Two brothers, Zhang Shengchang and Zhang Shengpeng, are strong and cruel, and they strike fiercely, directly taking the opponent's life. Both of them have the strength at the peak of the seventh heaven of reincarnation, and their combat power can be compared to the masters of the eighth heaven of reincarnation.

"Zhang Shengpeng, are you provoking trouble?!" a Peerless Tianjiao who was at the peak of the Seventh Layer of Reincarnation Realm in Yaoyue Palace rebuked angrily.

"Creating trouble?" Zhang Shengpeng sneered, "My two brothers don't pick trouble, they only kill people!"

In a flash, the wings of the roc spread out, covering the sky and the sun, and the endless bloody aura flooded the space. With a flick of the wings, Zhang Shengpeng's speed was as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, a Tianjiao from Yaoyue Palace died tragically. , It was too late to make any resistance, Pengniao's speed was too fast, and ordinary people couldn't catch up with that speed.

"Zhang Shengpeng, you are looking for death!" Tianshuang faction and Yaoyue Palace two peerless geniuses joined hands to fight against the Zhang brothers. It was a face-to-face meeting, and the two peerless arrogances both spilled blood on the spot, falling from the void, lifeless.

"Hehe, with this level of strength, how dare you shout in front of my two brothers!?" Zhang Shengchang laughed bloodthirstyly, his sinister and sinister face made people feel creepy.


Above the sky, the elder of the Tianshuang faction sternly screamed, and chopped down with the fairy weapon, "Little bastard, take your life!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, old man, are you in such a hurry to die?" Zhang Shengpeng laughed, turned into a ball of evil spirit and disappeared on the spot. Immediately afterwards, a wave of imperishable aura surged out from the void,

"Scepter of Extinguishing God!" The old man's face darkened, a pitch-black cane in the depths of the void exuded breathtaking power, this is a cane, it is a perfect immortal weapon, and it contains the terrifying power of Tianpeng's lineage.

"You can still recognize the Mie Shen Scepter, which means you have some knowledge. I will send you on your way. When you reincarnate in your next life, remember to stay away from my Tianpeng lineage!"

"God-killing curse!"

The Divine Extinguisher shot out a divine light, just like its name, it has the power to destroy the world.

"The Extinguishing Scepter of Tianpeng's lineage, this staff is no small feat, and the fairy artifacts of the Tianshuang Sect cannot match it at all!"

"The Extinguishing Scepter belongs to the category of top-notch immortal artifacts, and it is difficult for other immortal artifacts to compete with it. The Tianshuang faction and Yaoyue Palace are out of luck!"

In the sky, the two ghosts looked at each other, and with one glance, they suddenly disappeared into the void.

"Brother, where are you going?"

The other disciples of Tianshuang Sect and Yaoyue Palace were puzzled that they left like this.

There is nothing that can stop the Extinguishing Scepter, even a fairy weapon can hardly exert its power to the extreme in front of it.

The elders of Yaoyue Palace abandoned Nan Gongshu and suppressed it with the immortal weapon. The two elders joined forces to fight against the immortal weapon.

"Two mere old men, also want to compete with me? They don't know how to live or die, so I'll send you on your way!"

Tianpeng's blood was activated, Zhang Shengpeng's wings trembled, and the heaven and earth surged with incomparable power. Bathed in the divine brilliance of the God-destroying Staff, Zhang Shengpeng seemed to be descending like an unrivaled king, unstoppable, vast and invincible The posture is fully displayed, setting it off majestic and domineering.


The three celestial artifacts collided together, causing a boundless storm in the sky and earth, and terrifying ripples, tearing everything in the sky to pieces.

Ye Tianxing and the others retreated away. If there is no fairy weapon close to this level of turmoil, if they touch it, it is very likely that they will die.

"Back off!"

The purple radiance from the Zihuang Cauldron shrouded the prides of the Taiyi Immortal Mansion. Nangong Shu had a dignified expression. Now that she was at the end of the Heavenly Road, a powerful opponent was slowly revealed. When she first entered the Heavenly Road, she was It belongs to the top combat power, but now, the combat power stronger than her has appeared, and these peerless arrogances all have immortal weapons in their hands. Once a war starts, she may not be able to protect the disciples of the Taiyi Immortal Mansion.

"The Tianshuang faction and the people from Yaoyue Palace are finished!" Tianjiao of Taiyi Immortal Mansion gloated, Zhang Shengpeng was restraining the two top experts, and even faintly crushed them. Kuang, the Tianjiao master who slaughtered Tianshuang faction and Yaoyue Palace, has no mercy at all, and his murderous intent is terrible!

