"I keep my promises, and I will do what I say," said the grub impatiently.

"It's good, but Yao Hongben is the third rank of Immortal, his strength is not weak, and his son's talent is also good. Just one skin wants to buy their lives, no, no!"

"What, you still want to sit on the ground and raise the price? I have given you enough face. If you are a guy from another clan, I will catch it directly!"

"Add another horn, this king knows, last time you evolved, you pervert, more than half of the giant horn faded away, one piece of skin and one horn, and two lives in exchange, you will not suffer!"

"I**you**" Grab almost yelled, "Deal!"


As soon as the words fell, the king's aura suddenly changed, and the boundless coercion immediately crushed towards Ye Tianxing.

"Whoever wants to touch this king depends on whether you have the ability!" He sternly shouted.

Seeing this, Yao Hong and his son were overjoyed and moved to the point of tears, "Yao Hong is willing to swear allegiance to His Majesty to the death, heartbroken!"

"Uh, I'm a little ashamed to say that, why don't you pay more perverted? It's hard to find such a loyal subordinate now!"

"I go***!"

"Look at it!" The grub made a move with astonishing power, and the sudden change caused great shock in all directions.

The battle is imminent.

Daming Peacock King looked at the two of them with contempt, and sighed helplessly, "It's really nasty, only you two can do this nasty deed!"

As soon as the words fell, the Great Ming Peacock King pressed forward with a big hand, pointing directly at Yao Hong and his son.

When Yao Hong and his son saw this, their faces turned pale with fright, "Help, my lord!"

Seeing this, the masters of the Three-tailed Emperor Scorpion clan's expression sank.

"You guys don't want to make a move, just break the realm like this, this king can suppress it!" Kong Li said coldly, and instantly captured the two of them, the other party screamed, powerless to resist.


Almost instantly, the bones of Yao Hong and his son were crushed and they were dying.

"Thank you, King Ming, for taking the initiative, and please leave him alive." Ye Tianxing said respectfully.

"You're welcome, saving Xuan'er's life is such a trivial matter." Daming Peacock King threw the dying Yao Hong and his son in front of Ye Tianxing.

In the small world of the void, when a war broke out, the terrifying coercion was swept away from the fault in the void, making Linxian-level masters kneel down.

"You pervert, there is a kind of suppression realm to fight!"

"In the battle to suppress the realm, you are not my match even if you are a broken shoe!" Between the words, the grub suppressed the realm, but the aura became more terrifying, and the violent force destroyed the king's defense.

"*! Damn pervert, save face for this king, there are so many people watching below!" Seeing that the situation is not good, the King of Cracks immediately cursed, obviously he couldn't resist the grub's attack.

"If you want to keep your hand, I can exchange it with a pair of scorpion shells!" The shell of the three-tailed emperor scorpion is a well-known top-grade medicinal material.



Above the sky, the fight was raging, and as far as the eye could see, the two were fighting hard with red faces.

"If this fight continues, will it hurt the friendship between the two races?"

"Uncle Kong, don't you want to persuade him?" Chu Li worried.

"Persuasion?" Kong Li looked contemptuous, "It's just a deal."

Hearing the words, Ye Tianxing seemed to realize something in his heart. Although the fight between the two seemed fierce and punched to the flesh, they didn't feel any killing intent. People believe that the two are just acting.

In this way, he no longer has any worries in his heart.

It wasn't until the demon god ceremony was completely over and the rewards were distributed that the masters of all races withdrew one after another, and they had already beaten the two people outside the galaxy, and then slowly stopped.

"Big brother's birthday after a while, I want your scorpion shell by name, don't come without a scorpion shell!"

"This is the original words of the elder brother."

"Bah, are you sure you don't want it? In a word, there's no way!"


Chu people, Huochi Yuntian!

The blazing sky fire could not see the end, the wind howled, and the sound of sparrows resounded in the fire pool. Everyone in Ye Tianxing was shocked. There were many powerful monsters living in this raging sky fire. The breath disappeared in a flash, even he couldn't catch it.

"Are you there?" Ye Tianxing looked at Chu Li and the others who stopped.

"Well, here we are, this is Huochi Yuntian, where our Chu family is located." Chu Li introduced.

"But I don't seem to see any buildings except a sea of ​​flames." Ye Tianxing looked around, "Aside from fire, there is only fire."

"Hehe, little friend, don't worry, my family is inside the Huochi Yuntian, because there are restrictions all around, so you can only see the outside of the Huochi Yuntian, but not the world inside."

"So that's it." Hearing Ye Tianxing's words, the divine baby in the Sea of ​​Consciousness opened its eyes, and two rays of light burst out into the fire pool Yuntian. As far as the eye could see, there were many ghosts and monsters on the edge of the fire pool. , still can't see anything, the prohibition of a big family in the demon world is obviously beyond his ability to spy.

A moment later, there was a slight ripple in the fire pool and cloud sky, and then, this world began to undergo earth-shaking changes.

"Little friend, please." All the elders of the Chu clan stood on both sides, very respectful.

"Brother, hurry up!" Pei Shan also stretched out his hand to signal.

"Why are you seniors doing this?" Ye Tianxing was a little surprised and a little flattered by this scene.

"Hehe, little friend, don't be nervous, this is the highest etiquette that our people have always treated the most important guests, please!"

"Boss, don't be inked, go in quickly, there are so many Pokémon here, it will definitely open your eyes!" Chen Jingqiu said happily.

"My lord goes first." Chu Li also said respectfully.

Such a change in the crowd really made him a little uncomfortable.

Under the urging of Qu Wencang and Chen Jingqiu, Ye Tianxing stepped into the fire pool and Yuntian step by step.

