In the gust of wind, thunder after another was like a sword that opened the sky, but it was suspended in the air and could not fall.On the contrary, a red shadow soared into the sky, with green and red aura intertwined all over his body, reflecting a dazzling aura.

The girl's figure is standing on the wind, her arms are lightly waved, causing the green and red aura to circle continuously, as if two flood dragons are constantly chasing, biting and devouring.

The two rays of light, blue and red, continuously swallowed the wind and thunder, and also continued to condense and refine, and the dazzling aura became more and more brilliant.

In the midst of the wind and thunder, the girl yelled coquettishly, and when she folded her arms, the green and red lights were also pressed together in one place.It was as if two life-and-death enemies met on a narrow road, and in an instant, the green and the red were competing for glory, and the world was overshadowed by the fight.

In just a split second, the blue and red lights reflecting the sky parted again, leaving behind two rays of light vertically and horizontally.In a short while, the two dragons seemed to have lost more than half of them, and none of them survived, but they became more solid and dazzling, as if the newly born green and red moons were wrapped around the girl's arms flexibly.

Amidst the wind and thunder, the girl's dignified expression finally eased a bit, she looked up at the falling rain and muttered to herself, not knowing what to say.

She made a random move, and the raindrops all over the sky converged towards the blue light, like a school of fish gathering towards a blue dragon playing in the water.With a wave of the arm, the red light is like a sunset glow, which evaporates the moist water vapor, just like the sky clears after rain.


After a long time, the graceful dancing figure in the air seemed to be tired at last, and the blue-red aura converged and slowly drifted down.

The wind and thunder all over the sky, as if the musicians who played for the grand ceremony, made their way out of the stage.The howling wind turned into a gentle breeze, and the only one who rides the wind and feathers under the bright and clear sky is the princess of the old country who is as graceful as a fairy.

"Ah Luo! It's great that you have condensed your essence so quickly!"

The wind and rain dissipated, and the enchantment of Yinxilu disappeared. Meditating rushed forward, bowing and bowing to Yu Yanluo with a happy face, as if she didn't know how to express her joy.

The princess of the old country returned the gift dignifiedly, but instead hugged the girl beside her, smiling happily, showing the air of a little girl.

However, Yuan Daxia, who was supposed to ride the wind and feathers to frighten all living beings, could only stand dumbfounded outside the courtyard watching Yu Yanluo, Feng Lian, and Shen Si applaud and celebrate.The rain on his face kept dripping down his cheeks and dripping on the ground, which was very similar to his mood at the moment.

Yuan Daxia has been going smoothly these days and is at ease.After repeatedly obtaining romantic relationships, I only feel that my practice is progressing rapidly, and my wishes come true.At the moment of "riding the wind and feathers" just now, it was as if the heaven and the earth were in his arms, and the lofty sentiments were swayed to the fullest - any aptitude, any skills, and any difficulties and obstacles seemed to be everything under his feet, and there was only one avenue to reach the sky in front of him.

But in an instant, the cold reality was like this pouring rain, pouring him to the ground.

It took less than half a year to go up the mountain, and the female thief who he had beaten on the ground had already condensed her essence—just when he was still thinking about how to get the method of condensing essence, and he was secretly delighted that the chance was advancing so fast against the sky, People have already come far ahead without knowing it...

Is this the difference in qualifications?

As expected of the first-class qualifications in the world, even in such an inconspicuous place as Luoyunzong Xuanyuan Peak, even if the master is an old man who is better off without, Yu Yanluo still crossed the gap between immortals and mortals in just half a year. Yuan enters the Tao.It's hard to imagine what it would be like for those disciples with excellent aptitude who joined Tianxuanmen, Jianzong, Xingzong and other famous schools?

In the past, A Yuan always had an inexplicable sense of rivalry with his lifelong nemesis, the pickled radish little sister. He always felt that an imposing hero cannot be overwhelmed by a female thief.But just now the scene of Ling Feng gracefully dancing was quietly imprinted in my heart, and before I knew it, there seemed to be a subtle change in the girl who proudly leaped through the dragon gate.

"Jiang, Ah, Yu, Junior Sister..." A Yuan finally mustered up the courage to step forward to ask a question, but got stuck on a title for a long time, "You, how did you do it?"

