Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 232 Breaking Through the 6th Floor

Putting the things away, Ye Tianxing looked at Cuipingwei, curious about her behavior of sending supplies to him, "If you don't keep such a precious elixir for yourself, give it to me, don't say you have no intentions. "

"Cut, the heart of a villain measures the belly of a gentleman!"

"I just want to see the record of the Demon-Suppressing Tower be broken. Since ancient times, this record has been maintained at the No. 60 fourth floor."

"It's that simple?"

"It's as simple as that. If you don't believe me, you can give it back to me, kindly treat it like a donkey's liver and lungs!" She curled her lips with a look of displeasure.

"You are not far from the 61st floor now. With these four elixirs, you can try it yourself. Maybe you can't break into the next level."

"It's not as simple as you think. I'm already very reluctant to deal with the death energy. In addition, the restrictions on my body and energy are so strong that I can't support myself. How can I deal with the three death puppets? In addition, compared with the ninth floor, the entrance ban has increased the Immortal King's restriction. You need to kill the three dead puppets at the same time, and at the same time unlock the Immortal King's restriction, but you can't untie the Immortal King's restriction once or twice , With these two shackles, it is enough to stop all Tianjiao here. The above two can enter it smoothly, and the rest of the people need to cooperate, but there are very few Tianjiao who can enter the No. 60 floor." She shook her head. , it's not that she doesn't want to try, but that the ban on the No.60 floor is too perverted.

"So that's how it is." Ye Tianxing realized a little.

"For the sake of your generosity, I will grant your wish. I will break this record for you." As he spoke, he activated the power of the underworld and the holy light of Tai Chi again, ready to break through.

"Hey, are you crazy? Are you going to just break in like this?" Cuipingwei stared at Ye Tianxing's actions, feeling very surprised.

"What's the matter, what's the problem?"

"Uh... You're going to break into the Demon Town Tower, but you haven't even learned anything about the No.60 floor?"

"No, no one around me has entered the No.60 floor." Ye Tianxing shrugged.

"It means that after the 55th floor, you all forced your way here by relying on your strength?"

"Well, is there any trick in this?"

Hearing this, Cuipingwei couldn't help but take a deep breath, "Should I praise you, or should I say you're stupid!" She shook her head and sighed, then supported Chaoye Tianxing and walked two step, "The three death puppet divisions are located in the three areas of the No.60 floor, quite scattered, and one person can only divide two spirit bodies, plus the main body, there are only three, you can deal with one death puppet , who will break the Immortal King's restriction at the entrance?"

Cui Pingwei's words made Ye Tianxing a little at a loss. The three puppets had to be killed at the same time to break the ban. At that time, they still needed to break the Immortal King's ban. Even if they separated two spirit bodies, there would not be enough manpower.

"So, if I want to enter the next level, I have to rely on others to help me?"

"Are you stupid, can't you bring the dead puppet together and kill them at the same moment?" Cuipingwei scorned.

This sentence can be said to have awakened Ye Tianxing, "Can you still do this?"

The voice fell, and her figure walked towards the depths of the deadly devilish energy. A violent breath came from the entire No. 60 floor, and the holy light of Taiji and the power of the underworld surged. The golden rope of the soul, with three dead puppets, went back and forth.

"What are you doing back here? The entrance is in that direction!" Cuipingwei said, pointing to the vast space.

"In return, I plan to take you to the next level!" Ye Tianxing groaned with a smile.

"Don't dream, even if you do that, you can't easily enter the next floor, and you still have me with you, can you just treat me as an accessory and hang it on your body?" She was quite speechless, the barren body in front of her was simply too arrogant. Yanxumi and Beidi Guqi have participated in the Demon Town Tower many times, and they still have to rely on the help of other people to enter the No.60 floor. The guy in front of him not only wants to break through the level alone, but also wants to take her with him. .

Just before she refused, a big hand suddenly wrapped her arms around her small waist, the hand was soft and tender, Cuipingwei felt her delicate body tremble, before she could resist in the future, she was hugged by Ye Tianxing to the side.

