Fate is immortal

Chapter 128 Spirit

Seeing that A Yuan finished eating a small pot of porridge, Xiaoyue picked up the porcelain pot and was about to fill it up, when Yu Hanwei suddenly said: "Xiaoyue, don't be too busy, go and call your brother over, I have something to say."

Xiaoyue left at the sound, and came back with Shensi after a while.Shen Si took a deep look at A Yuan after entering the door, nodded with concern, then made a grimace and lowered his head, not daring to look directly into the eyes of the eldest sister, just like a mouse seeing a cat.

But no matter how much he was afraid of Eldest Sister, he would not be frightened by this sweaty, trembling hands and feet.Obviously, he must have suffered a very severe physical punishment that day.

"Hmph, Xiaosi, I think you're in good spirits, I guess I punished you too lightly." A pensive grimace still didn't escape Yu Hanwei's eyes.

"Big sister, spare me, spare my life! I know I was wrong, and I will never do those dangerous things again! Fortunately, A Yuan and Xiaoyue are fine, so please forgive me this time, big sister..." Shen Si repeatedly pleaded guilty, feeling sad Cut, his voice is sad, it's definitely not his first time playing at this level.

A Yuan and Shen Siqing are like brothers, so he naturally persuaded him from the side: "Senior Sister Yu, don't blame Shen Si, fortunately Xiaoyue is fine, and I am not dead..."

"Don't think you always have such good luck!"

A Yuan's attack turned him on fire, and Senior Sister Yu's anger was directed at him, "I watched you fall into a trap, and I couldn't rescue you, but the sharp wood stuck on your back, not only didn't want you Instead, it sparked a burst of blue light that instantly melted into ashes..."

"Do you really think it's your fate? - that's because someone planted a means of protecting you!"

A Yuan was in a daze for a moment, and the scene of the sharp wood falling from the sky was still in front of his eyes. It was indeed as Senior Sister Yu said, that if the thing was poked on the body, it would not be a matter of luck.

But who has the ability to leave the so-called life-saving means on him?

"Senior sister, what do you mean, senior brother?" It is not difficult to guess who this expert is, A Yuan knows such a cultivator.Moreover, Hu Bugui had indeed used tricks on him, and even made him safe from the bite of the black python in the water.

"Him? Does he still have this ability? Well, maybe Patriarch Xuanyuan has some new tricks..."

Yuhan murmured a few words, and then said seriously: "No matter who it is, you can't take chances anymore. I checked carefully, and there is nothing strange about you. I think even if you have any life-saving charms, they have been used up. You must not use them. I won’t help you again. You must be careful in everything in the future, and you must never be reckless and risky again.”

A Yuan nodded blankly, thinking back on this journey, he had indeed survived many times.He was seriously injured in the dungeon of Wangyun Mountain Villa, was punched in the chest by Gu Yuetian in Sige, fell from the cliff and fell into the mountain stream, was taken away by the evil spirits in the ancient tomb, and this time when the trap was triggered, he almost counted with one hand. don't come...

In the past, Ah Yuan always thought it was good luck, but now it seems that there is really a life-saving talisman protecting him in the dark—this "life-saving talisman" did not come after he met Hu Bugui, but has been with him all the time .

Who else will protect him all the time?A Yuan trembled all over, and the figure of the white-haired fairy appeared in front of his eyes.Maybe he never left, but has been silently paying attention to himself.Thinking about it this way, Ah Yuan felt refreshed all over his body as if he had eaten a elixir, and he didn't even feel pain from his back injury.

However, even with the protection of the immortal, being poked by the sharp wood is only a minor injury, but what about the terrifying giant wolf?A Yuan's heart trembled, and he asked, "Senior Sister Yu, where is that giant wolf, did you drive it away?"

"Beheaded by me." Yu Han frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice, "That's not an ordinary wolf, but a rotting wolf."

"Corpse wolf?" A Yuan and Shen Si yelled out in surprise at the same time, while Xiaoyue beside her turned pale, as if thinking of some disgusting and terrifying scene.

