The autumn chrysanthemums are beautiful, and the dew is the best.

Forget about worrying things in general, far away from my worldly feelings.

Although it is all alone, the cup is full and the pot tilts itself.

Every day the flock moves, and the homecoming bird approaches the forest.

Under Xiao Ao Dongxuan, talk about regaining this life.


I am interested in the "Tianao Village" in Xiao Zuo's words, and I want to take a look.It's hard to say that there really became my final destination.For Su Haitang's actions, I just take it as a friend's concern.

"If I go to Tian'ao Village, I'm afraid the wine brewed in the village will be empty." I laughed.

"What's the matter if it's empty?" Xiao Zuo said.

"It's okay. I can go and have a look." I said.

Xiao Zuo focused his eyes on me and stood up, "Brother, if you can really take over Tian'ao Village, it will not only fulfill my wish, brother, but it will also be a blessing for the people in the village."

"Haha. I've never had any good luck, how can I be blessed..." I laughed loudly.

"As long as you have a kind heart, treat others kindly, and let go of your desires, luck will come naturally." Xiao Zuo said loudly.

A wine glass kept turning on the table under my movement.As I am familiar with Taoist classics, I naturally understand Xiao Zuo's words. Rather than being aimless, it is better to be at ease with the situation. Maybe now is the time when I first met with 'Tian Ao Village', and this first encounter is so wonderful. You don't need to be in it at all, you already yearn for it...

"My lord, are you really planning to take over 'Tian Ao Village'?" Su Haitang blinked and said.

"You can give it a try." I said with a slight smile.

"Okay, I can spare a lot of money to build all the scenery you want for you." Su Haitang, stunned for a moment, said proudly.

I believe that everyone has a scene that they yearn for, but if they really tell it, it may not be that simple.Sometimes, these situations are discovered inadvertently, but it makes people feel more belonging.Just like meeting with fate, there is always an encounter that is pleasing to the eye.

"In Miss Haitang's heart, what kind of scenery do I yearn for?" I asked.

"Well... if it is pure repair, there must be a formation outside the door to protect it; then there is a towering archway; there is also a road with white jade slabs; there is also the white jade bridge that enters the clouds; finally, there are several towers built around the waist of the cliffs on both sides. A building; of course, you have to have a place to practice, discuss, and rest. By the way, you also need a library..." Su Haitang said the scenery was extremely beautiful, watching her chattering, tirelessly The look on my face immediately revealed a feeling of extreme gratitude in my heart.

I don't know how much I am in her heart, but in her description, it can make me feel extremely heavy.Perhaps, what she said is just illusory, and it needs thousands of dollars to create it, but it sounds so intoxicating.

"Okay. Very good. Thank you, Miss Haitang, you think too highly of me, how can I match it in such a fairyland?" I said with a smile that was not a smile.

"Why don't you deserve it? I, Su Haitang, said yes, that's fine." She seemed very concerned, as if she was striving for something, and said with a serious face.

"Haha, let's not say that this project is so huge, just the gold and silver used are incalculable for ordinary people..."

Before I could finish my sentence, Su Haitang rushed to say: "If you like it, you will definitely get it."

"You...Are you serious?" I looked at her firm eyes, froze for a moment, and said.

"'Young Master Yumian', you always do what you say!" Su Haitang said.

"But... this... is definitely not something that humans... can build... why do you..." I was very puzzled, and said.

"Just because you will always remember me..." Su Haitang said domineeringly with a blush on her fair and handsome face.

Her expression seemed to tell me that this was definitely not just talking.But, in front of Xiao Zuo, she is so unscrupulous, such a woman not only makes people admire her courage, but also makes people a little timid...

"Haha, what's the matter? Are you scared?" Su Haitang laughed loudly.

"Haha, big brother. You were really scared by her..." Xiao Zuo also laughed loudly.

"I..." I hesitated to speak, dumbfounded, and thought: Although I don't have many contacts with women, I have been married and had children. Facing Su Haitang's words and deeds, I was deeply moved by her words. I was shocked, I don't know whether to be ashamed or relieved...

"However, what I said just now is all true. Um... Mieyingmen... that's right! How about changing the name to: Tianaomen. Haha, from now on, there will be rumors in this world that the invincibles will separate into two schools, one day will fly and the other will die Shadow..." Su Haitang said while bouncing around with a wry smile.

She smiled and continued to exult. I don't know why she acted like this, but I can clearly feel that she is genuinely happy, with a little satisfaction...

