Boxing Eight Wilderness

Chapter 179 Here Comes, He Comes

"Then, the two of us will not be polite." Ye Tianxing said indifferently, and then walked slowly in front of the first peak master, Wu Ting followed closely.

The two walked very slowly, but they managed to shrink the ground into an inch, and walked away in the blink of an eye.

After the two left, the tense nerves of the first peak master finally relaxed. He let out a long breath and was covered in cold sweat.

"I seem to remember!"

"Remember what?"

"Who is that strong man?"

"who is it?"

"Huangti's powerful general, although his appearance has changed a little, but I'm sure it's him." The man said in a deep voice, trembling as he looked at the direction where Ye Tianxing and the two climbed the peak.

"Warrior under the command of the barren body?"

"I've heard about this person, who seems to be from Beichenxing, and his name is Wu Ting, but I've never seen him before!"

"Beichen Wuting?"

"If he is Wu Ting, then the person walking in front of him, could it be..."

"The desolate deity?!"


"The barren body is coming?!"

For a moment, the first peak went from cold silence to uproar, and then to dead silence!

Stepping up the heavenly steps, the heavenly steps where Tao and law are intertwined, engraved with countless divine patterns, when the two of them set foot on it, ripples surged, washing away from the toes to all directions,

Circle after circle.

The second peak, following the first peak's teleportation light array rippled, the peak master of the second peak woke up from his samadhi.

"The battle at the end has been going on for a month, how come there are still people climbing the peak?" The second peak master stared at the direction of the teleportation light array and whispered.

"Who is coming?"

Just as Ye Tianxing and Wu Ting walked out of the light formation, a stern voice sounded in their ears.

"Beichen Wuting!"

I saw Wu Ting's voice, and the next moment, in the void, two figures fell towards the second peak like meteors, including the peak master of the second peak.


The voice was still in my ears, and before I had time to see the face of the comer, the battle was over, and the second peak master was stunned, he didn't even have time to resist, and he was defeated just like that.

No one saw the appearance of the comer clearly, only saw two lights and shadows piercing the sky, and then disappeared, and the light array of the second peak surged again.

Those who come are in a hurry, and those who go are in a hurry.




Wave after wave of ripples of light surged, and the interval was only a few breaths. Outside the Jiufeng, there was an uproar in the viewing area.

"What's going on? The light arrays of all peaks are lit up?!"

"Is someone climbing the peak?"

"The climbing road has been open for nearly a month, and there are still people climbing the peak at this time?" Surprised, everyone's eyes suddenly focused on the light array ripples on the seventh peak. When the light array ripples lit up, the next moment In the meantime, the eighth peak's teleportation light array lit up with ripples again.

"What speed is this?!"

"Someone is really climbing the peak? Come on, see who it is!"

"I can't see clearly!"

"The peak master of the eighth peak flew out! Hiss~ what's going on? Who's climbing the peak!?"

Everyone is watching, but no one can be seen stopping, only two afterimages can be seen faintly, and the peak owner of the eighth peak flying upside down.

"Aren't the gatekeepers blocking it? Who is climbing the peak?"

"The road is smooth, and even the gatekeepers dare not stop it. Who will be climbing the peak?" Shocked voices came and went, and all eyes focused on one place.

at the ninth peak,

Following the appearance of the two figures, the gatekeeper's expression suddenly became dignified, and then, he stepped out of the way without any obstruction.

"Get out of the way again!"

"Who is it?"

There are more and more curious voices. On the ninth peak, there is a peerless arrogance leaning on the entrance of the peak, but now the teleportation light of the ninth peak is shining brightly.

"The teleportation light array that has been silent for half a month has turned on again. Is there another peerless genius who has climbed to the Ninth Peak?"

"The decisive battle at the end is about to end, who will it be?"

"No matter who comes, there is no way to reverse the ending. Many peerless talents headed by the two top masters of the Cheng family, Cheng Lu and Cheng Yuan, have stepped into the eighth heaven of reincarnation. On this road to heaven, they no longer have their opponents!"

"Unfortunately, the rumored Holy Prince and the barren body did not appear, and it is a pity that they have not fought against them."

"Go, let's see who is climbing the ninth peak at this time."


The light and shadow flickered, and the teleportation light array of the Ninth Peak was completely lit up.

Both figures were wearing black robes, and they settled down in this space full of killing and hostility.

"It's so murderous." Wu Ting stared into the sky, and there was a strong man approaching.

"The visitor is not kind." There was a slight ripple in Ye Tianxing's eyes, and at this moment, there was finally a slight movement in the sea of ​​reincarnation that had been silent for a long time.

From the first peak to the ninth peak, it can be said to be done in one go, without even using Yuanli.

Although the current him is at the peak of the Seventh Heavenly Layer of the Samsara Realm, his strength is far from being measured by the Seventh Heavenly Layer of the Samsara Realm.

"Appeared, the person who climbed from the first peak to the ninth peak in one breath!"

Looking across the mountain, I could only see two figures from the back, with their backs facing the crowd, standing majestically in front of the teleportation light array of the Ninth Peak.

"The object that even the gatekeepers have not stopped, could it be that those two appeared?"

One after another stared at the two backs, one of them was extremely strong.

"This back looks like deja vu!"

Countless arrogances are like ants on a hot pot, wanting to break through the barrier in front of this peak, and climb up to the ninth peak to find out the true face of those who come.



The wind groaned, the air flow reversed, the sky was heating up, and a gust of dry heat rushed towards us.

The three afterimages were separated by the turbulent flow of the void, and when viewed from a distance, the afterimages slowly condensed, becoming more and more real. After a while, the sky in front of Ye Tianxing and Wu Ting was torn apart.

Immediately afterwards, two men and a woman appeared in sight.