The originally restless and fiery flame became much more docile when Ye Tianxing set foot on it.

In front of his eyes, everything around him began to change with his steps.

Fire trees and silver flowers are arranged in an orderly manner, like a row of soldiers, with no end in sight.


He moved further, and a ripple appeared under his feet. He lowered his head and glanced at his feet. The fire pool surrounded by raging fire was filled with clear water, and the depth of the pool could not be seen at a glance.

What surprised him even more was that where he landed, fire carps were paving a winding path with their backs upright, guiding Ye Tianxing in the direction.

"It's amazing!" The scene in front of me is astonishing. Fire meets water but does not repel it. Fire trees and silver flowers grow from the fire, but their roots are stuck in the pool water. Such visions are rare in the world, but they are not like illusions. .

Walking another ten steps, the scenery on both sides changed again. A waterfall appeared in the sea of ​​fire out of thin air. I saw the torrent pouring down, but I couldn't see where the water came from. It just poured down out of nowhere. It's true, and I didn't notice any changes in the space. This series of methods is amazing...

Not long after, in the shock of Ye Tianxing, there was a scene of goblins and elves dancing among the fiery trees and silver flowers in front of them, and how many buildings were gradually reflected in the pool of fire.


Soldiers of the Chu nationality lined up on both sides, and when they saw the distinguished guests, they saluted neatly,

The lake of fire and sky split into two, revealing a path, the sea of ​​fire receded behind, and a Beppu cave was completely revealed in front of the eyes.

The lush vegetation is entwined with the Optimus Pillar, and the powerful breath of life comes from the vegetation,

"Fairy!" Ye Tianxing was startled, the ancient vine wrapped around Optimus Prime was actually a fairy, and the age was very high!

"What are you staring at me for? Could it be that you want to eat me?" An immature voice sounded in Ye Tianxing's ear, following the voice, there was a scoop-shaped melon and fruit on the ancient vine, and the voice came from here .

Ye Tianxing was surprised to find that a new life was conceived in this melon and fruit.

"Wisteria, don't be rude." Chu Li said softly.

"Slightly slightly... Sister Chuli, who is this guy, he wants to treat each other with the highest courtesy of the Chu clan." Gu Teng stretched out a vine and approached Ye Tianxing, "It looks ordinary, and it's not good-looking. !"

"Don't fool around."

"This little guy is called Wisteria, and he is a spiritual baby born from Tongtianzhi. It has not been many years since he first developed his spiritual wisdom."

"The infants born by Tongtianzhi are all fairies, so what kind of existence is this Tongtianzhi?" Ye Tianxing was shocked.

"The two ancient vines you see are just two insignificant vines of hers. Tongtianzhi runs through the entire small world of the Chu people. In a sense, she supports this small world. According to my father, the establishment of the Chu family From the very beginning, she already existed."

"Then how old is the Chu clan?" Ye Tianxing couldn't help asking curiously, he had never seen a fairy of this level.

"My family used to be one of the eight major clans that opened up Mysterious Xiaojie, and Mysterious Xiaojie has a history of more than 2 years. The current recorded history of our family is 3 years old, so Tongtianzhi is at least [-] years old. .”

"Thirty thousand!"

"Hiss~" Ye Tianxing took a breath of cool air, his eyes were shimmering, just the birth of the baby is a fairy, this Tongtian branch is probably far more than [-] years old, it is likely to be preserved from the ancient times ancient existence!

"Boss, look at that gate, it's domineering or not!" Chen Jingqiu pointed to the stone gate in the middle of the hill in the distance, engraved with prehistoric beasts from the ancient times, the power is astonishing,

The word Dengtian is engraved on it, the strokes are vigorous and powerful, and the strokes are full of charm. Just one glance makes Ye Tianxing tremble, and feels the supreme sense of oppression. This feeling of oppression is stronger than when facing grubs. Extremely strong!

It's like carrying a big world on your shoulders, and your feet are just stepping on the endless swamp, unable to extricate yourself,

It was hard to breathe.

"Boss, how about setting up such a gate in Hanlin Xuan when we go back?"

"Climbing to the gate of heaven, and engraving the ancient fierce birds and beasts, how majestic and domineering!"

Hearing this, Ye Tianxing shook his head, "This kind of luck cannot be suppressed by us. Just the word ascending to the sky, I am afraid that countless arrogances will not be able to touch it in their entire lives!"

"Oh? Little friend, can you see the strangeness in this word?" The elder in the fire robe asked in surprise.

"Three points of luck can be seen in the eyes. The ancient fierce birds and beasts engraved on the door have extraordinary charm. If the junior guessed correctly, the person who carved this door used these fierce birds and beasts to lock the middle luck."

When the elders heard this, they were surprised and praised, "Little friend is really a heavenly man! You can see your luck with just one glance!"

"That's right, this door is exactly the door to suppress our family's luck!"

"My clan's genius, if you want to spy on this door, I don't know how many years it will take to comprehend it. It took the old man 300 years to get a glimpse of the luck in this door, but the little friend just took a look, admire, admire!"

Ye Tianxing was slightly surprised, "It's hard to get a glimpse of this door?"

"In the eyes of ordinary people, this is just an ordinary door without any trace."

"It took 400 years for the old man to get a glimpse of the luck, and it took nearly 50 years for the shortest period of our family to get a glimpse of the luck! I can get a glimpse of the true meaning of this!" The old man sighed.

Chu Li on the side showed bitterness, "I have only seen a corner of the skin so far, but you can see three points of luck at a glance, which has already broken the record of our clan!"

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