river or lake

Chapter 105 Emerald Building 3 Uniques

Shocking City is really too big, and Xiao Mufeng and Zhang Xiaohua were walking again, stopping and stopping along the way, and asking the surrounding people for directions from time to time, it happened to be noon when the two arrived at the Jade Building.

The changes last night didn't seem to have affected the business of the Emerald House at all. There were still many people inside and out, and the business was still booming.

"Guest officer! Come! Come! Come! Come inside!" the waiter greeted warmly.

The Blood Wolf Gang didn't seem to want to destroy wantonly. After entering, Xiao Mufeng and Zhang Xiaohua looked around. The entire Emerald Building was still intact, and there was no trace of being hijacked by the Blood Wolf Gang yesterday.

The shop waiter took the two of them up to the second floor, led them to a square table in the south agate hall, and warmly greeted them: "You two guests, what do you want to eat?"

"What good dishes do you have here?" Xiao Mufeng asked.

"Is this the first time for the guest officer?" The waiter said, "The four-color emerald shrimp, the amber chicken with ginseng sauce, and the eight-treasure ruyi dish in our jade building are called the three wonders."

"All three of these?" Zhang Xiaohua asked Xiao Mufeng.

"Okay!" Xiao Mufeng nodded, and then said to the waiter in the shop: "In addition to these three things, I will also have a pot of good tea and a few dishes of side dishes."

"Okay!" The waiter also happily responded, "Two guests wait a moment, the food will be served in a while."

The place where the two are sitting now is just opposite to yesterday, but what makes them feel strange is that the high platform on the first floor has been demolished yesterday, and except for some guys who are busy, there is no one serving at the side like yesterday. The maid, and there are no servants who look like thugs.

Looking at the cold dish that was brought to the table first, Zhang Xiaohua was a little puzzled and said, "Why didn't there be such a dish of chicken, shrimp, and vegetables yesterday? Could it be that the people in the Emerald Building knew that such a thing would happen, so they simply didn't like it?" Served these three signature dishes?"

Xiao Mufeng disagreed with Zhang Xiaohua's idea, "Like yesterday's gathering, the members are the main ones, and the food is the second. Since it is a three must, those ingredients must have been carefully selected. If you cook too much, it is not a three. Absolutely!"

"Guest officer, you're right!" The waiter who brought in the dishes heard Xiao Mufeng's last words, and said casually: "These three dishes in this building make nine dishes every day."

"Do nine dishes every day?" Zhang Xiaohua repeated, and then asked, "How much does that one dish cost?"

The guy took a few glances at Xiao Mufeng and the two, and said proudly: "The price of our Jade House is fair. For these three dishes, we make three dishes of each dish a day, and the price of each dish is one tael of gold."

"Then we have to pay at least three taels of gold for this meal?" Zhang Xiaohua subconsciously touched his pocket in the clothes room.

"Just three taels of gold is enough!" The clerk stretched out three fingers and continued: "Sister Xu said that as long as any customer orders all these three musts, then all other drinks and dishes will be free."

"Are these three dishes so expensive? One dish costs one or two gold?" Zhang Xiaohua felt that the price of this dish was a bit exaggerated.

The guy looked at the two of them again, and although his eyes were full of contempt, he still said respectfully: "You two guests, you can't get these three unique dishes outside anyway. They are only available in this building, and they are counted every day. Limited, a plate of one tael of gold is not expensive."

Xiao Mufeng calmly said: "Then bring it up and have a look!"

"Second brother, it's too expensive. This is simply raising the price of vegetables on purpose. Let's eat other dishes instead. The money on us is still useful." Zhang Xiaohua persuaded from the side.

Hearing what Zhang Xiaohua said, the waiter's face became more contemptuous, and he quickly asked, "You two guests, do you want to order these three dishes? If you think it's expensive, you can change it now. We..."

Xiao Mufeng interrupted the guy's words unceremoniously, and said with great style: "Why, look down on us? We have all three dishes, and we also asked your sister Xu to come over. We know her and let her come over to catch up. Is there nothing wrong with you here?"

Xiao Mufeng's attire and gestures really had the aura of a rich man's son, which made the guy dare not say any more, nodded and said yes, and then left.

Before the dishes for both of them arrived, Sister Xu walked over with a smile, "Yani's friend is my friend. I'm really sorry for what happened yesterday."

"It's not Sister Xu's fault!" Xiao Mufeng smiled and waved his hands, but he was a little surprised. There were so many people to entertain yesterday, and he only met this Sister Xu twice in a short time, but he didn't expect the other party to come. The child recognized herself, and had to admire her ability to remember people.

"Two friends, what dishes did you order? If it's not enough, please continue to order. The Sanjue in this building must be served! Don't worry, today's meal will be covered by me." Sister Xu said as she sat down , it seems that what happened last night did not affect her current mood.

"We have already ordered the three specialties of the Jade Building." Zhang Xiaohua said while looking at the amber chicken with ginseng sauce, one of the three specialties that was just served.

"That's not okay, we're here to spend money on food, we can't stop paying just because of this sentence!" Xiao Mufeng said with a smile.

"Hehe!" Sister Xu covered her mouth and smiled, "Does it mean that you have to pay if you are a friend? Well, how about I give the two young masters a half price?"

"Okay!" Zhang Xiaohua replied casually, but his eyes were fixed on the plate of amber chicken with ginseng sauce.

"Hehe!" Xiao Mufeng laughed speechlessly, and kicked Zhang Xiaohua under the table calmly.

Seeing that neither of them moved their chopsticks for a long time, Sister Xu hurriedly said: "You two, come, come, come! Try one of our building's three specials first, amber chicken with ginseng sauce. Eat half of it while it's hot. Let it cool down before eating the remaining half."

Zhang Xiaohua thought that Xiao Mufeng kicked him to let him eat first, so he quickly picked up a piece of chicken. As soon as it reached his mouth, when he heard the second part of what Sister Xu said, he hurriedly moved the piece of chicken to the bowl, and asked Sister Xu : "Why do you eat half of the hot ones and half of the cold ones?"

Ms. Xu replied with a smile: "This chicken has the best taste when it is hot, but when it is cold, it has a chewy texture, and there are some new changes in the taste. The chicken juice and ginseng juice are hot and cold The taste will be different under different conditions, so eat half when it is hot and half when it is cold, so that you can taste the true taste of this dish."

"Oh! That's how it is!" Zhang Xiaohua picked up the piece of chicken that was placed in the bowl just now, and began to chew carefully.

Seeing that both of them moved their chopsticks, Sister Xu said again: "I still don't know how to call you two?"

Xiao Mufeng swallowed a piece of chicken, and then replied: "My surname is Xiao, this is my third brother's surname Zhang."

"Since they are brothers, why do they have different surnames?" Sister Xu asked a little strangely.

"We are sworn brothers!" Zhang Xiaohua said.

"Then the other son yesterday was your elder brother?"

"Yes!" Xiao Mufeng nodded and continued, "Sister Xu, I wonder if there are some things I should ask?"

"Since we are friends, if there is anything I should or should not do, as long as I know, I will say it."


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