Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 226 The Dark Hand in the Dark

Accompanied by the appearance of new faces one after another, the arrogances of the mysterious world felt unspeakable oppression.

"He's finished!" a Yaozu Tianjiao gloated.

Not far away, the peerless genius on the Mysterious World List stood on the Milky Way, and when he saw the ancient creatures surrounding Ye Tianxing, his expression immediately became dignified.

"These guys who don't usually appear in this world, why did they all come out!"

"The triggerer of the Nine Tribulations Divine Thunder is also a barren body. Its body has been tempered by the Nine Tribulations Divine Thunder. It is extraordinary. If it can swallow its precious blood, the bloodline will be improved. Unprecedented strength!" Standing in the dark clouds, a young bird looked at everything around it vigilantly.

"We have come all the way for the barren body. We must not let these ancient creatures take the lead. Why don't we expel these ancient creatures first, and then do anything to the barren body?" said a purple-eyed pair of pupils.

"No, I don't know how many years these ancient creatures have survived. Their precious bodies are comparable to barren bodies. We may not have a chance of winning against them."

"If we don't take action, the barren body will die in their hands. The Immortal Level has bathed in the precious blood of the barren body from the Nine Tribulations Divine Thunder. I also want to taste its taste."

"What's the rush? Although the ancient creatures are perverted, this is the Mysterious Realm. A barren body that has been bathed in the thunder of the Nine Tribulations Gods, how can it be so easy to be killed? Six ancient creatures appeared in a row, which shows that they also know that they are against this level. The barren body is very difficult, we will watch the battle from the sidelines and wait for the opportunity, maybe we can reap the benefits."

In the middle of the vast galaxy, Ye Tianxing faced the five ancient creatures alone, feeling a little bit of pressure. In the mysterious world, his most dominant thing was the body of the desolate body, and the treasured bodies of these ancient creatures were not at all compared to his desolate body. The body is weak, so many such opponents appear in a row, which is really beyond his expectation.

After all, his appetite is limited, and this one ancient creature is enough for him to eat for several months.

"The rough skin is a bit rough. If the skin is removed, it should be delicious!" Thinking of this, the corners of Ye Tianxing's mouth curved slightly.

"Arrogance!" The ancient creature looked coldly.

"When death is imminent, you can still laugh. The strength of each of these ancient creatures is stronger than that of Huo Tingsheng. You just wait to be torn into pieces." Qi Yunxi stepped on an icy cloud, coldly Staring at Ye Tianxing coldly, as if staring at a corpse.

She had to watch Ye Tianxing being torn to pieces by the ancient creatures in order to relieve her hatred.

Ye Tian took action, turning himself into a thunderbolt, bringing with him the power of heaven and the vastness of the immortal power, and collided with an ancient creature, and the two fought against each other, without any fancy moves, only punches and kicks,

The terrifying power of the physical body will break the peak of the mountain piercing into the sky, the void will be broken, and the turbulent current will rush, and wherever it passes, it will be destroyed.

"As expected of an ancient creature, the physical body is really powerful!" Ye Tianxing praised, kicked the ancient creature's leg bone hard with a volley.

The latter punched Ye Tianxing's breastbone, his chest was almost sunken in, and there was a sudden sense of suffocation,

The sternum was split.

This is the first time he has encountered an opponent of this level since he stepped into Linxian.

He rubbed his chest, and his face changed color.

"I punched you, and you're safe and sound!" the ancient creature said, staring at Ye Tianxing with surprise.

"You're not weak. I broke your leg bone and didn't say a word. If an ordinary person had to bear the strength of my kick, your leg would have been shattered into pieces!" Ye Tianxing said in a deep voice.

"You are crazy, but you are very appetizing to me!" The ancient creature looked at Ye Tianxing, his eyes shone with brilliance, and a halo of gods appeared behind his neck. The long galaxy breaks apart.

"Spirit of the gods!" He let out a low growl, and a miniature of the gods gathered behind him, and then he disappeared from sight at a speed that surpassed that of light.

"Amitabha!" Ye Tianxing clasped his hands together, and the Buddha's voice sang, a golden Buddha gathered behind him, his eyes were like torches, shooting out golden light all over the sky.



