Under the dim light of the requiem lamp, the soul threads are like hair, intertwined.

Holding the ancient sword aloft, A Yuan felt that the wandering soul thread flowed into the soul array like a hundred rivers returning to the sea. What was even more strange was that the bronze-skinned young man who beat him into a mess with only his flesh and blood suddenly looked like a devout believer prostrate before him.

Although A Yuan was wary of deceit, he looked to the left and then saw that the man was prostrate on the ground with a mournful expression, and there was no other movement except prostration.Thinking about it again, the opponent already had the upper hand, and it seemed that there was no need to kneel down and play some tricks.

It was the first time in his life that someone offered his head and bowed. A Yuan cleared his throat, and unconsciously, his voice became a little more majestic.

"What did you call me just now? Angel? You mean—you have a family of people who have been trapped underground for more than 200 years?"

"Exactly! Exactly!" As if begging for a response from the gods, the young man repeatedly kowtowed and replied loudly: "I have the Di family, who were deceived by the Rain King Chonghua more than 200 years ago and moved westward to dig a mausoleum for him in this mountain." .but was imprisoned here, never seeing the light of day for generations..."

The young man named "Chuan" didn't seem to have spoken so many words for a long time. Except for the history of the "Youdi" clan who recited it fluently, he stumbled to answer the rest of the questions.While guarding against his schemes, A Yuan asked questions along the lines of the conversation, listened and guessed, and managed to have a vague understanding of this "underground clan".

According to "Di Chuan", their family originally lived on the East China Sea, and they dug caves to the north of Mount Di. They are rare mountain people in the East China Sea.

More than 200 years ago, the Kingdom of Rain was at its peak. At that time, the King of Rain generously subdued the barbarians, and many people from all over the world moved inland and gradually integrated into Shenzhou.

As for why the Youdi clan ended up like this, no one knows why they have been trapped underground for more than 200 years, and Di Chuan can't explain it clearly, but just keeps repeating that they were deceived by the Rain King.

As for the "envoys of the gods", Di Chuan said that the Di clan was born with a strong soul, and had the way to communicate with wandering souls and ask gods.After being trapped, seven sages sacrificed their souls to ask the gods.The gods prophesied that there would be someone who would save the Youdi clan, so that the living would see the light of day again and the souls of the dead would return to heaven and earth.

The Youdi family attaches great importance to the return of souls. Even if they are trapped in the ground for generations and let their bodies rot, they will build "soul tombs" to seal the souls of their ancestors, waiting for the prophesied divine envoy to come one day...

This story is really a bit bizarre-under the mountains of Tubi country, there is actually a family of people trapped for life?Although the caves and tunnels here are as dense as cobwebs, countless immortal cultivators have wandered back and forth over the years, so no one will find them all the time.Not to mention that the people of a clan have been trapped underground for more than 200 years, and they have never found an exit?

But Di Chuan looked sincere and answered every question, and he didn't look like he was going to play any tricks.

After thinking about it, A Yuan gradually believed it, and came up with a bold guess—the Di people had been trapped for more than 200 years, and they must have been digging rock walls around in order to escape.Perhaps like the tunnel dug by Yan Si in Wangyun Mountain Villa, it is only the last section that can be penetrated.And the previous earthquake finally broke through the last barrier.He stumbled into this dusty place by mistake, but these underground people didn't know that there was already a tunnel to escape from the sky at this moment.

Thinking about it this way, all the mysteries suddenly became clear.Being recognized as a "God's Envoy", A Yuan felt a little secretly happy.Anyway, there are two wishes of the people of the Di tribe - the living can see the sun again, and the soul of the dead can return to heaven and earth, and he can do it.Maybe it's God's will, Yuan Daxia is the "angel" who wants to save Youdi's family from fire and water.

"I was originally a disciple of the Immortal Sect on the ground. This time I came here purely by mistake. I don't know if the gods guided me, but if I just lead your people out of this cave, or let these bound souls return Heaven and earth, then I still have some confidence."

When the "Envoy of God" said this, Di Chuan almost cried with joy.

"Please, ask God to send you to meet the patriarch with me. The patriarch and the villain are stupid and can't explain many things clearly. The patriarch must be clear..."

Di Chuan was indeed not good at words, and kept babbling over and over again, other than thanking him for his kindness, he was going to see the patriarch.

Having this fortuitous encounter, Ah Yuan also wanted to find out, so he simply went to meet the patriarch.Being an envoy is not for nothing, maybe you can get some benefits - how can Di Chuan not be envious of the original hero with "iron arms and bronze body" who is dressed in copper skin and iron bones?

So, A Yuan finally put down his guard and stopped the ancient sword soul array.Although the wisps of soul silk have long since lost their aura, they identified this "God Envoy" just like Di Chuan, lingering around the ancient sword reluctantly, as if eager to "get on board".

Di Chuan thanked the envoy of the gods, and made a sacrifice to the ancestors with tears, and went to lead the way respectfully.

A Yuan followed Di Chuan all the way back, thinking about various mysteries, while holding up a lamp to carefully observe the surroundings of the road, trying to find the wrong fork and mark the exit leading to the surface.

But after walking for dozens of miles, the "God Envoy" gradually felt sweaty on his forehead, and lost his original composure—although this long tunnel has ups and downs, it looks like it was pierced on the wall with an awl. A hole, without any "forks" at all.

The belly of the tunnel is slightly wider, but both ends are extremely narrow, and the exit at the other end even has to bend down to get through—even if A Yuan ran in a hurry at that time, he would never "go wrong" in such a place.

The flustered envoy had to confirm repeatedly, and even dragged Di Chuan back for a while, but he still couldn't find another fork.

Although Di Chuan was wandering around, when he thought of the tribal people's suffering for many years, he was about to be relieved, and when he thought of the strange world outside under the sunshine, he felt the wind under his feet, and he didn't feel tired at all...


Two hours later, Di Chuan, who was full of joy, led the envoy with a dejected face, through natural or man-made tunnels, and finally returned to the cave where the tribe lived—the largest one was the one where the clan altar was enshrined. It is also the residence of generations of patriarchs.

On the four walls of the cave, there are one after another luminous stones embedded, with green and green shimmering lights, illuminating several generations of Youdi clan.But the scene in front of him was something Di Chuan had never seen before.

The clansmen who were scattered all over the ground on weekdays all gathered here and surrounded the altar with water.They raised their arms and shouted, sang and danced, like an unprecedented celebration.

In the center of the crowd, on the altar, the patriarch wearing the emerald-feathered golden crown danced and danced, almost tearing up the sacrificial robe that had been passed down for hundreds of years and was full of holes.

"Rain God, Lord Rain God of the Zebei people! You have finally sent God's punishment!"

"Those sinners who stained your blood, those scoundrels who insulted your people, finally got their retribution—that Rain Country, dead, dead!"


The patriarch, who was nearly a hundred years old, looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, drowning the cheers of thousands of people.That madness made Di Chuan extremely uneasy.He quickly grabbed the person in front of him and asked, "What's going on? What's wrong with the patriarch?"

"A group of people from the earth came, bringing the news that the country of Yu has fallen! Our enemy has been exterminated!" The tribe was equally ecstatic, "And our angels have also come! The Di clan will finally see the light of day Already!"

Di Chuan was taken aback, and looked in the direction he was pointing, only to see a majestic man in onyx, sitting on the altar with a big horse and a golden knife.Beside him, there is also a huge black tiger crouching, with wisps of black energy surrounding it like black stripes.

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