"No problem, it's a trivial matter, but as a reward, you have to agree to one condition." Qiu Ge pursed her lips, and her bulging round cheeks added a touch of playfulness and liveliness to the already beautiful face.

"Didn't I already owe you a condition? The last one hasn't been fulfilled yet."

"The last time was the last time, and this time is this time. I want to save enough for three times, and then I will cash it out slowly." She pouted her mouth coquettishly.

Ye Tianxing has nothing to do with her, "Okay, then I will give you one more gift, and I have collected it three times. If you think about what you want, as long as you don't mess around, just tell me."

"That can't be done, you won't get rewarded for nothing, I don't want you to be pitiful." She turned her face arrogantly, and took Xiao Yan in Ye Tianxing's arms, "Xiao Yan, good boy, go and find Sister Jingya with my sister."

"Yeah." Xiaoyan smiled and nodded, and obediently let Qiuge hug him.

"Boss, what's the matter with Xiaoyan? He's over seven years old, why doesn't his body show any signs of growth? It's still the same as when we first met him." Chen Jingqiu was a little puzzled. A seven-year-old child, usually He is already quite tall, but Xiaoyan has hardly changed much from when he first met him, and his body growth rate is too slow.

"I was also a little surprised at one point. I asked Senior Grub, and he said that Xiaoyan's body structure is a bit special. Instead of growing slowly, it is better to say that his bones take more time to form."

"What's the meaning?"

"Xiaoyan's bones are much denser than those of ordinary people, which means that our bones may grow at the same rate as Xiaoyan's bones, but the gaps between Xiaoyan's bones are very small. After growing to a certain level, the body will grow upwards."

Chen Jingqiu suddenly understood, "No wonder, this kid hasn't grown much in the past few years, but his weight has grown very fast, even heavier than ordinary adults."

"But will it affect his physical health?"

"I don't know, at least for now, his physical health is good."

"As long as the body is in good health, I don't know what kind of freak physique this little guy is. I have never heard of such a physique."


When the sun was high, a figure carefully opened the door, and then disappeared. Ying'er, who got up early on weekdays, carefully changed into a new outfit and walked out of the boudoir today.


Suddenly, there was a chuckle from outside the door. The handsome woman was holding a set of red makeup, followed by several maids, carrying all kinds of rouge, who had been waiting outside the door for an unknown amount of time.

"Senior Sister, your breakthrough in this realm is quite fast, and you have been promoted to the late stage of Void Transformation overnight." The woman teased, and then she went into Ying'er's boudoir with her red makeup in her hands.

Ying'er's pretty face was flushed, and she didn't answer the words. The teachers and sisters of Shimen guessed what happened without asking.

"Uh... what are you doing?" Ying'er blushed and was slightly dizzy, and she walked a little lightly. She held on to the threshold and tried to make herself look more natural.

"Shanxia, ​​why are there so many people?"

The woman in the white skirt didn't answer her, but leaned closer to Ying'er, and whispered something in her ear, Ying'er's blushing face instantly turned red to her fair neck.

"Hahaha, Senior Sister Ying'er, the junior sisters are very envious, waiting for you to give us a lecture."

"Damn girl, you want to be beaten!" She groaned coquettishly, clenched her hands into fists, and just took two steps, but almost fell down.

"Young Master Wu, my senior sister has been made miserable by you!" The woman didn't hold back at all, and there was a burst of non-stop laughter outside Ying'er's fragrant boudoir.

"Okay, stop making trouble, Ying'er, put on your clothes, you will marry Wu Ting today, and you will be the daughter-in-law of the Wu family from now on." Zhong Yuehong walked over and helped Ying'er, Ying'er was so embarrassed that she wanted to Find a seam in the ground and drill in.

"Master, are you in a hurry?" Ying'er blushed and said softly.

"You two, don't worry yesterday, how could you be in such a situation."

"The guests are already here. Mr. Ye has already started preparations two days earlier. You two are getting married today, so let's forget about the master's concern." Zhong Yuehong fondled Ying'er's long hair, she has no heirs, To her, the disciples of Tianshengzhai are her children.

Ying'er buried her head in Zhong Yuehong's arms and said nothing for a long time.


"Old Wu, where did you go? You just came back now?" Just as Wu Ting entered the room, everyone was already waiting in the room.

Chen Jingqiu squinted her eyes, put her hands behind her back, and looked carefully.

"Last night, I went to Ying'er to discuss some things, and then went to pay my mother's peace, and took a nap at Yuanyang's place. I didn't expect it to be dawn in a flash."

Hearing the sound, a smile instantly appeared on the faces of Ye Tianxing and others,

"Really?" Chen Jingqiu suppressed a smile, and after looking at Qu Wencang, she couldn't hold back anymore, "Old witch, have you learned to lie?"

"Old witch, it's boring for you to pretend like this. Yuanyang just came to look for you, and you weren't there at all last night. Besides, I heard from the fairy of Tianshengzhai that Fairy Ying'er can't even walk. !"


For a moment, the whole room was filled with laughter.

"Find a fight!"

"Oh! I'm anxious, you are anxious, old witch, why are you so anxious!" Chen Jingqiu laughed, but the next moment she was photographed flying thousands of meters away.

"Old Wu, change the clothes on the table, you and Ying'er will get married today, strike while the iron is hot." Ye Tianxing also couldn't help laughing twice, Wu Ting scratched his head naively, with a look of embarrassment on his face.

