river or lake

Chapter 101 Escaping the Siege

The person who jumped down from the top was none other than the cold-faced young man whom he had seen in the Heroes Conference——Song Sheng.

That Song Sheng just gave a light sigh, and jumped into the middle of Chen Feifan and the other four.

"Are you also the son of a rich family?" Zhang Xiaohua asked softly in his ear with his right shoulder next to the cold-faced son.

Song Shengchao moved aside, as if he didn't like being so close to others, but he still replied: "En!"

"Then why didn't I see you just now?" Zhang Xiaohua didn't mind the cold-faced young man's behavior at all, and continued to ask.

"Because I didn't wear a mask just now." Song Sheng knew what he meant and answered truthfully.

Zhang Xiaohua was about to speak again, but Chen Feifei couldn't stand it any longer, he pulled him up and said, "I'm desperate now, I have something to say later."

As expected, it was the No.3 Heroes Conference. As soon as Song Sheng made a move, he immediately eased the unfavorable situation of Chen Feifan and the others just now, but the chaos on the third floor just now quieted down again amidst the scolding upstairs.

Song Sheng's silver iron fan was made of special iron, and ordinary iron couldn't beat its hardness at all, so it didn't lose the slightest bit in the head-on fight with the blood wolf gang's iron claws.

The flexibility of the fan and the sharpness of the iron claws are comparable in a short period of time, and Song Sheng is a pair of three. At the Heroes Conference, Chen Feifei and the three of Song Sheng did not pay much attention to Song Sheng's every move. , now it seems that he does have the strength of No.3, and from the current point of view, it seems that he still has some reservations in the Heroes Conference.

Every time Song Sheng swung his fan, an invisible strong air current forced the three people in front of him to retreat step by step, while Chen Feifei and the three had to be careful to block every attack of their opponents, for fear that the table legs in their hands would It will inadvertently be divided into two paragraphs.

Seeing that there is one more person on the other side, and there are weapons in hand, the situation has also changed. The four blood wolf gang brothers who were watching under the high platform were a little impatient, but the deputy gang leader did not speak, and did not dare to act without authorization. .

On the other side, the battle between Zhao Wumen and Yan Zeyu is still going on, but it is not difficult to see that Yan Zeyu is already at a disadvantage. I don't know if it is because Yan Zeyu can't use the chain freely or the chain is not suitable for him. Anyway, he is waiting until Zhao Wumen is slow. slow cooked

After knowing the chains, the unpredictable moves of Ghost Shadow Claw were fully reflected. At this time, Yan Zeyu's chains not only did not play a defensive role, but became a burden, let alone counterattack.

The reason why Ghost Shadow Claw is called Ghost Shadow is that it haunts you everywhere like a ghost until you die. From the beginning of the fight between the two, Zhao Wumen's iron claws have been entangled with several fatal parts of Yan Zeyu. It can be said that as long as Yan Zeyu If you are not careful, you will be killed by Zhao Wumen.

In the end, Yan Zeyu had no choice but to throw the chain in his hand forward, and when Zhao Wumen didn't fully understand why the opponent gave up his weapon, he quickly retreated and quickly returned to Chen Feifan and the others.

Looking at the silver-white chains lying quietly on the ground, Zhao Wumen shook his head, and smiled coldly at Yan Zeyu who was in a bit of a panic.

"All of you go up to me too, and kill them all!" Zhao Wumen pointed to the four people who had not moved just now.

Yan Zeyu was defeated, and the four people in the audience also rushed up. Chen Feifei knew that the situation was urgent, and quickly shouted to the people around him: "Let's run away from the north, go now!"

While Chen Feihua was speaking loudly, his opponent swiftly swiped his claws over. Chen Feifei lifted the table leg at the right moment, and the iron claw pierced three points into the wood. The man quickly retracted the iron claw. At this time, Chen Feifan also let go of the table leg, but when the iron claw was retracted, the table leg on the claw was still there.

Just as the man was still hesitating whether to use his left hand to remove the clawed table leg, Chen Feifei immediately kicked the man in the lower abdomen and kicked the man off the high platform.