As a woman, Su Haitang not only spoke ambiguously to me, but also wanted to build the Tian Ao Gate for me, which has already exceeded the friendship between friends, but Xiao Zuo seemed not to care at all, smiled and clapped his hands and said: "Tian Ao The door, very good, very good. Brother...Xiao Zuo is here to meet Guo Mingxuan, the master of Tian'ao Sect, haha..."

Maybe, he knows that I have a pure heart, so he doesn't take it seriously.But I was a little embarrassed, looking at the eyebrows of the two and smiling, I didn't know what to say, so I had to laugh again and again...


The next day, early in the morning.

"Lord Xiao, Lord Xiao, Wang Pu...Wang dead..." Outside the guest room, there was a scream of panic for a moment, accompanied by heavy and varied footsteps.

I hurried to the door, and found that Su Haitang was already standing on the wooden railing outside the door of the next room, staring at the sudden person, while Xiao Zuo's room was next to me on the other side, with the heavy knock on the door, Xiao Zuo opened the door and said, "Speak slowly, what's going on?"

"Lord Xiao, Wang Pu...suddenly died just now...same as the brother who died outside Suzhou City...on the way to Yingtian Mansion..." No.1 panted.

"This morning...a brother saw Wang Pu brewing something in the kitchen...he was curious, so he went up to ask...Who knew that Wang Pu set off the cooking stove with evil smiles, and the whole stove was full of surging black Worm, he immediately fell to the ground, and when he stepped forward to check, he...was dead..." The second person said hoarsely.

"Brother, it can be seen that the person who successively killed our Jinyiwei is Wang Pu!" The third person wailed.

"Where did you sleep peacefully last night?" Xiao Zuo asked.

"We're going to sleep peacefully in the Zhen Fu Division, what's the matter?" No.1 said.

"The Zhenfu Division? You are not in the guard, why did you go to the Zhenfu Division?" Xiao Zuo said in surprise.

"Yesterday, as soon as we arrived at the guard, we were summoned by the commander Jiang Yu. We thought it was not a good thing, but after that, we not only had good wine and good meat, but also invited singers to cheer us up..." the second person said.

"Jiang Yu? Did he ask anything?" Xiao Zuo thought about it.

"I didn't ask anything, just asked where we went with you, Mr. Xiao Zuo. But Wang Pu was drunk and talked nonsense, and told about the death of several Jinyiwei... Unexpectedly, early this morning, he ...died..." The second person said again.

"Killed in the Zhenfu is it possible...that batch of black did Wang Pu get it..."

"Brother, what do you think?" Xiao Zuo said, looking at me with a puzzled face.

"It doesn't matter what I think. The important thing is that the poisoner must die this time." I said.

"What? Brother doesn't think it's Wang Pu?" Xiao Zuo frowned.

"It can't be him. If it were him, I would be more worried about my daughter Liu Yunjin, who is still with Wang Pu's parents." I said.

"Could it be Jiang Yu? He is strong in martial arts and ruthless. Could it be that after Wang Pu was drunk, he not only said that several Jin Yiwei died in a strange way, but also talked about the details? It made Jiang Yu worry that he would be exposed, which caused pain. Killer?" Xiao Zuo hesitated.

"My lord, let's talk about the details. I vaguely remember that Wang Pu said last night that we stopped three times on the way to respond to Tianfu. He only found out that some of us were missing after smelling a strong smell of alcohol each time." Yes." The third person said.

"Strong smell of alcohol... All men like alcohol, what kind of clue is this?" Xiao Zuo sighed slightly.

"No. This is indeed a clue!" Su Haitang said in surprise.

"Yes, this is not only a clue, but also a very important clue." I continued.

"How do you say that?" Xiao Zuo asked in surprise.

"Although everyone has drunk alcohol, you didn't see any abnormal people appearing on the day you responded to Tianfu, but Wang Pu could smell the strong smell of alcohol. This can only prove..."

Before I finished speaking, Su Haitang rushed to say: "It can only prove that the murderer is accompanied by alcohol all day long, at least in the past few days, he has often been exposed to alcohol."

"But... along the way, all the Jin Yiwei and I drank alcohol..." Xiao Zuo said hastily.

"The road is open and there is a breeze from time to time. Even if you drink a little wine, it will be blown away quickly by the wind. Why does Wang Pu care so much about the strong smell of alcohol? Have you ever thought about it?" Su Haitang said.

"The person who used Gu insects to kill people is..." Xiao Zuo said.

"It's not known yet, but I know he's near the end of his life." I said.

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