"Who is your junior sister? You are the last good-for-nothing to enter the sect, and your cultivation is the lowest. Calling you junior is considered a compliment to you."

With a pungent counterattack, Yu Yanluo's aura of Lingyun faded a bit, and she turned back to the familiar insolent female thief, which also made A Yuan regain a bit of her previous stalking vigor.

"Don't be so stingy, I sincerely ask you for advice. How did you cultivate so fast? What kind of exercises did you practice? What formula did you use to condense the essence?" Since asking for advice, A Yuan was naturally sincere and upright, and he leaned forward and wanted to listen to it. He listened to the lectures in general.

"Why? Don't get close! Why should I tell you the exercises I practice?"

"Brothers and sisters of the same sect, isn't it a matter of course to share your cultivation experience with each other? You have already condensed your essence, so why hide it and tell me what's wrong? If you want to exchange benefits, just say it... "

"You... Thanks to you, you still have the nerve to say that it's only right and proper, and it's only right and proper to pay back the debt! If you have the face, pay off the debt first and then talk about other things!"

Yu Yanluo was so angry that she gritted her teeth, as if she wanted to slap this shameless person to death, but turned her eyes away, and said coldly: "I have said that, what I practice is a family tradition, and I will not spread it to the outside world. As for Ning The method of Yuan is a set of ancient forged methods that Feng Lian helped me comprehend together, you don't need it at all, so it's useless to ask..."

These two words were obviously not enough to dismiss Yuan Daxia, but instead made him interested, and was about to go forward to sharpen his mouth, when a voice suddenly came from behind, which immediately made him feel as if he had eaten a fly.

"A Luo, I didn't expect that your aptitude is so outstanding, and the condensed essence will attract wind and thunder. I think you have realized some Taoism. With this kind of sky, the future of building foundation and forming alchemy will be smooth, and the future is promising. The teacher is very pleased."

"The disciple thanks the teacher for his kindness."

Yu Yanluo bowed to Taoist Xuanyuan who floated over, but she was disgusted by Yuan Daxia.He stepped forward and tugged at Kongu Youlan, who was watching the excitement, and said in a hateful voice: "Lian'er, come with me."

Feng Lian hadn't been favored by his master for a long time, he was really flattered, and he followed his master all the way with a smile on his face.

Taoist Xuanyuan didn't take it seriously, he didn't even look at his son, he just smiled and said to Yu Yanluo: "A Luo, it's not bad if you rush to condense your yuan here. There are a lot of bad things waiting to be done. You should hurry up and stabilize your realm, and you will be busy next time."

Yu Yanluo lowered her head and said: "Master has insight into the world and predicts things like a god. It is the disciple's luck to share the worries for Master. It's just..."

Yu Yanluo hesitated for a moment, then raised her head and asked, "It's just that I haven't seen Ruoli for a long time, does Master know where he went?"

Taoist Xuanyuan replied lightly: "He said that there is an elder brother who is missing in the mortal world, and he refuses to meditate on the mountain, and has been wandering around to inquire everywhere. I have sent someone to look after him secretly. You don't need to worry about it, just practice with peace of mind. "

Only then did Yu Yanluo relax her eyebrows, and said calmly: "Thank you, Master."

"They are all my disciples. What are you thanking me for?" Taoist Xuanyuan waved his sleeves and smiled lightly, as if he had a kind father's face, "It's just that he might not be able to catch up with this trip. You two, just promise to my son." Let's go together."

Yu Yanluo's smile froze immediately, looking at her mentor, she hesitated to speak.Shen Si hurriedly smiled and stepped forward to smooth things over: "It's the best to have A Yuan as my companion. A Luo is extremely talented and has already condensed her essence. With her leading me, we will definitely achieve a lot of achievements in this trip."

Taoist Xuanyuan nodded in satisfaction, and said to Shen Si: "Although you are under my sect, as a teacher, there is nothing to teach you. With your current advancement, it is really not easy to rely on your own comprehension and specialization. But you don't have to worry , this time the team is led by your husband..."

"Really?" Shen Si screamed, then completely lost her sense of proportion, dancing, praying and dancing.

"When, exactly when will it happen..."

Taoist Xuanyuan looked at the clear sky with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile: "Hurry up, hurry up..."

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