Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 184 The Battle of the Heroes

The endless avenue of order moved with his thoughts, covering up this square sky, and the secret method penetrated all the surrounding spaces, unknowingly blocking Ye Tianxing within it.

In the blink of an eye, Ye Tianxing's eyes showed one after another crumbling pictures, everything was collapsing, the surrounding space was distorted by a powerful devouring force, and huge rotating vortexes one after another, will All light is sucked in.

"Those eyes." Ye Tianxing murmured to himself, everything he saw in front of him was obviously fake, but if he was really sucked in by these vortexes, then he would really fall into the opponent's secret technique .


In a flash, Ye Tianxing's eyes burst into a ray of light, piercing into the depths of the vortex.

"Hehe, the barren body, but that's it. In front of me, I can only be slaughtered." The bewitching man's pupils were seductive, and with a flick of his fingers, one silk thread after another flew towards Ye Tianxing, and in an instant, he entangled him. Hold on, there are countless threads, one end is on Ye Tianxing's body, the other end is on the man's fingertips,

This silk thread is extremely sharp, it is the real silk of the celestial silkworm obtained by stripping the celestial silkworm, forged with immortal gold and cold iron. Cut into countless pieces.


In the viewing area, everyone was sweating for Ye Tianxing.

Cheng Lu's eyes brightened. In terms of strength and combat power, perhaps no one can surpass the deserted body, but it is often this kind of magical secret method that can surprise people.

"The barren body, has it been subdued?" Everyone was shocked.

"Hmph, he fell under my soul-absorbing technique, and his soul was so immersed in it that he couldn't extricate himself. Now that his body is bound by my silkworm silk, even if he escapes from the soul-absorbing technique, it will not help.

"Let me come and taste the first mouthful of the blood of the prehistoric body." The demonic man smiled bloodthirstyly, twisted his fingertips, and the silkworm silk produced a chain reaction, cutting crazily on Ye Tianxing's body.

However, a scene that shocked everyone appeared, no matter how the silkworm silk was cut, the barren body remained intact.

"How is it possible?!" All the arrogances were shocked.

Seeing this scene, Chiyuan Chahar in the field seemed very calm, as if he had expected it.

"I forgot to tell you that the barren body once survived the reincarnation calamity in the seventh heaven of the reincarnation realm, and the four elephants reincarnation calamity." He emphasized, "The physical body has been broken, comparable to the master of the void realm, and its strength is not ordinary spirit at all. Soldiers can be compared."

"What? Four elephants reincarnation robbery?"

"Flesh broken?"

Obviously, many of the peerless talents in the field didn't know about this, and when Ye Tian fought against the heroes, most of them were retreating in the secret place.

"No wonder, the flesh can withstand the cutting of my silkworm silk."

Seeing this, all the believers in the barren body breathed a sigh of relief, and immediately cheered.

"It's okay, even if the silkworm silk can't do anything to him, he will definitely die in my hands." The bewitching man raised his hand casually, a cold light flashed, and a short dagger appeared in his hand. A sharp object with a handle that cuts iron like mud.

"Your body can withstand my silkworm silk, I would like to see if your eyes can also withstand the sharp dagger in my hand." He smiled evilly, and his figure disappeared in an instant. The power of the cut,

Everyone's eyes widened,

The group of peerless arrogances headed by Cheng Lu laughed bloodthirstyly, the blood of the barren body is an excellent drink for other bloodthirsty people.

Xuan Kong and Duan Shui Liu responded to the challenge indifferently, without any waves on their faces. In a distant place, Gu Hongxiu sweated for Ye Tianxing. Ye Tianxing stands motionless in the sky.

"wake up!"

Gu Hongxiu gave a low drink,


A mouthful of blood spewed out and stained her skirt red. The soul-absorbing secret technique deployed by the strange man was too terrifying, and she suffered a backlash in an instant just now.

Seeing the sharp dagger stabbing Ye Tianxing's eyes fiercely,

At the juncture,

Ye Tianxing's standing body suddenly trembled for a moment, and then, a big hand suddenly grabbed out,


The clear sound of bone breaking resounded here, and the strange man let out a scream, and the hand holding the sharp dagger was directly crushed by Ye Tianxing,

"You...!" The strange man's expression was extremely astonished,

Ye Tianxing opened his pupils, and there was a strange darkness in them,

"Heretic ways can shake my Dao heart?" Ye Tianxing showed disdain, his domineering majesty ruled the world, his black hair was disheveled and danced, and a powerful force directly smashed the silkworm silk.

"Come on!" Cheng Lu's eyes suddenly sank, he was invincible in melee combat, no matter who was caught by the waste body, he would die for sure.

The strange man's pupils narrowed sharply, without any hesitation, he cut off his arm with his backhand, blood staining the sky, and at the same time urged the secret method to escape from Ye Tianxing's offensive range.

However, it was already too late, and Ye Tianxing could not give him a chance to escape. Such an excellent time is the time to weaken the opponent's fighting power.

This person's ability to fight head-on is not strong, but he is well versed in other ways. When fighting people, he will become a very terrifying threat, so that he can't fight people with all his strength.

The four elephant steps were urged to the extreme, and Ye Tianxing was close to the body in an instant. At the same time, Cheng Lu and Chiyuan Chahar shot one after another. The two knew what would happen if they were caught by the deserted body.


