Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 193 Heaven's Gate Opens

As the lord of the main city of the human race and the king of Tianlu, he couldn't hold back his face when he heard such arrogant words from a junior in his lifetime, and his expression twitched a little.

But what can I do?

Coercion can't suppress him, so you can't suppress him with Yuanli, right?

If the lord of a city does not take care of his identity, and takes action against a junior in the reincarnation state, it will inevitably make people laugh if it is spread, and the majesty of the city lord will be damaged.

For a majestic city lord, it would be disrespectful to attack a junior.

Although I was very upset, there was nothing I could do.

In front of the main city, because of Ye Tianxing's words, the atmosphere once reached a freezing point, and the world was once again deathly silent...

A group of city guards showed fierce faces and were always ready. As long as the city lord gave an order, they would strike and stab the barren body into a sieve.

However, they waited for a long time, but they did not receive the order from the city lord.


"Ha ha."

A hearty laugh broke the original silence,

"Wang" spoke first, laughed awkwardly, broke the deadlock in the dignified atmosphere, raised his hand behind his back slightly, and gave Ye Tianxing a thumbs up to praise, "Young people have kindness, blood, and this seat Compared with when I was young, it is somewhat similar, and I like it very much."

Hearing this, everyone was very surprised and astonished, and obviously did not expect such a result.

"Wang" waved his sleeve robe, and a palm-sized Youlong appeared in front of Ye Tianxing wrapped in a colorful golden light, "Young man, don't be nervous, just accept the gift from our clan." He smiled lightly.

Ye Tianxing frowned slightly, and felt a mysterious power in this colorful golden light. This swimming dragon has a strong vitality. It is not like a simple spell, but a real dragon.

However, there is a big difference from the real dragon. He did not resist, and quietly accepted the baptism of the colorful golden light. won't do much.

The golden light envelops You Long and surges up to Ye Tianxing's body, a powerful force is washing Ye Tianxing's body, filling his eight meridians, this force is very strange and powerful, the devouring power in his body is already Couldn't help but faintly agitated.

"Be patient a little bit, there will be a little pain, but after the pain is over, there will be great benefits."


A deep roar resounded in this space, and the dragon chant shook the sky. Youlong climbed onto Ye Tianxing's skin, wandered around his body like a fish, and finally turned into a real dragon mark on his body.

The dragon's majesty is majestic, as if it is real, everything is so real, even Ye Tianxing feels that a real dragon has entered his body.

In this dragon mark, there are traces of life, and the devouring power in the body is extremely happy, but it is very jealous, afraid of the real dragon's coercion.


"The green dragon in the dragon mark will toss the host when it is engraved on the body. Why is it so quiet when it comes to you?" , is likely to be detected.

"Dragon Seal!" Seeing this, all the peerless geniuses showed envy and jealousy. Many geniuses present at the scene had heard of the Dragon Seal. This is the only honor that the king finally selected by Tianlu has.

"It is rumored that this dragon seal has a strong vitality. It will absorb the essence of the sun and the moon and slowly transform while nourishing the host. Like a real dragon, it has the real pressure of the dragon. There is more hidden in this dragon seal. With a real dragon secret technique."

"Is this true?"

"Of course, do you know what the surname of the royal lineage of the eighth pass of the human race is?"

"Last name?"

"The surname is dragon. It is rumored that there are guardians of the real dragon lineage living in the royal city, guarding the dragon soul. They have the inheritance of the dragon, and at the same time uphold the will of the dragon clan, and pass on the will of the dragon."

A secret spread quickly among the crowd, making people feel incredible.

Yang Sirui rushed forward in amazement, regardless of Ye Tianxing's objection, he lifted up his clothes, and found the dragon pattern imprint on his back near his shoulders, this imprint was embedded in his flesh like a living real dragon.

"What a powerful breath of life, what a domineering dragon power!" Yang Sirui just glanced at the real dragon's eyes in the imprint, and was intimidated by an invisible force.

"It's the same as the dragon pattern imprint on Grandpa's body, except that Longwei has made a lot of mistakes." Yang Nianxi also stepped forward and said in a low voice.

After distributing the dragon marks, the "King" invited all Tianjiao to enter the main city, announcing the end of the Heavenly Road Conquest, the birth of the most powerful person in the Heavenly Road, and the end of the Heavenly Road's journey.

Except for the most powerful person who will get the dragon mark, those who are ranked on the ascension list will get a special mark, which is the honor of the strong.

Carnival in the main city, after the announcement of the end of the journey of the heavenly road,

Ye Tianxing returned to the station outside the main city. The journey of Tianlu is over, but his journey has just begun.

Taking advantage of Ye Tianxing's deep sleep, the demon body quietly left and reappeared in the space where the tomb was located. He recruited Dumao and re-entered the tomb to find the owner of the severed bone.

On this day, another terrifying battle broke out in the tomb, and the demonic energy shook the world, but this time, no one knew about it.

A "devil king" came to the world, swept hundreds of miles, washed the world clean, broke into a "underworld", and took away a skeleton.

The purple monster roared in the tomb, but failed to stop the demon king in the end. On the No. 15 day when the demonic energy was raging, the "devil king" finally left.

Ye Tianxing woke up from a deep sleep. He saw the battle of the demon body in the tomb for real. That kind of strength, like a real god of war, is not something he can match. The devouring body, under the control of the demon body and his own manipulation Now, there are two completely different physiques, and the power they erupt cannot be compared.

