With the sound of dripping water, Ah Yuan woke up next to the Lingquan again. He only felt that the altar was clear and refreshed. He looked up at the ray of sky light, as if the stars and everything were in his eyes.

Although the idea of ​​"soul search" made A Yuan slightly shaken, but in front of the majestic avenue, a little bit of doubt was just a wave, which was lost in the vast sea in an instant.

Although A Yuan used to be "one-heartedly devoted to the Tao" and often talked about the Dao, he never really understood what the Dao is.The so-called seeking the Tao is equivalent to practicing immortality in his mind.

Only at this moment did he understand that true seeking is like a child wandering in the eternally dark and boundless universe, constantly exploring and thinking, until one day he comprehends and conceives a set of concepts that can completely explain the operation of everything in the universe, Fang Ming For "enlightenment".

"Enlightenment" may not be difficult, the most indispensable thing in people's hearts is all kinds of weird ideas.But from ancient times to the present, among the hundreds of millions of Taoists, only a very few can deduce a little spark into an all-encompassing Taoism.

But that's not enough, no matter how majestic and vast a Taoism is, it is still as thin as a strand of blue silk compared to the world.Only a sage with great wisdom, great courage and great perseverance can confirm the Taoism concept created by him and all things in the world one by one, and finally integrate and understand everything.

Therefore, through the ages, there may be only a handful of eight people who "prove the Tao", and the rest of the Taoists are at most just inheriting the wisdom of the predecessors, "seeking the Tao" and "obtaining the Tao".

These sentiments reverberating in his chest quietly resolved the inexplicable restlessness and unwillingness in A Yuan's heart - hearing Feng Lian say that he "has nothing to do in a hurry", A Yuan could not refute, but he always felt a little unwilling in his heart, as if something had been poked It's the same.

And opening that page of the black book finally allowed him to see clearly where the "road" he had been yearning for all along led to.Whether he proves the Tao or attains the Tao, no matter how far he can go in this life, he has something he really wants to do, and it must be a hundred times, a thousand times more ambitious than Yu Yanluo's ambition to restore the country...


Before such grand ambitions, the little distinction between good and evil, right and evil seems so insignificant.

Insight into the secrets of heaven and earth, control of the laws of all things—that is by no means a narrow desire to control such as an ambitious emperor or overlord, but a transcendent heart that truly embraces everything.Just as there is no distinction between good and evil in heaven and earth, there is no distinction between good and evil in the true Dao.

The soul extraction technique of the Soul Sect is by no means "searching for souls", but a means to recognize all things and seek true knowledge.

To take a step back, as Senior A Lang said, the distinction between good and evil does not lie in Taoism, but in the heart.As long as you don't do evil things in your heart and don't abuse spells, the soul search technique may not be impossible to use in the righteous way.

But although A Yuan has passed this hurdle in his heart, the soul extraction technique is not like other spells that can be easily obtained in dreams.The art of extracting the soul is like drawing thread, but it has no hands or feet.The only way to achieve success in refining the soul is to condense one's own soul like silk, protruding out like tentacles, intertwining and stirring with the soul silk of all things, and then one can see the beauty of the soul seal.

But in the dream, the soul technique cannot be used.Maybe it's because the dream is a virtual realm hidden in the depths of the soul. Naturally, there is no soul of all things. A Yuan's operation of the soul is always as ineffective as sleepwalking. Although he can feel it, he can't practice it.

After waking up next to the Lingquan, A Yuan finally found a little trick - the method of transforming the soul and drawing silk, which is somewhat similar to the control method of Jiamu Zhenqi, but the rapid consumption of mind and soul power makes it impossible to cultivate like Jiamu's true energy was so relaxed and indifferent.

With A Yuan's superficial and ignorant cultivation of the soul gate, it is too much to try to operate the core technique of the soul gate at once based on some insights in the dream.But A Yuan, who was born in Yeluzi, only has obsession in his heart, and he doesn't know what to fear at all. Relying on the large number of raw souls he obtained from frequent visits to the Gambling Stone Workshop, he does not hesitate to shake the foundation of his soul, and wants to try it out.

Finally, A Yuan endured a bursting headache, and after all his hard work, he finally inserted the thread of soul into the soul stone in his hand—a few chaotic images could not bring him any insight, only a trace of cold, old loneliness Echoing in my heart...

At that moment, A Yuan was finally unable to continue, as if exhausted and fell into the muddy water.He could only let out a long sigh, gritted his teeth, endured the headache and slowly restrained the soul, while picking up the ancient sword, wanting to collect the restrained soul to recover.

But at this moment, there was a sudden turmoil on the ancient sword, as if a gust of wind blew A Yuan's soul swaying.

The wandering soul thread was instantly pulled by the ancient sword, resonating with a remnant soul that had been silent for a long time.

At that moment, A Yuan also seemed to hear roars, like the last roar of a dying person in a cage.He instantly thought that the one howling in the ancient sword was the lingering soul found in the body of the flood dragon under the great river.

He died tragically on the military ship, and his body fell into the river and was swallowed by the dragon. Only a wisp of remnant soul was full of resentment and anger, but no one told it all the time.

Life is the strength of all spirits, and the soul is inherently strong.Souls full of resentment can even break free from the shackles of the laws of heaven and earth for a while, and linger in the world for a long time, becoming resentful souls.

Although there is an ancient sword intimidating, even if the remnant soul has all kinds of evil thoughts, it is difficult to become a resentful soul, but the accumulated meaning of telling, only needs to be a little induced by the soul extraction technique, and it will be entangled with A Yuan's soul, and the two will be fused together...

It finally waited for the opportunity to tell...

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