The ancient creatures struck, and the gods and spirits showed their power. His power became stronger several times under the blessing of the gods and spirits, and his fists fell on the golden Buddha like raindrops.

Within a breath, the Golden Buddha cracked, and then all of them turned into the laws of heaven.


The fist wrapped in the law of the gods smashed the golden Buddha, and bombarded Ye Tianxing's body again. This time, his mouth overflowed with bright red blood.

"There is a body of barren body, waste of everything!" The ancient creature shook his head, with disdain in his eyes.

"Really?" The corners of Ye Tianxing's mouth curled up playfully, and he moved forward with his big hands. The Buddha's light flourished, the golden Buddha gathered again, the principles of Buddhism and Taoism flew, and the hundred Buddha's hands clattered out.

The ancient creature dodged and easily dodged Ye Tianxing's palm, "It's too slow, this is the trigger of the Nine Tribulations Divine Thunder? But that's it, am I waiting for you?"

"To fight with me, it's better to talk less nonsense!" Ye Tianxing's eyes turned cold, and the three-character mantra was imprinted on the body of the ancient creature at some point,

"Definitely!" He groaned softly, and the three-character mantra erupted with divine light, and the body of the ancient creature froze at that moment.

At the same time, Ye Tianxing flew back, and four Buddha palm prints emerged from the torn void, pinching the ancient creatures fiercely.


The divine form was shattered under the attack of the four palm prints, the ancient creature howled lowly, the sudden change made him panic, and his body was deformed by the slap.

I saw that Ye Tianxing took advantage of the situation, and the ancient heavens suppressed him, shooting the ancient creatures into the depths of the hard earth,

But he didn't stop there. Facing the huge pit below the ground, he lifted his foot through the void and stepped down in the air. With heavy footprints, the ground was bombarded violently, and a bottomless huge pit appeared. , the ancient creature has disappeared, but the breath of the dying creature can be faintly sensed.

"Ancient creatures, that's all!" Ye Tianxing wiped a mouthful of blood stains, and a flirtatious arc was drawn at the corner of his mouth.


The sound of a real dragon's roar resounded through the tens of thousands of thunders in front of him. Wu Ting stepped forward soaked in blood, holding a head that was spurting blood in his big veined hands. It was the ancient creature he was fighting with. , The murderous intent is infinite, just one glance, and the celestial beings are shivering.

"How could it be!" The pupils of the peerless arrogance shrank, and they stared at the head of the ancient creature in Wu Ting's hands, with disbelief on their faces. Maybe they could accept the barren body that had triggered the Nine Tribulations God Thunder to kill the ancient creature, but Why would a mortal body behead an ancient creature?

In the blink of an eye, of the six ancient creatures, only four remained, one was beheaded, and the other was dying.

"The body of a mortal is comparable to a barren body. You are a respectable opponent!" Another ancient creature stood up, full of blood, and behind him sprang out a piece of divine law, a divine ring covering everything,

Without saying a word, Wu Ting came out in a flash, and saw light and shadow intertwined, the Milky Way receded, and the boundless waves of air raged, destroying everything around him.

"The Immortal Golden Body!" The moment the deep and domineering voice resounded, the golden light descended on the world, and Wu Ting was like a god Buddha, firmly suppressing the ancient creatures,

"Second brother is too fierce!" Pei Shan's blood boiled in the sky above Huoyun City, and all the arrogances of Huoyun City exclaimed that they had enjoyed it.

But the commanders and protectors of Xiyun Palace were dumbfounded.

Qi Yunxi's clenched jade fist never let go. She couldn't imagine how powerful such an ancient creature could be suppressed so easily.

"This guy has become stronger!" In the direction of Beidi City, Huo Pingzhang looked at each other across the void and the long river, in shock.

"Is he the human race you mentioned who has not entered invincibility but has invincible power?" A guardian asked.

"It's really extraordinary. If I meet him, I'm not absolutely sure!" Bei Di said in a deep voice, the shock in his heart is self-evident.

