Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 234 Starry Sky Totem

"Are you really planning to continue upwards on your own? The difficulty of the No. 60th floor of the Town Demon Tower is by no means comparable to that of the first 59 floors. Each additional floor will take a lot of time even if it is a peerless genius. The risk will be even greater, and it is impossible to break through to the fifth floor of No.60 alone." Bei Di is well aware of the difficulty, and looking at the record holders of the past, there is no one who broke through to the No. 65 floors precedent.

"How will you know if you don't try?" Ye Tianxing submerged into the depths of the death energy, the power of Taiji Holy Light and the Underworld surged to resist the invasion of the death energy, relying on the power of the eyes of nothingness, even with limited perception , he could also easily find the location of the three dead puppets and the entrance to the next floor.

On the first floor of No. 60, the Buddha's voice was sung, and the whole space set off a storm in the next moment. A huge vortex rotated at high speed, and Cuipingwei and Beidi Guqi, who were leaning on the edge, were almost sucked into the vortex.

"What kind of terrifying move is this! This guy is really a monster!" Bei Di was shocked.

Cui Pingwei saw her, but she was a little worried, "He uses his energy so uncontrollably, I'm afraid the supplies on his body won't last long, and if he continues like this, his spirit may not be able to support it. It would be bad if the devilish energy of death took advantage of the void." This was a scene she didn't want to see.

"Forget it, don't worry about him. With his strength, it shouldn't be a problem to ensure your own safety. Right now, you should take the time to comprehend the dao marks on the wall of the tower. I will protect you one or two times!" A narrow space was supported by the wall, and Cuipingwei sat cross-legged, her eyes locked on the pictures and dao marks on the wall of the tower, and her spiritual consciousness began to rub.

In the depths of the dead demon, Ye Tianxing once again captured the three dead demon puppets, and opened the eyes of nothingness to scan the Immortal King's ban behind the ban. This Immortal King's ban is exactly the same as the Immortal King's ban on the No. It's like a part of a complete Immortal King's restriction, but each part has a complete hub, making this restriction resistant to the attacks of divine consciousness and all forces, so that it cannot be broken by violence.

Ye Tianxing took the gourd drawing scoop, and with the experience of the first floor, the speed of drawing the reversal restriction was much faster. Not long after, only the mournful wailing of the death puppet was heard, and the whole No.60 floor was in turmoil. The turmoil lasted only a few breaths, and the No.60 floor returned to calm.

Cuipingwei opened her clear eyes from the samadhi, and her elf ears trembled nimbly. She looked in disbelief at the 61-layer abdomen surrounded by the devilish energy of death, and the shock in her heart was beyond words.

Beidi Guqi has been paying attention to the fluctuations over there, and there is no movement in front of him now. He knows very well that the freak may really have entered the second floor of No.60.

"The second floor of No.60, it's on!!"

"Gulu~" A group of Yaozu Tianjiao stared at the light coming from the second floor of No.60, and the tension in their hearts was pushed to the highest point at this moment.

"How did he do it? This breakthrough speed is not slower than when he was on a few floors!"

Some people are happy and some are worried. Those Yaozu arrogances who bet with Ye Tianxing are so happy that they want to dance at this moment. Salhaqi, Sarko, Gu Sunye and other masters of Dayan City have pale faces. , Dayan Xumi looked up in the sky, his fists clenched tightly, the jealousy in his heart climbed to the extreme, he spent nearly two years without breaking through the No. Guy breaks through easily,

This made him feel a great humiliation as the number one expert in the Mysterious World Ranking.

"Dayan Xumi, don't you stop him on the No.60 floor and let him go to the next floor?" The mysterious woman appeared, with a hint of worry on her pretty face. She thought that no matter how strong the barren body was, it would definitely fall She stopped on the first floor of No.60, but Dayan Xumi escaped in embarrassment, which made her start to worry.

"It's you." Dayan Xumi was so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger, but when he saw the person coming, the anger on his face subsided a lot, "The barren body is so cunning, there are endless cards on it, and there are even spirit beasts." The Sky Mouse leaned over and relied on an underage spirit beast to forcibly break through the formation of this seat, otherwise, he would not be able to enter the second floor of No.60 until he died!"

