Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 240 Ambush

"Arrogance, do you really think that there is no one in my mysterious world? Just relying on one person to single out me as an expert in the entire city of Dayan?"

"Hehe, how will you know if you don't try?" Ye Tianxing held one hand behind his back, looking down at the Tianjiao from a high position, and just one look made many Tianjiao's hearts tremble.

As soon as the majesty of the emperor came out, some Tianjiao immediately lost the courage to fight. That vast power like a galaxy, even if it is as strong as the number one master of the Xuanjie list, Dayan Xumi, cannot maintain the peak Competitive state.

"You can't enter invincibility!" Dayan Xumi's expression was solemn, and his face turned ugly for a moment. Like Qianzang back then, under Ye Tianxing's invincible power, he couldn't maintain his invincible heart.

Ye Tianxing naturally noticed this, and simply restrained his invincible momentum, "It is equally easy to deal with you if you are not invincible!"

"Conceit is the biggest weakness of a cultivator!" Dayan Xumi summoned the realm of the Immortal King, and his heroic handwriting exudes a terrifying power that touches invincibility. This power is very strong, but it is not as good as Wu Ting. Wu Ting is the No. 1 that Ye Tianxing has seen now. He does not enter the invincible state, but has the invincible power.

"No. [-] in the Mysterious Realm, that's all!" Ye Tianxing stopped talking nonsense, and when the Immortal King's Domain opened, the Immortal King stood up,

"Thunder God's Domain!"

He just had a thought in his mind, ten thousand thunder rumbled, submerged the place, wherever he stepped, there was thunder, many arrogances were in his thunder domain, and it was difficult for them to even protect themselves, let alone fight.

"Overbearing, too overbearing!" A young Tianjiao trembled all over, unable to withstand the baptism of thunder, he was not even qualified to fight.

"I have to admit that even the city lord does not have such power. The barren body is indeed a powerful existence that can suppress Qianzang and several ancient creatures. It is absolutely invincible in the mysterious world!" Keeping Dao Xin, urging the magic weapon to stand on the edge of Thunder God's Domain, can only protect itself.

"Xumi, his Immortal King Domain is too domineering. With Thunder God Domain, we are already at a disadvantage before the battle. Find a way to break through his Immortal King Domain!" Sarko said with a sullen face,

"Stand behind me, superimpose the realm of the Immortal King, and resist his momentum!" Dayan Xumi said in a deep voice, he knows better than anyone how powerful his opponent is, and with a immortal-level body, he can sweep the entire mysterious world. In the mysterious world, the treasure body of the monster clan can't compete with it, and the immortal weapon or even the immortal king's Taoist weapon can't exert its power in the mysterious world, and it is difficult to hurt him at all. The sharpness of the weapon will kill it.

After making up his mind, he and Gu Sunye glanced at each other, and the two immediately used the strongest technique to attack horizontally!

At the same time, the power of the heavenly law formed a demon appearance outside the body, and Dayan Xumi urged the immortal king's Taoist body to suppress it forward.

The power of the heavenly law is vertical and horizontal, and the realm of the fairy king is also shaken.

"Small tricks!" Ye Tianxing formed a seal with one hand, and the immortal king stretched out his big hand to cover the rolling thunder, and moved towards several people to suppress it.

"The Immortal King is angry, it's coming to the Nine Heavens!"

"The Immortal King is angry, move the heavens!"

The magic sound was piercing, full of oppression, and the bursting coercion directly suppressed all the arrogances on the edge until they vomited blood. They were invincible, and their power was still invincible.

"No. [-] in the Xuanjie list, is it worthy of a battle?" Ye Tianxing was extremely strong, and the immortal king's body was unimpeded.

The bright holy light washed the black energy from Immortal King Dao's body, suppressing the spreading of the dense black energy.

At this moment, he came into the world like a fairy Buddha. Even across the realm of the fairy king, Qiu Ge could feel the breathtaking oppression, let alone the people in it.

"There is such an outstanding person in the world, and the marks of the heavens and the earth will also imprint his achievements. From now on, at least in hundreds of years, no one will dare to call himself invincible!" Qiu Ge looked at the body quietly. , with a slight ripple in his beautiful eyes, compared to the strong physique of the male Yaozu Tianjiao, his human body is much thinner, but it is this thin human body, just standing there, there is a feeling of saying no. out of the stalwart,

Gives a supreme sense of security.


