Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 244 It's Hard To Break My Daughter's Heart

One night passed quickly, and Ye Tianxing was a little tired. It is not difficult to make the forbidden talisman. The difficult thing is to add a layer of protection to the forbidden talisman to prevent someone from snooping and learning the making method.

Huoyun City, which had been quiet all night, was immediately besieged with the news that the ten kings passed on the Demon Suppressing Tower. They also came to visit.

After this news spread, not only the mysterious world was shaken, but also the entire big families in the ten directions of the mysterious world were shocked by it.

"The inheritance of the ten kings actually exists on the Demon Suppressing Tower!"

"Since ancient times, Tianjiao of the demon clan has never even touched the fifth floor of No. 60. I didn't expect the boy of the human race to pass through the Demon Suppressing Tower." In the ten directions of the mysterious world, many terrifying existences were awakened from their slumber.

"The outstanding people in the world are all extraordinary people, and they must have extraordinary skills!"

"It should be so, otherwise it would be impossible to clear the Demon Town Tower in such a short time."

"Climb to the top of the Demon Town Tower's forbidden talisman. No matter what, you have to get a set. The ten kings have inherited it. My family's Tianjiao should also try their luck."


"My lord, there are more and more people, what should I do?" The elders of the Chu clan looked at Tianjiao of the monster clan who were crowded outside the city, and couldn't help asking inside the hall.

"Elder, here are [-] junior talismans and [-] intermediate talismans. Please sell them strictly according to the price of [-] celestial gold for primary talismans and [-] celestial gold for intermediate talismans. Each person can buy at most one copy, and no more can be sold." After handing it over to the elders of the Chu clan, a look of joy welled up on the latter's face.

"My lord, can I buy a primary and secondary talisman for my grandson?" The elder of the Xiaotianhu clan looked at Ye Tianxing in embarrassment.

The elders of the Daming Peacock Clan and the elders of the Three-Tailed Emperor Scorpion also expressed their willingness to buy.

Ye Tianxing looked at the elders, smiled and waved his hands, "As long as they are the arrogance of the elder clan, anyone who wants to enter the Demon Town Tower can receive a set of prohibition talismans from the younger generation, no need to buy, everyone All disciples of Fire Cloud City can receive a primary talisman, after which the city lord will decide, and the elders will arrange that as long as they have made certain contributions to Fire Cloud City, they can all receive intermediate talismans.

In the main hall, the elders immediately became overjoyed when they heard the words, "Thank you for the gift, my lord!"

"Young master, let me wait for the newly joined...can I get an intermediate talisman?"

"Of course, new deacons who have joined Fire Cloud City for more than one month can receive an intermediate-level talisman. Those who perform well will be given a high-level talisman after being reviewed by the elders for your free use!"

"Fan Huoyun City disciples, who can reach the No. 70th floor of the Demon Suppressing Tower, can also apply for a high-level talisman from the elders. After the city lord comes out, the follow-up distribution method will be formulated, and the method of making talismans will be informed to the city lord and All core elders! So you don’t have to worry about this, as long as you are loyal to Huoyun City and the city lord, the benefits will be indispensable to you.”

All the arrogances of Huoyun City were overjoyed when they heard the words. Forbidden talismans are one-time consumables. As long as the Demon Suppressing Tower still exists and the ten kings' inheritance does not disappear, then mastering the method of making talismans is equivalent to having a steady stream of wealth!

"We, thank you son!!"

"Everyone, please be polite. Elders, let me know after you go out. There is a limit of [-] copies per day, and a limit of [-] copies of high-level talismans. They cannot be sold to the same group of people repeatedly."

"Follow the son's order!" The elders of several clans exited the hall excitedly.

"Old Chu, your clan has really found a treasure. It won't be long before the Chu clan becomes the most powerful force in Mysterious Xiaojie!"

"Of course, it doesn't matter what kind of relationship my young lady has with Mr. Ye."

"Hey, I've also followed suit. With this prohibition talisman, Fire Cloud City is equivalent to mastering a fairy gold mine, and it's only a matter of time before it becomes the most powerful force in the mysterious world."