"Odds?" Huo Pingzhang sneered, "If you don't stand in the Invincible Forbidden Area, the young arrogance in the entire mysterious world may not be able to find someone who can match him. This person's strength is already above mine!"

"Pingzhang, how can you impress others? Huo Pingzhang, who was full of vigor and invincibility in all battles, is so radiant and unparalleled. Now he speaks words that are inferior to others, which makes people Puzzled."

"Heh," Huo Pingzhang laughed at himself, "So I warn you, don't fight with him lightly, it's so difficult to repair the damaged Dao heart!"

"Maybe, if you are cast in the shadow of a lifetime, no matter how difficult it is to advance!"

"Is it really so scary?"

"You'll know it when you feel it up close."

"I agree with what Huo Pingzhang said, instead of risking being ravaged and damaged in a fight with him, it is better to stop the idea of ​​fighting him, anyway, I am not their opponent." Cui Pingwei looked away instead. , shrugged his shoulders, with an expression of indifference.

The dark clouds are dense, and the sky is full of storms, and the thunder and lightning are bombarding this land. Dust to dust, dust to dust is completely barren. If there is no enchantment restriction of the Immortal King's Domain, everything around is already at this level. Disappeared under the collision.

Ye Tianxing fought against the three ancient beings powerfully, with the soaring sword energy cutting across all directions, cutting off the galaxy with a sword from afar, the ancient beings were extremely domineering, and their physique far surpassed that of other monster clan's arrogance, and the power contained in the wave of their hands was not weaker than that of the wilderness. body him.


Suddenly, a divine ring hidden in the Milky Way suddenly appeared during Ye Tianxing's fierce battle with the three ancient creatures. It contained a terrifying law of the gods, and it reached the back of his head from behind. The gods are so terrifying, let alone him who is in the middle , Even the other Tianjiao standing in the distance, across such a long distance, can feel the powerful power that will tear their souls apart.

"There are still hidden ancient creatures!" Someone exclaimed.

The black hand hiding in the darkness has made a move!

Ye Tianxing fought fiercely with the three ancient creatures, and he didn't notice the sudden crisis that came from behind him. At this moment, he realized that it was already difficult to dodge.


A heavenly knife soaked in the blood of ancient beings came across the sky, and collided with the divine ring full of the laws of the gods.


The bright light flickered, the waves and winds raged, and the ripples overlapped and overwhelmed the world in an instant. The void shattered and turned into chaos.

"go to hell!!"

While Wu Ting was distracted to support Ye Tianxing, the saber in the ancient creature's hand slashed fiercely, and the immortal golden body was chopped off under the swing of the saber, leaving a shocking deep mark on Wu Ting's back.


Blood flowed for a long time, Wu Ting's blood spilled into the sky, and his natal sword was damaged. He suffered a double blow, and his face instantly became ugly.

"Old Witch!!" Chen Jingqiu's eyes turned scarlet instantly, "Damn, I want your life!" He roared and slammed towards those heaven's favored children in the depths of the darkness.

The sword of the ancient creature swung at Wu Ting again,


A bird chirping resounded, and Da Ming's peacock tore through the chaos and came across. Kong Xuan's body was full of divine splendor. Taking advantage of the moment when the peacock's feathers resisted the attack of the saber, he took Wu Ting and disappeared in place in an instant.

"You are looking for death!!" Ye Tianxing went crazy,


Divine light erupted from his body, the radiance gushed out violently, his aura suddenly swelled, and a force of destructive power lingered in this world.

The realm of the Immortal King expanded instantly,

Thunder God Realm is coming!

The black dragon roared and bathed in thunder, and the power of the real dragon overwhelmingly crushed out,

He became invincible in one thought, the blood of the prehistoric world was reversed, the sky thunder rolled, and above the nine heavens, the thunder of the Nine Tribulations came to the world again!


With a low roar, a sword pierced ten thousand weapons, and his fury shot into the sky. Ye Tianxing shook back three ancient creatures, with ferocious faces, staring angrily at the hidden depths of the galaxy. Those few hidden figures are firmly locked,

He stretched out his big golden hand, sealed the sky with one hand, and probed into the depths of the galaxy, shaking out the hidden black hands.

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