When he returned to the station, the Heavenly Road was rarely peaceful, and there was no battle. After the king of the main city announced that the Heavenly Road was over, there were very few battles. It is about to be opened, and it is lucky for many Tianjiao to survive to the end.

Ye Tianxing recruited Han Ziqi and Nangong Shu to his camp, and returned the bronze mirror and Zihuang tripod to their hands.

"The Tianlu battle is over. After leaving the Tianlu, if, I mean, if you are free, come to Ziwei and I will be the host." Nangong Shu smiled lightly, and her smile was alluring.

Seeing this, Han Ziqi pursed his lips jealously, glanced at Ye Tianxing's face, the latter's eyes were filled with a gentle smile, and said, "Hey, you are a man with a wife, why don't you have eyes? There is room for other women, I don't agree!"

Hearing this, Nangong Shu was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing.

Ye Tianxing couldn't help but roll his eyes, he really couldn't do anything about this aunt.

"You can say whatever you want, but I would like to advise my aunt, don't say such words that are detrimental to chastity, so as not to cause unnecessary trouble when you meet a real lover in the future."

"Hey, you want to abandon me again? You heartbroken man, I am yours now, how could you be nice to someone else? When you leave Tianlu, you will marry me back to Tiansheng, and I will give you a baby." A bunch of children, you don’t have to do anything, the entire Tiansheng Dynasty is yours.”

The more Han Ziqi said the more outrageous, the little girl's mind was full of lure Ye Tianxing to Tiansheng to be her son-in-law, not to mention that he has no feelings for Han Ziqi between men and women, and secondly, such things as eating soft rice , is not what a man does.

"The princess loves you dearly, and Yemou understands it, but you can't force things about your feelings. Yemou has nothing else in his heart in this life. I hope the princess will respect himself, choose another husband, and find the one that belongs to you as soon as possible."

"No, you don't want to abandon me. This princess will not marry unless you marry me. If you don't marry me, I will shave my hair and become a nun!"

Ye Tianxing smiled wryly and shook his head helplessly.

"Do you want a mature woman? Is it because of her? Do you like this type?" The displeased Han Ziqi pouted and pointed at Nangong Shu's chest. Potential.

Looking at myself again, it was like flat land and hills, unobstructed, miserable.

"This..." Nangong Shuqiao blushed, and pulled the light gauze coat to wrap her tight body.

Ye Tianxing was really speechless, this aunt spoke completely unscrupulously, without any calmness and reserve of a lady.

"Little Princess, it's getting late, let's rest early, Fairy Nangong, don't take offense, little girl, with her open mouth."

Nangong Shu has a gentle smile, with a blush on her face, she is very charming, she gently shook her head, "The little princess is eager to find a husband, as a woman, I understand it very well, when I meet such a proud son of heaven, I think, no matter what I'm afraid she will fight for it." Smiling sweetly, she stood up, shook the dust off her light blouse, said good-bye, and left in the wind, leaving behind a gust of fragrant wind.

"Hmph," Han Ziqi pouted, with a resentful expression on his face, "You are much gentler to any woman than to me, am I really that unbearable? Can't make you feel the slightest bit?"

"I...Although I am a little younger now, I am still in the developmental stage. In the future, I will definitely...definitely, better than...better than her..."

"Big." She stammered some words between gritted teeth, and her face was blushing. Ye Tianxing, who was an observer, could hear the corners of her mouth twitching, and she didn't know how to answer. This little aunt is really...

"Girl, rest early, we will be leaving soon." Ye Tianxing stroked the little girl's head, then turned and returned to his residence.

Three days later, before the re-opening of the Heavenly Road, all Tianjiao conducted a large-scale treasure hunting operation, cleaning up some relics that had never been visited before.

The sky is peaceful,

Under this piece of peace and tranquility, Ye Tianxing felt uneasy for some reason.

The escape of several members of the Cheng family and Cheng Yuan's survival is always a disaster.

The Qinghuang Ten Cavalry suffered heavy casualties, but Chiyuan Chahar was also a hidden danger, but it was a pity that they could not be wiped out in the final battle.

For Ye Tianxing, it has been nearly 20 years since he fought on the road to heaven. From the first level of reincarnation to the eighth level of reincarnation, it is not easy.

among them,

He could never forget those days spent in the Kyushu Ten Thousand Beasts Picture.

"Let those years, hidden in the bottom of my heart, dissipate with time."

Seven days later, the gate of heaven will open!

The transmission channels leading to various places are opened,

The elites of Huangti led by Wu Ting are ready to go, and a group of arrogances are waiting for their beliefs.

Ye Tianxing went to the mausoleum of the Immortal King Jiang Qingshan, and the moment the Yin Soldier Talisman between his eyebrows lit up, the entire Immortal King's mausoleum erupted in silence.

"Will the generals follow me away?" Ye Tianxing stood in the sky, his arrogance leaking out.


The three thousand Yinqi knelt down on one knee, with solemn expressions, "We are willing to follow my king!"

With a wave of Ye Tianxing's sleeves, three thousand Yin cavalry rode away in a mighty force, their power shocked the world.

"The Holy Mother does not need to see you off, I will leave you later!" Ye Tianxing turned his head in three steps in the direction of the Immortal King's Mausoleum, and bowed to the void. Xing led three thousand Yinqi through the air and left.

"My son, it's amazing." Ye Luoyuan murmured.

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