"Seventh Heaven of Reincarnation Realm?"

A slightly provocative and playful voice, full of indifference and aloofness, came from the mouth of the condescending woman,

Ye Tianxing looked at her,

And she also looked at Ye Tianxing, her eyes met each other, no one flinched,

In the sky, there was a stalemate for a moment. The woman seemed to feel that she was offended by Ye Tianxing Chi Guoguo's unavoidable eyes, and her expression was displeased.

"You have a new face, the Tianjiao who just came out of customs?" The young man on the right looked Ye Tianxing up and down, and he was sure they didn't know each other.

"The breath is extraordinary, and the strength does not seem to be weak. There are not many people who can oppress me with the seventh heaven of reincarnation." The young man in the lead looked at Ye Tianxing, and an invisible coercion swept away. Come.

"Do you dare to fight?" The young man came across the sky, and with a wave of his hand, the galaxy fell, and the realm of the fairy king turned into reality invisibly.


Wu Ting stepped on his right foot suddenly, the power of the avenue was washed away, the mountains fell and the ground cracked, and with a thought, the Immortal King's Domain opened up, touching the former's Immortal King's Domain,

The two peerless arrogances fought against each other.

"It turned out to be a hidden master!" The young man frowned, with a serious look on his face.


A thunderbolt exploded from the blue sky, and thunder suddenly appeared in the sky, and the realm of the Immortal King was instantly submerged by thunder.


A domineering punch suddenly blasted out, Wu Ting punched the person with no expression on his face, arrogantly and domineeringly.


The two started a duel with the sky, the sky and the earth changed color, and suddenly the dark clouds gathered, engulfing everything.

"What a domineering thunder power!" The young man's expression became more and more dignified, and his whole body ached. Wu Ting's strength was not only derived from the strength of the thunder attribute, but also from the strength of his own physical body.

After countless times of tempering, his physical body was already comparable to the Shura body of the Qinghuang Ten Knights, and even the strength of the Ye Tian Xing Honghuang body was not much stronger than him.


The magic soldier was unsheathed, but the young man didn't dare to keep his hand. The spirit soldier exuded divine power, and brought the spirit soldier to unleash the magical power of destiny in the turbulent flow of the void.

"Break it for me!"

There was a loud shout like thunder, and there was a bang. Everyone felt that their ears were about to burst, and the eardrums were bleeding faintly. The color of the woman and another young man changed drastically.

"What a domineering force, what is the origin of this person? Could it be the rumored barren body?!"

With such strength and domineering aura, the two couldn't help but think of the rumored barren body on the road to heaven, with a strong body and unparalleled strength.

"What kind of power is this, Meng Ke looks invincible!" At this moment, the two of them couldn't calm down, the previous contempt disappeared, and some only had fear.

"No, I have to step forward to help. If it is really a barren body, Meng Ke may be in danger!" The young man was very anxious, so he stepped up into the air, and the Immortal King's Domain opened up, breaking into the turbulent void.

"Desolate body? You are a desolate body!?" The young man who confronted Wu Ting groaned fearfully, bleeding from his mouth, and was injured by Wu Ting's punch. Now his domineering fist has reached its peak. The Seventh Layer of the Reincarnation Realm has long been wiped out, and the person in front of him is not weak in strength, but can be compared with the Qinghuang Ten Knights, otherwise it would be impossible to fight him for so many rounds.

Wu Ting stared at him indifferently,

Baquan is his answer.

"Too domineering!"

The woman was terrified, the punch almost knocked the sky down, it was not something human could bear.

"Waste body!?"

The violent and raging power, carrying the billowing thunder, such a scene, all make people resound the former barren body, the terrifying existence that fought alone against dozens of geniuses, and beheaded many peerless geniuses.

"It looks like a barren body, but it's not a barren body. I've seen the heroic figure and arrogance of the barren body before. This person is very similar to him, but his body shape is not the same, and the weapon in his hand is not!"

"It's not a barren body, so who would have such overbearing power!"

Everyone is guessing and shocked.

At this time, Tianjiao came over, looked at the entrance of the Ninth Peak, and his eyes lit up, "He's here!"

"You don't even know him? You are wasting your time in Tianlu! Under Huang Ti's command, a powerful general, Wu Ting! It's a good thing you have been wandering in Tianlu for a long time!" A disdainful voice sounded.Immediately afterwards, a pot exploded in the crowd.

"What? The generals under the command of the barren body?!"

"No wonder, Beichen Wuting, I remembered that it was indeed him. I didn't expect him to be so powerful!"

"and many more……!"

"If he is Wu Ting, then the man next to him is that one?"

"Isn't that nonsense, who else can Boss Wu Ting respect so much, besides that one?" The man sat down here, his eyes fixed on the entrance of the Ninth Peak.

This person is Yuen Long among the dozens of elites under Ye Tianxing's command.

"I thought you went to Dengfeng Road, but unexpectedly, you ran here."

A voice resounded in the crowd, and several people walked up the mountain road. The leader was a young man with a heroic posture and an extraordinary bearing. Beside him was a delicate and beautiful woman who attracted people's admiration.

"Jingqiu, Yongjiang, you are finally here!" Seeing the person who came, the man's face suddenly showed a look of surprise.

"Where are the brothers?"

"Hey, I'm just waiting for you, the brothers have already opened the way ahead!"

This is the climbing road on the right side. Unlike the main road, the cultivators halfway up the mountain are not weak, but they don’t have any background and dare not go up alone. The climbing road seems calm, but in fact, In the depths of that calmness, there is a terrifying killing.

Dozens of elite masters under Ye Tianxing gathered here early to open the way.

The peak of this road is the closest point to the throne.

"Here, he is indeed here!"

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