Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 186 tragic

"Use the magic weapon, at all costs, to suppress and kill the barren body!"

At this moment, everyone is aware of the seriousness of the situation, the matter has come to this point, the body will not die, and they will all die here today.

"Heavenly Demon Order!"

A black iron order exuding endless magic energy appeared in the sky, enlarged from the size of a palm in an instant, touched a radius of about ten feet, and suppressed Ye Tianxing.

"Hmph," Duan Shui Liu snorted coldly, and the Great Seal of Mountains and Rivers suddenly became brighter, and hit the Heavenly Demon Token fiercely.

"Is this the use of the fairy weapon?" A cold voice sounded in the void, and Xu Yi appeared in front of Ye Tianxing with a blood man in his hand. The man in his hand was dying. The power is shattered, and it is no longer difficult to practice without death.

"Who is this person? He has never heard of it, why is he so powerful?"

Xu Yi's dominance and domineering shocked everyone. A peerless arrogance of the Eighth Layer of Reincarnation Realm was defeated by him like this.

I saw Xu Yi make a move, and a rusty bronze stick appeared in his hand. There were many obscure inscriptions engraved on the edge of the rust, and a burst of energy was injected into it. Suddenly, the bronze stick turned red, and an ancient The breath of wildness swept across the world.

The Heavenly Demon Token, which was in a stalemate with the Great Seal of Mountains and Rivers, was bounced off in an instant, and the magical weapons sacrificed by the peerless arrogances trembled as if seeing the king among the weapons.

Cheng Lu stared at the bronze stick in Xu Yi's hand, and the sickle in his hand trembled like fear.

"Prisoner Dragon Stick!"

Xuankong's pupils condensed, looking at the bronze rod on the sky that made other immortal artifacts tremble, he was shocked.

"People from God's Domain!"

Prisoner Dragon Stick, as the name suggests.

In ancient times, the soldiers of the imperial way who once suppressed one side enjoyed a high reputation in the vast galaxy.A magic weapon that even real dragons fear.

"I didn't expect that there were people from God's Domain among us." Xuankong was startled. The identity of the masked man had always been a mystery, but now it was revealed, which he did not expect.

"I didn't expect that the guy from Tianhuang's line would shrink back like a mouse and dare not show his true colors." Cheng Lu looked at Xu Yi coldly, his pupils were filled with darkness, and there was a seriousness in the darkness, obviously , he also identified Xu Yi's background.

"Heavenly Desolation? What do you mean?"

"This guy is a descendant of the Huangti, a member of the Tianhuang Clan in the God Realm, and the Prisoner Stick in his hand is from the Tianhuang lineage!" Cheng Lu said solemnly.

Hearing the sound, all the Tianjiao couldn't help showing serious expressions.

"Descendants of the barren body!" Everyone stared at Xu Yi.

Seeing this, Xu Yi showed a cold smile on the face under the mask, "Brother Ye, today, just move forward, and leave the rest to me."

"Thank you."

Ye Tianxing expected that Xu Yi was extraordinary, but he didn't expect that he came from the God Realm and was a descendant of the barren body. No wonder, once upon a time, when he fought against him, he had a vaguely familiar illusion.

Now it seems that this illusion is not an illusion, but originated from the barren body.

"The Immortal King is angry, move the heavens!"

The prisoner's stick held back several great soldiers, which was extremely extraordinary.

In this way, Ye Tianxing no longer has any scruples, and moves forward.


A peerless celestial arrogance cursed secretly, mobilized his Yuan power to the extreme, and faced Ye Tianxing. Without the fairy artifact to rely on, their confidence weakened a lot.

"The barren body, don't care about world affairs, have you forgotten the rules here? Is it possible that you want to break this rule and make an enemy of our Cheng family?" Cheng Lu's voice was full of murderous intent, his face Terribly ferocious.

"Hehe, I laughed. I only promised not to easily participate in the outside world, but I never said that I would not care about the affairs of the world. Besides, I am only practicing on the road to heaven, so I can't see you bullying people with immortal weapons. If your Cheng family thinks this is a provocation, then I can tell you directly and responsibly that Tianhuang is waiting for the Cheng family at any time."

"You have the right to say that?!"

"Me?" Xu Yi sneered.

"Of course he does." In the depths of the void, the woman's low and magnetic voice echoed in the sky, as if she was a fairy.