At this time, the four people in the audience also came to the high stage one after another. Xiao Mufeng and Zhang Xiaohua also got rid of the entanglement of their opponents and came to Chen Feifan's side in a short time. After shouting, he began to fight quickly. At this time, two people had already been knocked down by him and could not get up. The other one was only a matter of time.

"The Art of Benevolence and Righteousness!" Zhao Wumen couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the soundless energy coming out of the iron fan, "Boy, who is Mr. Jiang? Why do you wear a mask?"

Song Sheng ignored Zhao Wumen at all, and after beating the remaining disciple of the Blood Wolf Gang to the ground, he quickly approached Chen Feifei.

"Let's go!" The five turned around at the same time. Although there was still some distance to the north, they had to jump off the high platform and pass the kicked down screen before entering the room to the north. But there was no member of the Blood Wolf Gang on the way exist.

"Don't even think about running away!" Zhao Wumen hurriedly chased after him. The north side of the first floor is the back door of the Jade Building. He brought people in from there just now, and scattered the brothers in the gang to each floor. Only the back door on the north side kept the least people. , Only two gang disciples were left guarding the back door.

Seeing that the escape position was getting closer and closer, Zhao Wumen behind him was getting closer and closer. When he was about to reach the north room, Chen Feifei suddenly turned around and headed towards the direction Zhao Wumen was rushing towards. There were two red sword qi on one right, and then turned around again and ran forward behind Zhang Xiaohua.

Red sword energy?right!It is red sword energy, not purple-red sword energy. According to Chen Feifan's current cultivation base, it should be a mixed-color sword energy that is more purple than red. After a year of hard training, he can now wield some sword energy casually, but the power is not full. It is a great use, but there is also an advantage, that is, it will not have the feeling of being drained of sword energy all over the body after exerting all its strength, so the sword energy emitted casually is red, but how much can it be emitted casually in a day? Chen Feifei has never tried red sword energy.

Zhao Wumen, who was chasing after him, at first thought it was a hidden weapon thrown by his opponent at random, and didn't think anything of it. He had already prepared his iron claws to deal with it while continuing to run, but when he saw what was coming, the sword energy was only one distance away from him. The distance of the arm, according to the speed of the sword energy and the speed of his own reaction, it is too late to hide.

There was a trace of cold sweat on Zhao Wumen's forehead, and his footsteps stopped. At the same time, the iron claw on his right hand cast three claw shadows in succession at almost the same time, trying to dissolve the red sword energy in front of him, but due to time, Due to the haste and the short distance, the sword energy was finally blocked, and the iron claw on Zhao Wumen's right hand was completely scrapped in the collision with the sword energy.

Zhao Wumen was lucky, he blocked the left sword qi that Chen Feifan just released, while the right sword qi stopped after taking the life of a member of the blood wolf gang behind Zhao Wumen. .

"Don't chase!" Zhao Wumen looked at the iron claw that was only half left in his right hand, and helplessly ordered to the members of the Blood Wolf Gang who were struggling to catch up behind him, "The main purpose today is not the few of them. It is necessary!"

"Deputy leader, where's the person from Fort of Worry?" A subordinate behind him reminded softly.

Zhao Wumen laughed and said: "I don't even know how to chain chains, and I dare to call myself a person from the Fort of Worry, it's just a bluff."

There were no pursuers behind, and the five of them ran much more easily. The two blood wolf gang guarding the back door were knocked to the ground by Song Sheng, who ran at the front, within one round.

"What should they do, will they all die?" Zhang Xiaohua looked back at the high platform behind him getting farther and farther away from him, and was a little worried about those people who were still trapped on the second and third floors.

"They'll be fine, they're just making a small fortune." Song Sheng replied coldly.

The back door of the jade building was connected to a quiet alley. After the five people came out, Song Sheng only said goodbye and left in a hurry.

"We fell into someone's trap!" Yan Zeyu found it funny when he thought about it. From birth to now, it was the first time he was surrounded by people like this.

"Didn't we come out!" Xiao Mufeng replied, "It seems that we are also prey in this trap! Brother, I still think there is something wrong with Ling Yani."

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