After the afterimage appeared, Ye Tianxing grabbed the Yaoyi man's ankle, "Crack!" The clear and audible sound of bone breaking sounded again, and the screams from the Yaoyi man echoed in the sky.

"Blood Demon Realm!" Chiyuan Chahar roared, and a terrifying river of blood rose up behind him. A bloody hand protruded from the river of blood, covering Ye Tianxing and the strange man.


Without any fancy moves, Ye Tianxing raised his hand and punched the bloody hand, smashing it to pieces, making him invincible under the void, not just talking,

Today's him, his physical body has been broken, and his pure physical strength has the strength of the realm of transforming the void. In close combat, whoever comes is dead.


The Blood River Domain was shattered by a single punch, and no one could have imagined that the barren body was so powerful.

Chiyuan Chahar's naked eyes condensed. It's been a long time since I saw him. The strength of the barren body has been exhausted again. He has just stepped into the eighth heaven of reincarnation, but even so, his strength has also made a qualitative leap. However, the barren body is still easy. shattered his domain.

"As expected of a flesh body that has experienced the baptism of the Four Elephant Reincarnation Tribulation, it is really domineering."

"Brother Cheng, Brother Chiyuan, save me!" The eccentric man was caught by Ye Tianxing, and he couldn't escape. The huge restraining force, with Wanjun as a reminder, made it difficult for him to breathe. His arm was cut off by himself and the bleeding has not stopped. Blood was flowing from the bone, and the stubble of the ankle bone that was crushed by Ye Tianxing was exposed in the air, excruciating pain and suffering beyond words.

"Brother Li, hold on, I'll come and save you!"

Cheng Lu's cold eyes shot out two strands of black light, and when the sleeves were rolled up, the darkness rolled and rushed towards Ye Tianxing,

"Chiyuan, you and I join forces."

"it is good!"

Cheng Lu didn't dare to trust him. Although his strength has improved to a higher level, why is Huangti's strength not?

If it was another opponent, he wouldn't even need to pay too much attention to it, but this opponent was a deserted body, so he had to act cautiously, he had suffered too much from the deserted body.

The Blood River Domain opened up again, and Cheng Lu opened the Dark Domain when he came up, and at the same time used the power of devouring.

"Cheng Lu and Chiyuan Chahar joined forces to fight against the enemy. I am afraid that only Huangti can be treated like this in the entire Tianlu."

"The barren body is dangerous. Both of them have stepped into the eighth heaven of reincarnation, and their strength is not what it used to be."

Facing the attack of the two attacking, Ye Tianxing took his time and killed the strange man while everyone was horrified, so as to prevent future troubles.

Blood stained the dark sky.


A bell rang, and the Bahuang Pagoda appeared in surprise, intertwined with the texture and order of Taoism, exuding the majesty of an emperor, causing countless spiritual soldiers to tremble.

The Eight Desolation Pagoda hangs at the head of Yetian Walking, the golden light is all over the sky, chanting Sanskrit, walking into the domain of the two, ignoring all obstacles.

"Four phenomena appear!"


Within the two major domains, the roar of the four elephants resounded, and with the blessing of the four elephants, Ye Tianxing's supernatural power was unmatched.

fairy king realm,

Immortal king dao body!

Chiyuan Chahar and Cheng Lu's expression changed immediately, their domain actually collapsed at this moment.

Why? !

Chiyuan Chahar and Cheng Lu were puzzled, their Heavenly Spiritual Roots had also been completed, and they had opened the Immortal King Dao Body, but the two joined forces and still could not crush the barren body's Immortal King Dao Body,

The domain is even cracked under the terrible power of the barren body fairy king's domain.

"You guys really let me down!" Ye Tianxing glanced at the two of them indifferently, he overestimated their strength.

"I have already felt the fear in your hearts. You who are dominated by fear, even if your spiritual roots are perfect and you open the body of the immortal king, you are no more than my enemy." , completely disintegrated.

"Today, I am walking in the sky at night, and I will sweep across the end of the road!" He overlooked all directions, the majesty of the emperor, the aura of the overlord, baptized in this world, causing all the arrogance to tremble.

"Not yet invincible, but already invincible!" Xuankong clasped his hands together, evolving into an endless avenue.

"He, so strong..." Trembling voices came and went, and all the peerless talents looked at that domineering body, speechless.

Gu Hongxiu looked at that person blankly, with mixed emotions in his heart, why couldn't such a person defend her way?

"Desolate body, don't be rampant!" Peerless Tianjiao slashed across the sky, the divine soldier radiated endless brilliance, Ye Tianxing stepped out, thunder suddenly appeared, and he swung his fist and slammed towards the person who came.


The sky was blasted a hole,

There was blood all over the sky.

The screams resounded in the fragmented field, Ye Tianxing was like an emotionless god of war, shattering the last bit of arrogance in the heart of Peerless Tianjiao.

As peerless arrogances, their strength far exceeds that of their peers. It is difficult to find opponents in the heavenly path where the arrogances are all over the place. But now, this situation is being changed by a single person.

waste body!

Those arrogances who once wanted to drink the blood of the barren body were shaken, and their hearts were hurt.

"Those who stand in my way, die!" The domineering and deep voice, washed away in the blood flow, Ye Tianxing was extremely strong, stepped into the invincible forbidden area, and his combat power was unrivaled.

"Is this still human? Who dares to shake its edge!" After truly seeing the power of the barren body, these peerless arrogances who threatened to kill Ye Tianxing at the end of the Tianlu all fell silent at this moment.

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