The Immortal King's Dao Body pierced the void with one finger, and pierced the Immortal King's Dao Body of Dayan Xumi, and at the same time broke through the Immortal King's domain that was superimposed by several people,

The supreme power surged forward, and the myth belonging to Dayan Xumi was broken. Although all the arrogances clearly understood that Dayan Xumi was not the opponent of the deserted body, they never expected that they would lose so quickly.

"You can't fight in a fight, and it's even more impossible to win in close combat. The barren body really crushed Dayan Xumi in all directions. After this battle, I'm afraid he won't even be able to keep the second place in the Mysterious Realm Ranking!" Dayan City There is a proud sigh outside.

"I don't believe that there is such a big gap between you and me!" Dayan Xumi was unwilling to let out a terrifying roar, and saw his aura rising crazily, reaching the critical point of reincarnation and emptiness,

"Nine evils kill the gods! Get up!" I saw him making a hundred turns of the seal with both hands, writing the spell in the void, and weaving a strange prohibition, which made Ye Tianxing a little startled.

"Without any real objects, relying solely on the strength of the divine sense to engrave the Immortal King's restriction in the sky, although it is incomplete, the power of this corner is enough to kill Linxian Rank [-] masters!"

While Ye Tianxing was meditating, nine light circles lit up in a god-killing restriction, and the spells operated with his manipulation.

Nine voices echoed in the circle of light, as if from the ancient times.


The sky and the earth trembled, and the circle of light set off terrifying ripples, and then within the nine circles of light, phantoms of nine ferocious beasts appeared, each phantom exuding terrifying pressure,

"Roar~" A deep roar came from the mouth of the Nine Ominous Beasts, carrying piercing sound waves.

"The ancient ten fierce formations, Dayan Xumi has already cultivated to the ninth fierce. With this corner of the incomplete restraint, maybe it can really resist the barren body one or two!"

"Complete the Desolate Ancient Ten Fierce Formation, that is the real killing formation. Once the incomplete power is limited, the barren body will have this power before it enters Invincible. If it enters Invincible, this formation will not be able to stop him!"

"Ten tricks!"

The man asserted that within ten moves, the winner will be decided.

Sure enough, after his words fell, he only used five moves, the ancient ten fierce formations were broken, Dayan Xumi was shaken back, and blood spilled into the sky.

"Impossible, I have cultivated to the ninth of the Desolate Ancient Ten Fierce Formation, how can I break it easily!" Dayan Xumi was unwilling and did not understand why this was the case.

"The Immortal King's restriction with a broken corner is just a restriction, not a complete thing. What can I do, you are still far behind in the attainment and understanding of restriction!" As Ye Tianxing spoke, he swiped his fingers in the air, just like that in the void. A complete prohibition was written in the book, and now his spiritual consciousness has reached the point of the fifth turn of Linxian, but he is limited by the mysterious world and cannot display his true strength, but with his powerful spirit power, he can still write some Comparable to the prohibition of Linxian.

"Go!" Ye Tianxing flicked his sleeves lightly, and the restriction immediately disappeared into the void,

Tianjiao's heart tightened, but he didn't notice anything wrong, but in the next moment, the surrounding world was completely imprisoned, the aura of heaven and earth stopped flowing, and a silent fear made everyone tremble.

If it is in the outside world, this level of restriction can be completely ignored, but here is the mysterious world, Dayan Xumi tried to use his physical strength to break the restriction here, but his physical strength is not enough to shake this restriction.

"Tianjiao of Dayan City obeys orders and suppresses the intruders!" Seeing Ye Tianxing approaching them step by step, Dayan Xumi seemed a little flustered, and they naturally knew how strong the barren body was. Can't escape.