She was about to attack, but found that after getting close to Ye Tianxing, the oppressive feeling restricting her body was reduced a lot. This surprised her, and she stared at Ye Tianxing with wide green eyes that were as eye-catching as jewels. ,"why?"

"What why?" Ye Tianxing led her towards the entrance, the death puppet was roaring, but he couldn't break free from Ye Tianxing's control.

"Personal limitations are weakened."

"Oh, are you talking about the restrictions imposed on people by the Demon Suppressing Tower? This is very simple. The restrictions in the Demon Suppressing Tower come from the Immortal King's restriction on the stone wall inside the tower. As long as you master these restrictions and reverse them, you can naturally offset part of them. the oppression of prohibition."

Cui Pingwei's eyes widened, " mean, in these six days, you broke through to the No.60 floor and studied all the restrictions in the first sixty floors of the tower?"

"Well, it's not too difficult to print it down and study it." Ye Tianxing said calmly.

To Cui Pingwei, it was not difficult to him. For Cui Pingwei, a guy who participated in the Suppressing Demon Tower for the first time and had no experience, actually surpassed the peerless demon clan in just six days. Tianjiao have accumulated over the years.

Her nimble ears trembled a little bewilderedly because of the shock,

She just stared at Ye Tianxing with her eyes wide open, and didn't know what to say for a moment, so she said after a long time: "Freak!"

Under Ye Tianxing's support, Cuipingwei walked much more easily, seeing that Ye Tianxing drew a few restrictions out of thin air from time to time, and the space oppression in the places he passed was reduced a lot.

When he came to the entrance, Ye Tianxing made his first attempt to break through the level. Sure enough, as Cui Pingwei said, after he killed the three dead puppets at the same time, the ban on the entrance was lifted, but a fairy king ban appeared to block it. When he was on his way, he had just settled down to perceive the restriction, and the lifted restriction sealed the entrance again at a speed visible to the naked eye. The speed of the regeneration of the restriction was too fast. There is no time for the king's ban, let alone break the fairy king's ban.

At this time, the death puppet was regenerated elsewhere.

This made him feel quite tricky, and it was a big head.

"I didn't lie to you, the speed at which the ghost restriction is generated, you don't have extra time to print the restriction, let alone study it." Cuipingwei shook her head, a little hopeless, "You still put the Return Ziyang Pill to me."

"It's really troublesome. If there is no one to help, it will take a lot of energy and energy just to recapture these dead puppets. Ordinary people can't afford this kind of consumption."

"Of course, otherwise, how could Tianjiao of the Yaozu be trapped in this layer for several years, and have to rely on mutual communication to piece together the Immortal King's prohibition of rubbings, and try to break it into a complete prohibition! Only then can we have a chance Break into the next level."

After hesitating for a while, Ye Tianxing suddenly made Cuipingwei turn around.

"Why?" She was puzzled, what was the purpose of this.

"I'm going to start casting spells. My sect's secret technique will not be passed on to outsiders. Turn around, close your eyes, and I will call you to break the restriction in a while."

"Pretend to be gods and ghosts, and use secret techniques. Unless you have some special ability to penetrate the ban and spy on the restriction, otherwise, even if the Immortal King's Dao Artifact comes, it will be useless. Under the restriction of the Mysterious World, the Immortal King's Dao Artifact will not be of much use!"

"It's a coincidence, I just have this special ability!" Ye Tianxing pushed Cuipingwei around, and the eyes of nothingness between his brows opened, and a huge and terrifying force made Cuiping in the elf area Weijiao's body trembled wildly, and she could deeply feel a pair of forces full of death and destruction watching her behind her.

"Sure enough!" Just as he expected, the Eye of Nothingness can peek into the Immortal King's restriction through the restriction, and in this way, he can save a lot of time.

So he sat cross-legged and began to seal the Immortal King's restriction. Although Cuipingwei was curious about the source of this power, she didn't turn around, and honestly adjusted her breath with her back to Ye Tianxing.

Time passed like this for a long time,

The tense atmosphere outside became active.