"Young master, why do you want to limit the output of talismans, so you don't want to make a fortune now?" Qiu Ge asked with a smile.

"If the output of forbidden talismans is too large, the market will be saturated sooner or later, and once the forbidden talismans are too easy to obtain, even if Huoyun City earns a lot of money, it will be nothing but a huge piece of fat for other forces in the mysterious world , Only by limiting the output will some top masters consider joining Fire Cloud City, so that Fire Cloud City can keep this piece of fat!"

"As you said, money is a thing outside of the body, enough is enough, and the ultimate goal is to strengthen oneself and serve."

After thinking about it for a while, Qiu Ge couldn't help but give a thumbs up, "Sure enough, all excellent people are omnipotent."

"Don't make fun of me. I learned this from you."

"Really? The concubine has never taught the young master these things."

"If Miss Qiu is so modest again, Yemou will really lose face."

"Okay." Qiu Ge curled his lips playfully, "Young Master insists that it was taught by my concubine, and that is the credit of my concubine. How do you plan to reward my concubine?"

Without warning, Qiuge approached Ye Tianxing suddenly, with beautiful eyes, eagerly waiting, and the disciples in the hall retreated tactfully upon seeing this.

For a while, the fragrance smells,

Her beautiful face matched her tall figure, and she was paired with a dark and charming silk shirt like a black lotus. It is difficult for any male to maintain a trace of calm in such a situation, and Ye Tianxing is no exception.

"Cough cough..."

He coughed dryly to cover up his embarrassment, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, then took a few steps consciously, and picked up a glass of good wine.

With his concentration, if he gets too close for too long, he can't guarantee what kind of unbearable move he will make in the next moment.

"Why do you all like to practice the art of charming? If you almost make up your mind, I'm afraid you'll make a mistake." He sweated guiltyly.

Seeing Ye Tianxing in a panic, Qiuge covered his mouth and chuckled lightly.

"Okay, I won't tease you anymore, but I have been busy for such a period of time, there is hard work without credit, and I can't live without rewards. I don't lack or need such things as heaven and earth treasures,"

She pouted her small mouth, coquettishly, charmingly and charmingly, making it difficult for Ye Tianxing to resist.

"What Miss Qiu wants, if Yemou can satisfy her, she should do her best."

"Well, can anything be satisfied?"

Ye Tianxing instinctively wanted to nod in response, but when he thought that the girl might make some unusual demands, he didn't know how to answer.

"Girl, why not suggest a direction, Ye Mou can think about it."

Qiu Ge pondered for a moment, then half-jokingly, said shyly, "I am a concubine, and I want a child."


Ye Tianxing spit out the fine wine that had just reached his mouth.

He was usually as calm as him, but now his face turned red up to his ears.

"Uh..." The corners of his mouth twitched, and he was speechless for a moment, not knowing how to answer.

The air also freezes at this moment,

Qiu Ge looked at the hesitant Ye Tianxing, a look of disappointment flashed across her beautiful eyes, and then she chuckled lightly, her brows softened, "Okay, I'm not joking with you, I don't have anything I want for now, wait until When I have something I particularly want, I can ask the son for it."

"Oh... good!" Ye Tianxing stammered, the short communication between the two of them seemed like a century to him, and answering Qiuge's question was much more difficult than going through the nine-fold reincarnation.

"Okay, my lord, rest for a while, and I will go to inform the visitors outside the hall." After the voice fell, Qiu Ge fled out of the hall without looking back, leaving Ye Tianxing with a graceful back.

After she left, Ye Tianxing remained silent, full of preoccupations, how could he not know what Qiuge was thinking.

But life is like this, the order of appearance of a person is really important.

Afterwards, after Ye Tianxing sold the ten complete sets of forbidden talismans in his hand to a powerful force in the mysterious world, he started retreating again.

This time, he will try to refine the blood of the real dragon to obtain the powerful inheritance of the golden holy dragon family. The royal blood of the golden holy dragon is not weaker than the body of the barren body.

It's just that with his current state, it is not realistic to completely refine the body of the complete fairy king golden holy dragon.