Many masters joined forces to kill Ye Tianxing, and Tianjiao sacrificed a high-grade fairy weapon, leaving a shallow mark on Ye Tianxing's body. If it were someone else, the high-grade fairy weapon would be sharp enough to cut through the flesh,

"There are indeed a lot of masters in Dayan City." The surrounding void was cut off, and Ye Tianxing was swallowed by the howling turbulent flow of the void, but in the next moment, he walked out of the turbulent flow and appeared in the crowd intact. In front of Tianjiao, Tai Chi Pisces swim under his feet, exuding unstoppable power and sharpness.

"The barren body is bloodthirsty and murderous, and we will work together to defeat it!" Outside Dayan City, shouts sounded, and the void barrier was opened, and top experts from other cities came one after another.

Ye Tianxing looked up, his eyes were fixed, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but playfully curled up, "It turned out that he was prepared to wait for me to enter the urn."

"Dolma Danyang of the Seven Profound Palace, I have been waiting here for a long time!" The man slightly cupped his hands towards Ye Tianxing from the air, "Today, with the Tianjiao of the Seven Profound Palace, please brother Ye be buried here!"

"Pang Yan, Huayin City!"

"Huayin City is in a state of embarrassment!"

"I have admired Brother Ye's name for a long time, and the prestige of the barren body has shaken the mysterious world. We are gathered here today, hoping that Brother Ye will abolish his cultivation, or die here!"

Experts from the three cities gathered, among them the number of peerless geniuses was not low, and they all came prepared, but Ye Tianxing hadn't discovered it beforehand.


With the assistance of the outside world, Dayan Xumi and others escaped from their predicament, and the Tianjiao of the Three Cities formed a wall in the void, cutting off Ye Tianxing's retreat.

"Hehe, I was only planning to collect debts today, but now it seems that there is no need to collect debts. You three cities have to choose new owners!"

"Sure enough, you're arrogant enough to speak so boldly when you're about to die. It's really powerful to suppress and kill a few ancient creatures, but today the elites of my three cities are all out, and you can't escape with your wings!"

The heaven and earth nets spread out, and a majestic peerless celestial being like a bull, covered with bloody hair and shrouded in blood, forced towards Ye Tianxing forcefully. In front of Dayan Xumifei, he once again gathered the ancient ten fierce formations,

"Blood Shura!" Qiu Ge looked at the thing with bloody hair, with a solemn expression on his face, "Young Master, be careful, this is a bloody savage bull, an extremely fierce and brutal existence among ancient creatures!"

"Well, I got it, you stay far away, so as not to be affected." Ye Tianxing said through a voice transmission, Qiu Ge heard the sound, and hid in the void obediently, retreating out of this world, she can't help if she stays here Ye Tianxing is busy, but it may drag him down.

"Hmph, with such a lineup, I'd like to see how you get out of trouble!" You Tianjiao sneered, with murderous intent.

Ye Tianxing was not in a panic, but seemed very calm, "It doesn't mean that there are many people, so there must be great strength. In the face of absolute power, the number of people can fill the field!"

Ye Tianxing slowly raised his palm, and the Immortal King Dao body pressed forward,


The blood-fiend bull roared loudly, and a pair of horns shot into the sky with blood, condensing a blood-colored Shura phantom, which shook with the Taoist body of the Immortal King.

This is a formidable enemy, so strong that Ye Tianxing's blow was unexpectedly blocked by him.

"Let's go together!" Xue Shura stared at Ye Tianxing, aware of a great crisis, the person in front of him was definitely not something he could handle alone.

"Bu Qixuan Tiangang Formation!"

The formation was fierce, and the stellar energy was vertical and horizontal. More than forty reincarnated arrogances gathered together and set up the Seven Profound Heavenly Stellar Formation. A ray of terrifying edge overflowed, tearing the void to pieces.


The blood fiend bull turned into its own body and came galloping forward, and a pair of horns delivered another shocking blow.

Several masters from Huayin City used Huayin Kungfu to deceive themselves. The masters from the three cities came out together, plus an ancient creature. This lineup is more than twice as strong as that outside Huoyun City that day.


Ye Tianxing formed a seal with one hand and chanted in a low voice. The three-character mantra contained the Buddhist avenue, as if he had come across the universe, and the Buddha's light swept across the sky to dispel the blood evil spirit of the blood Shura.

The sky and the earth are clear and bright, the sky is full of stars, and a big Buddhist hand descends from the sky.

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