"Hey, I knew he couldn't get past the [-]th floor. Just one Immortal King's restriction is enough for him to drink a pot. Even if he has the master-level prohibition attainment, it is impossible to break the Immortal King's restriction in a short time. What's more, Those three dead puppets are not so easy to deal with."

"Now everyone can rest assured. One day has passed, and there is no movement on the No. 60th floor. He is probably too tired and unable to continue to pass the level!" Many Yaozu Tianjiao have been immersed in the joy of victory.

Qi Yunxi shook her head and was about to go back home. The mysterious woman who met Ye Tianxing on the first floor had a smug smile on her lips. She knew very well that she wanted to pass the No.60 level alone. It is absolutely impossible to do it in such a short period of time, even if it is a barren body, no one cooperates, and the restrictions cannot be studied in advance.

However, this joy lasted for about a stick of incense, and there was another movement on the No. 60 floor, and the baptism of holy light illuminated the entire [-]th floor.

Qi Yunxi stopped suddenly and stared at the No.60 floor.

"Get ready to enter the next floor." Ye Tianxing stood up, and the two spirit bodies swept into the depths of the death demon energy, and after a fight, the three death demon puppets were captured again.

"Have you broken the Immortal King's restriction?" Cuipingwei couldn't help asking, looking at the confident Ye Tianxing.

"Well, it's indeed a bit tricky, but compared to the Immortal King's restriction I've seen, this restriction is nothing!"

"Bragging, I don't believe it!"

As soon as her words fell, Ye Tianxing used Yuanli to write a restriction in the void, and then two spirit bodies shot at the same time, obliterating the three dead puppets, and the restriction was lifted. Ye Tianxing quickly pushed the written restriction to The Immortal King restrained, and then a palm was pressed forward, and Yuan Li surged,


With a low roar, there was a burst of vitality, and the Immortal King's restriction that imprisoned the entrance was broken in Cuipingwei's dumbfounded.

Ye Tianxing hugged Cuipingwei with his big arms, and then fell into the entrance instantly.


The dead puppet was reborn again, and the entrance was blocked again.

61 floors,

Two figures sat cross-legged at the entrance of the first floor of No.60, cleansed of immortal artifacts, resisting the bursts of death energy.

Suddenly, the two sitting cross-legged suddenly opened their eyes, and looked towards the No.60 floor at the same time.

"Here we come!" Beidi Guqi stared at the movement in the passage, with a look of horror on his face. You must know that he entered the No.60 floor and spent several years studying it, but now there are people It took a few days to reach the height of his years, how can this convince him?

The arrogance in my heart was extremely frustrated.

Dayan Xumi's eyes narrowed, his hands suddenly formed seals, and his demonic power swept over him, "Unexpectedly, he reached the No.60 floor in just seven days!"

"I admit that you are very good, so good that I am very jealous, but that's it!" Dayan Xumi waved his sleeve robe, and a magic circle lit up at the entrance, and the magic circle relied on three immortal weapons As the core, dozens of spirit crystals are used as the energy source. Even if this magic circle cannot kill the barren body here, it is more than enough to stop it here.

At the entrance, there was a soft sound, and a faint ripple appeared in the circle of light. In the next instant, two figures stepped out of the ripples one after another. The shock in Cuipingwei's heart had not had time to calm down. Suddenly, the sudden rampant attack made her at a loss. .

The three fairy artifacts radiated a terrifying edge, strangling the two of them.

Ye Tianxing's eyes shrank slightly, and he subconsciously took Cuipingwei into his arms, hugging her tightly,


The flames splattered, and the fairy artifact caused bursts of sparks on Ye Tianxing's body, without hurting Cuipingwei at all.

Fortunately, he reacted in time, if Cuipingwei was cut on her body by this fairy weapon, she would probably have disappeared.

"Pingwei!" Beidi Guqi's heart tightened, he obviously did not expect that Cuipingwei would appear with Ye Tianxing.

"Despicable!" Ye Tianxing snorted coldly, and the Bahuang Pagoda swept out, covering Cuipingwei in it.

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