Time passed quietly like this. Due to the existence of the inheritance of the ten kings, the mysterious world was quieter than ever.

"Breakthrough, breakthrough, Kong Xuan and Mr. Wu are the first to step into the No.70 floor!"

On this day, an excited voice resounded in Fire Cloud City, and the arrogance of the Da Ming Peacock Clan rushed towards the Demon Suppressing Tower, while the elders of the Da Ming Peacock Clan were ecstatic.

"Kong Nian, congratulations! With Xuan'er's talent, the probability of being selected by the ten kings is extremely high. From now on, the peacock clan of the Ming Dynasty will probably take off!"

"It's too early, it's too early, it's not so easy to get the inheritance of the ten kings, everything depends on Xuan'er's good luck!" Kong Nian, the great elder of the Peacock Clan of the Ming Dynasty, was more excited than anyone else. King inheritance, then the probability of breaking through to the Immortal King in the future will become extremely high, it can be said that it is a certainty.

One must know that the ten kings under the Dragon Emperor's command were all peerless arrogances who looked down upon the ten directions of the mysterious world when they were young.

"Suppressing Demon Tower is about to be closed. I don't know what's going on inside, and whether the spirit crystals on Xuan'er and the others are enough to support it." Kong Nian worried.

"Don't worry, after entering the No.70 floor, there will be no death energy, and they can practice in it with confidence."

A deep voice sounded from behind the crowd. Two months later, Ye Tianxing walked out of the retreat, his face radiant, and his energy and spirit reached an unprecedented height. Just standing there, the elders sensed an irresistible force. coercion.

"Young Master's strength has improved again!" Seeing Ye Tianxing leave, Guan Chuli and others subconsciously leaned over.

"How, have you gained anything?" Ye Tianxing asked with a smile, looking at Chu Li, the eldest prince Zhilang, and the three monks of Kuhai.

"Uh, to be honest, even with the help of Brother Ye's prohibition talisman, it is difficult for us to cross the fifth floor of No.60. It is difficult to move under the restriction of the magic tower, and the second is that we have insufficient supplies and cannot continue." The three monks of Kuhai sighed deeply, feeling very sorry.

"After entering the No. 60 floor, my body couldn't bear it at all. I thought that my tiger body, the Howling Tiger, could at least last up to the No. 60 fifth floor, but in the end it could only stop at the No. 60 floor. Brother, I gave You are ashamed!" Pei Shan cried and scratched his head like a wronged woman.

"Boss, I barely made it to the fifth floor of No.60, but unfortunately I couldn't keep up with the old witches, otherwise I should be able to go one step further!" Chen Jingqiu regretted.

"Don't be discouraged. This year won't work. We will fight again in the coming year. The inheritance of the ten kings is there. There will always be a chance."

"Hey, if this continues, I won't be able to catch up with you. Boss, you and the old witch have already entered the Immortal Realm, but I barely entered the late stage of Void Transformation." Chen Jingqiu was a little disappointed.

Ye Tianxing patted him on the shoulder and said in relief, "Haste makes waste. The key to practice is to cultivate the mind. The state is only one aspect. As long as the state of mind can keep up, the state will catch up sooner or later."


"When did I lie to you?"

"Hey, I'm relieved to have Boss's words. Boss, when you go back, you have to guide me well. I want to improve my strength. If I am compared to Qu Wencang, I have no place to save my face. At the end of the sentence, Chen Jingqiu lowered her voice and glanced at Qu Wencang unhappily.

"I have reached the seventh floor of No.60. You have just stepped into the fifth floor of No.60. How can you compare with me? If you give me enough time, you may not be able to step into the first floor of No.70. If you want to beat me , in the next life!" Qu Wencang taunted triumphantly.

"Hey, I haven't called for three days, I'm pretending for my father,"

"Boss is a witness, I want to fight you."

"Okay, but the ugly words are up front. Whoever loses has to call the other party brother. From now on, what do you say when you are a brother, and you are not allowed to refute when you are a younger brother. How about it?"

"Phew, I'm so angry, I'm sorry for the boss's teachings over the years if I don't let you take off your skin today."

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