She stepped on the clear lotus, and the fairy light surged behind her, and thousands of brilliance gathered in her body. This woman should be in the sky.

She approached the world with lotus steps, and as she approached, a pressure of blood spread across the world in an instant.

"Waste body!?"

The blood of the barren body in Ye Tianxing's body is boiling,

The woman turned out to be the same barren body.

"What a pure barren body bloodline, already close to the real barren body bloodline!" Peerless Tianjiao was startled, at the end of the celestial road, two more barren body bloodlines unexpectedly appeared.

"It's the bloodline of the wilderness again!" Cheng Lu's face was ashen. Today they gathered here to kill the barren body. He was extremely eager for the blood of the wild body. They, who hold the fairy artifact, have absolute control I kill the wasteland,

But now,

Killed the blood of Tianhuang halfway.

"Forget it, since you dare to come, I will take your blood together!" They are all barren blood, if they can be swallowed up, it will be a great supplement to Cheng Lu.

During Cheng Lu's hesitation and entanglement, another peerless Tianjiao died tragically under Ye Tianxing's barren body fist.

The sky was full of blood, and the void shattered into pieces one after another, like withered petals.

Based on the absolute field, he is not tyrannical.


A peerless Tianjiao's eyes were red, and he was so overwhelmed by the barren body that he had no strength to resist.

"Huangti, I want you to die!" He suddenly sealed his hands, his heart was ruthless, his essence and blood were burning, and his strength increased sharply.

"Even if it hurts the foundation, today, I will ask you to pay the price!"

Ye Tianxing looked blank, staring at him indifferently, the brilliance surged under his feet, and then disappeared into the crumbling world.


Chiyuan Chahar reminded, but it was too late, Ye Tianxing's speed was too fast, and now that the Four Elephant Steps were being used, there were only a handful of peers who could keep up with his speed at the same level.

"Roar!" The abdomen screamed, suddenly flashed out of the blood river, and crashed into the void above the head.


A punch carrying endless thunder struck fiercely on the huge blood skull in the abdomen. Two completely different forces, one positive and one evil, one yin and one yang, divided this world into two pieces.



A dragon thunder dragon suddenly appeared, opened its huge thunderous mouth, and bit the belly's neck fiercely. The dragon was mighty, and the blue dragon tore the belly to pieces, and then entrenched Ye Tianxing's body.

Lei Long's eyes are exactly the same as Ye Tianxing's eyes, also full of indifference that looks down on the world.

"Don't disperse, shoot together, and kill him!"

Cheng Lu sacrificed his natal magic weapon, and struck a terrifying blow through the void, intending to kill Ye Tianxing.

"Don't have any reservations!" Chiyuan Chahar waved his hand, and the blood sea rose again, and the blood wave was surging. He held a blood spear and came towards Ye Tianxing to kill.

This blood spear is his divine weapon, and it is a high-grade spiritual weapon.

"Everyone, I'm here to block his footsteps, you just do what you want!"

A blood-colored skeleton rose from the sea of ​​blood, and the three-headed skull reappeared.

"Brother Chiyuan, be careful!"

Chiyuan Chahar stared at Ye Tianxing. He has a Shura body and can fight Ye Tianxing in close combat.


Jiuxuan and the last few remaining members of the Qinghuang Ten Horsemen all attacked, and the power of the combination of several people was extremely powerful.

Their blood seas were connected together, and there were signs of fusion with amazing strength.

The bloody skeleton swelled instantly, and during the breath, the bloody aura made Ye Tianxing feel great pressure.

"Huang Ti, I'm going to kill you today!" Lei Zuoming howled wildly, with killing intent.


A group of peerless arrogances attacked together, and the ten knights of the Qinghuang were the first to bear the brunt. All kinds of divine powers bombarded Ye Tianxing's position.

"Amitabha!" A Buddhist voice sang, and an ancient Buddha appeared behind Ye Tianxing. The ancient Buddha sat cross-legged, and an immortal lotus bloomed.


The Bahuang Pagoda exudes divine power, resisting the invasion of endless blood and evil spirits.


The void under Ye Tianxing's feet collapsed directly, and his whole body turned into a rainbow light and was smashed into the ground.

wasteland bloodshed,

Duan Shui Liu, Xuan Kong, and Ning Cang Hai made strong moves, and Xu Yi and the woman also made moves one after another, forming an unstoppable and invincible force.

