We still have to eat! After half an hour, we will wait for you downstairs, and then you can choose the place, how about it?"

"Okay!" It was Ling Rou who answered this time: "However, I will let Ling Er stay with you!"

"Afraid we'll leave?" Zhang Xiaohua sneered and said, "That's fine."

After leaving Ling Er alone, the rest followed Ling Rou downstairs, Xiao Mufeng and Zhang Xiaohua also returned to their seats, but now there is no such atmosphere of enjoyment as when they were eating delicious food just now.

Seeing the people on both sides doing their own things, Sister Xu could only shake her head and sigh softly. After Xiao Mufeng and Zhang Xiaohua nodded, they went downstairs silently.

Seeing the rest of the people leave, Xiao Mufeng picked up the teacup that was just full beside him, drank it down in one gulp, and said with a frown, "Xiaohua, it seems that we are causing trouble again!"

"What are you afraid of!" Zhang Xiaohua said disapprovingly, "She looks down on us, and we still look down on her."

Xiao Mufeng glanced at Ling Er who was sitting not far away, and whispered to Zhang Xiaohua: "When we can't tell the enemy from ourselves, we'd better be careful!"

"Second brother!" Zhang Xiaohua picked up a chopstick of chicken and sent it to Xiao Mufeng's bowl, "Don't think too much, you also agreed to this competition just now. Come, eat more, and you can beat them when you are full. "

Looking at the third brother who sometimes gets a bit hot-headed, Xiao Mufeng really doesn't know what to say, but what about himself?Why isn't he like this? When the other party scolded his parents just now, didn't he feel impulsive?

The two of them ate for another half an hour, and they almost ate up all the dishes on the table. Although they didn't have the same feeling as they did when they first ate, the taste still made them both unsatisfied.

I went downstairs to pay the one gold and five silvers. I wanted to thank Sister Xu, but the shopkeeper downstairs said that Sister Xu had something to go out, so the two had no choice but to give up.

"Both young masters, have you finished eating yet?" Ling Er, who was behind the two of them, said in a calm tone.

Ling Er gave people a very calm feeling, with a neither happy nor angry expression from the beginning to the end, Xiao Mufeng did not deliberately make things difficult for him, nodded and said: "Where is your lady? Are we waiting downstairs, or shall we go find her?"

"No need! Miss Ben has been waiting for you downstairs!"


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