"The rotting wolf is a kind of rotting beast recorded in the ancient books. Its cause is unknown. It is said that the corpse of a wolf has undergone a corpse change, or a monster that has mutated after being infected with an evil plague. It is not a living thing at all, but Zombie-like rot, swollen in size, infinite in strength, hard to hurt with a sword..."

A Yuan and Shen Si felt a chill in their hearts when they heard it. They should be thankful when they thought about it, he only saw a few footprints, and A Yuan suddenly thought of the green awn bronze corpse of "Yan Qi" driven by evil methods in the ancient tomb.

"This kind of dirty thing only appeared in the legends of the ancient catastrophe, and it has been extinct for thousands of years. Now it reappears in the world, which is really a bad omen. I am afraid that there will be no peace in the whole of China..."

Yuhan frowned slightly, glanced at the two younger siblings, and said in a deep voice, "Xiaosi, Xiaoyue, this time you will come with me."

"Go? Where are you going?" Shen Si asked softly, with a subtle expression.

Yuhan glanced contemplatively, and said, "Didn't you always want to go to Dongguo to learn mechanism skills? I will give you a chance to see if you are really talented. I have an uncle who has devoted his whole life to mechanism techniques. Go beg him. As for whether people are willing to accept you as a disciple, it depends on your luck."

"Really?! Great, big sister, big sister..."

Shensi was like an erupting volcano, suddenly pounced on it, with Yu Hanwei's skill, he couldn't dodge this bear pounce, and was hugged into his arms - then Shensi's series of wails sounded...

"Sister, what about me?" Xiaoyue asked with some anxiety.

"Xiaoyue, haven't you always wanted to learn the piano?" Yuhan looked at Xiaoyue slightly, and immediately he was as warm as a spring breeze, "I'll take you to Qiwu Mountain, Phoenix Valley..."

"Phoenix Valley, is it true?" Xiaoyue threw herself into the arms of the eldest sister with a happy face.Although A Yuan didn't know where the Phoenix Valley on Qiwu Mountain was, but looking at Xiaoyue's expression, it was almost the expression he had when he heard about the Xianjia sect.

"A Yuan, you also go with us. I ask that uncle to recommend you to take the annual exam together." Yu Han whispered, like the sound of heaven rang in A Yuan's ears.

"Really? Thank you, senior sister, thank you, senior sister!" Although there is nothing new to say, at this moment, Ah Yuan really can't think of any words to express his joy.Fortunately, the injury on his back restricted his swooping actions, otherwise it is still unknown whether he will end up like Xiaoyue or thinking.

"Okay, don't be too happy too early, you don't know if they will accept you."

Yuhan left behind a few excited children, stood up and said, "I'll go search again to see if there are any other strange things. You should clean up at home and let A Yuan recover from his injuries. Xiaosi, be honest with me, you I didn’t say that the thousand frogs could be avoided. If you can’t finish it before dark, you don’t even want to take a single piece of that pile of broken wood.”

The situation is similar, but the fate is very different. Poor Shensi suddenly wilted like a frost-beaten eggplant, obediently followed the eldest sister out of the house, and before leaving, she made a grimace of bitterness and hatred towards A Yuan and Xiaoyue.

Only A Yuan and Xiao Yue were left in the room, and it became quiet again.A Yuan's thoughts were constantly circling between the protection of the immortal, the rotting wolf, and the old test of the Longmen, and he was completely lost in the sky.Xiaoyue stood with her head down, seeming to be in a trance, but she didn't know whether she was thinking about the Phoenix Valley on Qiwu Mountain far away in the sky, or the young man right in front of her eyes.

"Brother A Yuan, let me serve you another pot of porridge..." Xiaoyue's soft words finally brought A Yuan's thoughts back.

"No, I'm not busy, I'm not hungry." A Yuan stopped Xiaoyue, beckoned her to sit on the head of his bed, and asked kindly: "Xiaoyue, are you okay? Are you injured?"