"Today, no one can stop us!"

Cheng Lu became ruthless, and opened the Devouring Barrier again. The Devouring Storm made one's scalp tingle, and the peerless talents from all walks of life shot one after another.

"Hundred bergamot!"

A low growl sounded from the huge pit below, and then the Buddha's light filled the sky.

Ye Tianxing fought back, with momentum like an abyss.

Like a falling star, he smashed himself against the ten knights of the Qinghuang,

The supernatural powers of destiny and the avenue of reincarnation have completely submerged this place, and the battle situation here can no longer be described in words.

Everyone is jealous, the invincible peerless arrogance is now fighting here.

Ye Tianxing set foot in the absolute domain, undefended at all, punching to the flesh with the Qinghuang Shiqi, and fighting with the barren body and the Shura body, such a scene was extremely bloody.

Lei Zuoming's left shoulder was dislocated by Ye Tianxing's slap. If it weren't for the Shura body, Lei Zuoming would have lost his shoulder after the slap.

"Tear it!"

Ye Tianxing fought in the sea of ​​blood, Jiuxuan's left arm was dislocated, his sternum was shattered, Chiyuan Chahar's left leg bone was broken by Ye Tianxing's violent kick, and he was inconvenient to move.

Similarly, Ye Tianxing's body was also full of injuries. Although the Shura body was not enough to break his body, the physical strength of the Qinghuang Ten Knights was still transmitted into his body, and all internal organs were injured to varying degrees.

"Blood God Curse!"

Lei Zuoming's blood eyes were scarlet, and the rest of the Qinghuang Ten Knights cast the Blood God Curse one after another, raising their strength to a higher level.

All the peerless geniuses were bombarding and killing Ye Tianxing. Although his body was broken, he still couldn't bear the indiscriminate bombardment of so many forces.

At this moment, Xuefeng suddenly trembled for a moment, and a battle could be faintly heard in the depths of the formation on Xuefeng.

"Flame of Devouring" Ye Tianxing felt Cheng Yuan's power, and there were people fighting in Xuefeng.

In addition, there is another force, which is very weak.

"Brother Ye, Brother Yang and the others are in danger!" Xuankong reminded.

"Cheng Yuan still has such combat strength. Brother Ye and the others are trapped in a large formation relying on pills to replenish their strength. If there is no one out of ten, Cheng Yuan wants to take this opportunity to kill them all!"

"Everyone, please help me open a way!"

Ye Tianxing roared, the power of the gods soared, and the Bahuang Pagoda suppressed and moved forward.

"Buddha's light shines everywhere!" A thousand-foot ancient Buddha appeared, pressing his palm forward.

"Tiangang step!" Duan Shuiliu stepped down angrily, and the sky collapsed and the earth shattered instantly.

Ning Canghai held the Asura Divine Spear in his hand, and with one sweep, thousands of sharp edges were concentrated in this spear.

"Sweep through thousands of miles!"

Several people made a strong move to forcibly clear a way for Ye Tianxing.

Stepping on the four elephants, Ye Tianxing broke away from the ten knights of the Qinghuang, and shot towards the corner of Xuefeng formation.

"Hmph, it's useless. I have imposed my family's secret technique on the corner of the array. You can't undo it in a few hours!" Cheng Lu smiled sinisterly, "Yangmen and that group of useless trash are all alive. No!"


Ye Tianxing punched a corner of the formation, but Wanjun's huge force shook the corner of the formation and could not be broken. As Cheng Lu said, the corner of the formation was imbued with a secret technique, and it would be impossible to break it for a while.

How to do?

Standing near Xuefeng, Yang Nianxi could feel the slightly weak breath more and more clearly.


What Cheng Yuan wanted to kill was not Yang Nianxi, but someone else.

"Mingyuexin!" Ye Tianxing felt the breath of Mingyuexin and was very weak.

"Crack!" He clenched his fists, not knowing what to do, but at this moment, Chi Yuan and the others had already come to kill him again.

A thought flashed through his mind, Ye Tianxing suddenly flew down the snow peak, and plunged into the bottom of the snow peak.

Then, the ground shook.

In the big array world above Xuefeng, the world suddenly turned around.

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