"Spiritual beasts fleeing to the squirrel?" The mysterious woman had a look of surprise on her pretty face when she heard the words, "It's really good luck for him to own such a rare thing!"

"It's over, according to his progress, if he really breaks through the fifth floor of No.60, wouldn't I be finished?" The woman became anxious, and suddenly darted towards Zhentian Mansion.

The moment she appeared in Zhentian Mansion, the Demon Town Tower shook again.

"Breakthrough again, reached the third floor of No.60, this guy is going to break the record after the ancient times!" In Zhentian Mansion, the deacons exclaimed.

"What? Breakthrough again, how long has it been? How did he do it!"

Outside the Demon Suppressing Tower, the eruption has completely boiled over. It took several years for the geniuses of the Xuanjie to break through the first floor of the Demon Suppressing Tower, but they were broken through three floors in one day. This news shocked everyone in the Xuanjie, and also shocked everyone. The entire Profound Realm was ashamed.

"Could it be that breaking through the Demon Suppressing Tower really has a trick that we haven't discovered, and was discovered by this guy?"

"Could it be that there is a real mystery in it?" All the demon clan's geniuses began to doubt, and many of the top geniuses on the Xuanjie list once again stocked up some supplies, and re-climbed the Demon Town Tower, wanting to find a way to break through.

"He's been on the first floor for a long time, maybe the mystery is on the first floor?" All of a sudden, the arrogances of the demon race flocked into the first floor of the Demon Suppressing Tower.


"No., No. 60, the fourth floor!" Suddenly there was a scream from the Zhentian Mansion, and the outside had already exploded.

"Elder, you have no way to manipulate it? Let this guy stop on the fifth floor of No.60?" At this moment, she, like an ant on a hot pot, has regretted thousands of times in her heart, and she should never bet with him.

"Miss, there are ways, but doing so will break the thousands of years of inheritance rules. If this matter gets out, I'm afraid my reputation in Zhentian Mansion will be damaged!" The elder Keqing of Zhentian Mansion was extremely embarrassed. People, he sent them away a long time ago, but this little aunt in front of him is the jewel in the palm of the current head of Tiandu Mansion.

"Miss, this son is already unparalleled in both talent and strength. He is an incomparable talent recruited by our Zhentian Mansion and Tiandu Mansion. Is there any grievance between you and him that cannot be resolved?" the old man asked.

"I have no grievances with him, but I made a bet with him. The bet is myself. If he really breaks through the fifth floor of No. 60, won't the girl really want to marry him?" The woman shook her head repeatedly, she admitted The strength of the barren body, among the peerless geniuses she knows, the barren body of the same realm can be said to be the strongest, but the other party is not the type she likes.

Hearing this, the old man immediately said, "This is a good thing, miss, this son's talent will definitely be one of the best overlords in the world today. If he can be recruited as his son-in-law, the palace master will be very happy. Once he grows up, The position of the Palace Master can no longer be shaken!"

"Elder, you don't understand. It is absolutely impossible for me to marry a human race, and I know him well. There are many confidante around this person. At first glance, he seems to be a chaotic master. I have no idea about this kind of person." , you should quickly think of a way, as long as he cannot break through the fifth floor of No.60, everything will be fine!"

"Then you bet with him, what is his bet?"

"Sell yourself as a slave and let me order you."


"Of course! Otherwise, how could I make this bet with him at my own expense?"

"If that's the case, then the old man can take a risk!"

"Then what are you waiting for, hurry up, this guy will break through to the fifth floor of No.60!"

No.60 four floors,

Ye Tianxing was restrained on the wall of the rubbing tower, and the energy in his body was exhausted again, and the devouring flames swept across quietly. Deep in the dead devil's energy, the dead devil puppets shrank together as if they felt some kind of fear.

"What's going on?" Just as he was rubbing the restriction on the tower wall, suddenly the surrounding oppression multiplied, and the Immortal King restriction on the tower wall was also activated at this moment, erupting a terrifying pressure.