This is just an ordinary opening sentence. What A Yuan really wants to ask is about the future elder sister, the relationship between this family and the sect of cultivating immortals, and even what treasure land is the Phoenix Valley in Qiwu Mountain.Unexpectedly, after asking an innocuous question just now, Xiaoyue's tears rolled down like a flood bursting an embankment.

"Brother Ayuan, I'm sorry! Woooooo... I almost killed you, woohoo, Brother Ayuan..."

Xiaoyue's incoherent way of crying bitterly made A Yuan quite useful for a while—right!This is the proper reward for sacrificing oneself and saving others!

What is the reason for a hero to fight for justice on the road of the rivers and lakes?Isn't it just to enjoy the scene of thanking each other with tears of gratitude?The original hero has saved many people along the way, the old man in Yunguo, the mysterious and cold boy, and the god-killing red makeup robber, but no one has ever thanked him with tears in his eyes.

Xiaoyue's turbulent tears turned out to be the best medicine for wounds, and A Yuan finally tasted the joy of chivalry.But for something like a girl's tears, a few drops are the best as an embellishment. If it can't stop like a waterfall, it's definitely not a pleasant thing.

As soon as Xiaoyue cried for a while, Ah Yuan felt restless and quickly comforted her.But consolation is never a good way to stop a girl from crying. In desperation, A Yuan had to resort to a tried-and-true trick—bitter tricks.

A Yuan pretended to cough twice, and said with difficulty: "Xiaoyue, don't cry. Am I fine? If you continue to cry like this, your sister will definitely think that I am bullying you when she comes, so she must pick me up." No skin."

This trick really had immediate results, Xiaoyue stopped her tears, forced a smile and said: "Sister won't, she also cares about you..." After all, she couldn't hold back, two tears fell from the corners of her eyes It ran across the cheeks and dripped on the ground like dewdrops in the morning.

A Yuan hastily added: "Okay, don't cry anyway. I'm impatient when you cry, and the injury will get worse if you are anxious, it won't get better..."

Xiaoyue wiped away her tears as soon as she heard it, and said solemnly: "Well, then I will definitely not cry anymore, Brother A Yuan, you need to get better soon, our family will move to Dongguo. I will go to learn the piano, and Brother A Yuan will go to learn Xianfa, my wooden brother just happened to learn carpentry, how happy it would be."

The word "family" came out of Xiaoyue's mouth naturally, and she didn't realize that there was nothing wrong with it, but A Yuan couldn't help being moved in her heart, and said with a smile: "Xiaoyue, since you said you are a family, then I But I'm at your house, you have to cook delicious porridge for me every day, you can't drive me away..."

Xiaoyue smiled brightly, nodded her head heavily and said: "Yes! Brother Ayuan must take good care of his wounds and get well soon. Xiaoyue will try his best to cook all kinds of delicious food for you. As long as it can make brother Ayuan happy, let Xiaoyue can do anything!"

"Can I do anything?..." The long-suppressed evil thoughts in A Yuan's heart were instantly ignited, and he asked with a smirk.

"Hmm!" The innocent little girl replied without any hesitation, completely unaware of the danger.

"Then—you sing me a song."

In A Yuan's eyes, this request was definitely a top-notch way to make things difficult. Apart from his broken voice and the carefree voice of a child, there was rarely a third singing voice in the village.The folks don't seem to like to sing, especially Mengmeng, who can always bully her enough every time she is forced to sing.

However, although the little girl in front of her blushed a little, she didn't hesitate, she responded crisply, and sang an unknown folk song.

The singing voice was a little shy at the beginning, soft and melodious, jade-like and round, like a stream in the mountains.Then suddenly it was like a towering mountain peak, with a clear and clear voice, approaching the clouds.The singing lingers, as if it has passed through all obstacles, freely echoing under the long blue sky and beside the clear water, sweeping away some of A Yuan's troubles, and washing away his heart...

A Yuan suddenly discovered that the girl in front of her was the real "Featherless Lark" in this world.

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