After Wu Ting changed into the groom's attire, the family members of the Wu family also appeared outside the house one after another.

The Hanlin disciples put on uniforms. The Qingtian White Tiger wore a special red-robed battle armor. The battle armor was inlaid with crystal clear light beads, shining with dazzling luster. He stood in front of the crowd, spraying bursts of cold flames, so majestic Domineering.

In the back mountain, in front of Ying'er's boudoir, the disciples of Tianshengzhai have all prepared, uniform light pink attire, arranged in an orderly manner, all the beauties are very eye-catching, Qingluan is wearing a colorful makeup, wearing a golden feather crown, soon after, Ying'er Walking out of the room with the help of Zhong Yuehong, she was dressed in a red dress that surpassed the fire, with a golden phoenix embroidered on it, a phoenix crown and a scarlet cape, and her unique makeup set off her beautiful face to the fullest.

Qingluan leaned down, Ying'er walked up slowly, Zhong Yuehong followed closely.


Accompanied by Qingluan's clear and long cry, the whole Hanlin Pavilion suddenly boiled.

Qingluan flew up with fluttering wings, and the disciples of Tianshengzhai stepped up in an orderly manner. They held flower baskets and scattered red flowers in the sky.

The fragrant aroma immediately filled the sky.

The female disciples of Hanlin rose up with the sword, followed by the disciples of Tianshengzhai, Tiangang 36, and Dijue [-] guarded behind them with a distance of a thousand meters.


The Qingtian White Tiger galloped over and stepped over Hanlin. After Qingluan and the Qingtian White Tiger circled once, they ran in opposite directions.

"After Rao traveled around the southern wilderness, we met at the half-moon bend, and Qingluan led the way." Chen Jingqiu took care.

Qingluan nodded, and then walked slowly towards the west.

In the long sky, the disciples of Tianshengzhai sprinkled thousands of petals, and brought the vitality of spring to the snow-covered Hanlin Tianfu.

At the foot of Tianfu Mountain, there are five steps and one seat, and mortals and cultivators are among them. The female disciples of the Imperial Academy randomly spread fairy fate,

A group of thousands of people moved forward slowly.



Looking down, Hanlin Tianfu, the crowd is surging, and you can't see the end at a glance.

The blue sky and white tiger marched eastward, majestic and domineering, a team of thousands of people marched across the sky above Hanlin Tianfu, with celestial light and unparalleled power.

Along the way, cultivators from countless forces ascended to the sky and followed closely behind the team, wanting to get some celestial karma.

"What kind of lineup is this? Immortal-level blue sky white tigers lead the way, and there are clouds of masters behind them. This wedding is simply a grand ceremony!" A strong man climbed up from the sky and bowed to Wu Ting and others.

"It's such a strong sense of oppression!" A master of Huaxu Juefeng looked at the team that was drifting away, feeling extremely shocked.

"It's such a big battle, with several masters of Linxian accompanying them, and there are not a few masters of virtual transformation. Unexpectedly, in just a few decades, Hanlinxuan, which was still crushed by the Nine Holy Nest, now has the power to command the entire south. The power that Huang fears!"

"It's all because of one person, who walks in the night and the sky in the barren body. Once upon a time, he was just a disciple of the three sects, like an ant, but now he has become a powerful existence that everyone in the southern wilderness mentions."

"Xiaosheng pays homage to senior, congratulations on senior's happy marriage!" A young man saluted respectfully on the right side of the mighty team,

Seeing this, Wu Ting waved his sleeve robe, and a simple jade sword lay in front of the young man.

The young man looked up at the jade sword lying in front of him, he was overjoyed, and quickly knelt down to thank him.

"I wish Mr. Wu a happy wedding!"

Along the way, countless cultivators squatted on the road.

Chen Jingqiu sprinkled the gift of fairy fate that had been prepared, and countless young people were delighted.

"San Nian Tang Bai San Nian, lead all the disciples, I wish Mr. Wu a happy wedding!"

"I wish Mr. Wu a happy wedding!"

On both sides of the road, there are a lot of flowers, and the forces of all parties have already known the route of today's wedding ceremony and have already spontaneously waited here.

"Couldn't it be arranged by the boss? These guys are quite self-conscious." Chen Jingqiu gave a thumbs up appreciatively, and then waved his sleeve robe, and hundreds of magic weapons fell to the disciples of Sannian Hall.

"This is, an unrivaled treasure?!" A disciple in the state of concentration looked at the light ball falling in front of him. Inside the light ball was a golden sword, which was a peerless treasure.

"This is, a spiritual weapon?" A bloody battle ax was floating in front of Bai Sannian, his eyes lit up, he immediately took the battle ax with his hands, and suddenly his hands sank, "This is, a high-grade spiritual weapon!"

"Thank you for your reward, young master, thank you for your reward!" Bai Sannian was ecstatic, grateful again and again,

A high-grade spiritual weapon is not even noticeable to Chen Jingqiu and the others today, but it is a priceless treasure to a cultivator in the reincarnation state.

You must know that many reincarnation realm experts don't even have spirit weapons, and top-grade spirit weapons can only be possessed by masters of Void Transformation.


Qingluan flew in mid-air, and there were constant congratulations along the way.

In the sky above, a black dragon slowly walked through the turbulent flow of the void. On the dragon's spine, a man sat cross-legged, quietly perceiving the land of the southern wasteland.

Suddenly, a familiar aura appeared in his perception.

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