"Someone is manipulating the Demon-Suppressing Tower!" Ye Tianxing's face changed drastically and he quickly retreated, almost being injured by the offensive from the ban.

He looked up at the ceiling on the fourth floor of No. 60, and there was a complete totem on the top. Looking into his eyes, it was as deep as the vast universe, and it was difficult to pry into it.

"This is...!" Ye Tianxing stared at the starry sky totem. It seemed that there was an ancient road engraved in this totem, leading to the depths of the starry sky. For a while, Ye Tianxing was attracted by it , he sat cross-legged, protected by two spiritual bodies, and then immersed himself in the starry sky totem,

His divine infant was absorbed by the totem, and this totem actually formed a small world of its own, containing the power of stars.

After a long time, the baby god returned to his place, and Ye Tianxing woke up from samadhi, his eyes filled with deep shock.

This is not an ordinary starry sky totem, but an incomplete magic weapon, conceived in the Demon Suppressing Tower, Ye Tianxing felt the weak life force in the starry sky totem, it should be the god of this residual picture, In a deep sleep, the power of life is extremely weak, but it is certain that it is still alive,

"Could it be the soldiers of the emperor's way?" With that kind of power like a god, apart from being the soldiers of the emperor's way, he couldn't think of a second possibility.

In the Demon Suppressing Tower, there actually exists the weapon spirit of the soldiers of the imperial way.

Ye Tianxing was considering whether to enter the totem again to find out. Suddenly, in the sea of ​​consciousness, the Soul Rescue Orb, which had been sleeping for an unknown period of time and had never made any movement, actually stirred up a slight wave at this moment, and the waves washed away , poured into the starry sky totem, and a moment later, the totem on the ceiling turned into a picture scroll and swept into Ye Tianxing's eyebrows, disappearing into the depths of his sea of ​​consciousness.

"What's going on!?" Ye Tianxing was horrified, his pupils were fixed on the ceiling, the starry sky totem had disappeared, and he had indeed entered his sea of ​​consciousness.

"Shunhunzhu, what are you doing?" Ye Tianxing couldn't help shouting towards the sea of ​​knowledge, but the Zhenhunzhu disappeared completely with the picture scroll, without any response or echo.

"This is indeed the weapon spirit of the soldiers of the imperial way!" Ye Tianxing was sure, but why did the weapon spirit of the soldiers of the royal way appear in the Demon Suppressing Tower?

He didn't understand, and he didn't understand that the weapon spirit of the soldiers of the imperial way appeared at this time.

In Zhentian Mansion, the elder Ke Qing who was manipulating the Demon Suppressing Pagoda looked constipated and horrified, "This, is this possible!"

"What's wrong?" The woman looked at the surprised old man, full of puzzlement.

"Strange thing, this is the first time I have encountered such a strange thing. The central hub of the Town Demon Tower is out of control. We have lost control of the Town Demon Tower!"


"You didn't mean to lie to me, did you? How could the central hub of the Demon Town Tower be out of control if it said it was out of control? Don't be kidding, quickly seal the fourth floor of No. 60, and don't even let him enter the fifth floor of No. 60. Wait for me When you go back, I must say a few good words for you in front of your father!" the woman urged.

"Miss, I really didn't lie to you. The central hub of the Demon Town Tower is really out of control, and the control is no longer in the hands of the Zhentian Mansion!" He could no longer perceive the existence of the Demon Town Tower.

"How did this happen? Could it be that the kid did something wrong?"

"Impossible, no matter how strong he is, it is impossible for him to control the Wuque Immortal King Dao Artifact!"


The outside world is discussing endlessly, and the Zhentian Mansion is not peaceful.

Since the picture scroll with the starry sky totem entered the sea of ​​consciousness, the restrictions imposed on him by the Demon Town Tower have returned to their original appearance.

With a gleam of light,

In Zhentian Mansion, the woman's black eyebrows were completely frowned, and the climax outside the Demon Suppressing Tower was ups and downs!

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