"Let's get out of here." Zhang Shengpeng suppressed the two top masters of Tianshuang faction and Yaoyue Palace with the scepter of extermination. Once the two lose and cannot withstand Zhang Shengpeng's offensive, then the Zhang brothers are likely to solve these two great forces Finally, when attacking Taiyi Immortal Mansion, Nan Gongshu was worried that she would not be able to resist Zhang Shengpeng's attack, so she could only take the people from Taiyi Immortal Mansion to evacuate.

"Let's go? Where do you want to go?" Zhang Shengchang licked the blood on his fingers, and with a bloodthirsty and gloomy face, he turned to several Tianjiao from Taiyi Immortal Mansion.

"Aren't you coming to Tianlu for the sake of experience? As a peerless arrogance, if there is a tendency to suppress all directions, how can you retreat without a fight?"

"Come!" He waved at Tianjiao of Taiyi Immortal Mansion, "Fight with me, this is the right way!"

"Zhang Shengchang, don't bully people too much!" A peerless arrogance from the Taiyi Immortal Mansion yelled, and the combat power of the peak realm of the seventh heaven of reincarnation broke out.

"Yes, yes, that's it, get angry, and then beat me, come on!" Zhang Shengchang smiled, his eyes were sharp, his face was serious, and he was already frightening before he made a move.

"Xiaoyun, come back, ignore him, let's go!" Nangong Shu said indifferently.

"Hey, Fairy Nangong is too cautious, right? True geniuses, if they can't face the real strong, they will never be able to grow. If they are timid during the journey of cultivation, then this life will be considered useless. Fairy Nangong is not old. I'm too young, but the realm is still wandering in the reincarnation realm and can't go any further, the reason, I don't need to explain in detail, right?" He sneered coldly, with a contemptuous face, facing the people of Taiyi Immortal Mansion with his nostrils in the air, extremely provocative , the Tianjiao of Taiyi Immortal Mansion clenched their fists, but they dared not speak out!

"Don't provoke me, junior, if you really think that you are invincible, you can find an opponent who can match you. The holy prince, the barren body, etc., should all be qualified opponents, so you don't need to show off your power in front of us. !"

"Hehe, this junior will remember Fairy Nangong's words in my heart. Don't worry, the two people you mentioned will not take long, and this junior will naturally ask for advice."


The sky was torn apart by a divine light, Zhang Shengpeng stepped down with a bang, the sky was shocked!

The two elders of Tianshuang Sect and Yaoyue Palace fled, taking away a few disciples who were still alive.

"Fairy Nangong, long time no see." Zhang Shengpeng stepped forward, a huge coercion overwhelmed him instantly, Nangong Shu's complexion suddenly sank, she did not expect that the two top combat powers of Tianshuang faction and Yaoyue Palace , lost so quickly.

"Okay, my elder brother is here too, so you don't have to run away." Zhang Shengchang smiled, "Come on, come on together, and fight me. If you win, I'll let you go. If you lose, then no Sorry, you all have to die here today." He is extremely arrogant, indeed, he has the capital of arrogance, although he is also the peak of the Seventh Layer of the Samsara Realm, but he has the talent and combat power that are superior to his peers.

"Hey, this guy is quite arrogant." Yan Shuangfei and the others hid in the depths of the void and never approached.

Hearing Zhang Shengchang's words, he instantly became upset. He has always been the only one who fills glasses in front of others, and it is very rare for anyone who dares to fill a glass in front of him.

"You brazen fellow, you actually want to challenge my Highness, you really don't know what to do!"

"Your Highness, do you want to express your anger for His Highness?" Chiyuan Chahar said,

"Brother Chiyuan wants to do it himself?"

"No, my elder brother doesn't need to make a move, I'm enough!" Jiu Xuan said indifferently, although the Zhang brothers' combat power is strong, but he has the Shura body, which is completely worthwhile.

"The prince appreciates the good intentions of you guys, but you don't need to do anything to deal with this kind of thing, just let my hands go."

Yan Shuangfei's eyes fell on Ye Tianxing, "Go, give that arrogant guy a good lesson."

Hearing this, Ye Tianxing raised his eyebrows,

"Brother, give my brother some face. If you don't teach them a lesson at this time, where will I save my face as the Holy Prince?" Yan Shuangfei said via voice transmission.

"Teach them a lesson, it's okay, but the price will be increased!"

"Isn't it? There is also a price increase for teaching this kind of goods?"

"The kind of people you speak of are comparable to the top ten masters in the heaven list. It will take a little effort to deal with them. I don't want you to spend more than three hundred cents. I don't think His Royal Highness the Holy Prince will care about this." Three hundred cents gold, right?"

The corner of Yan Shuangfei's mouth twitched, and he had no choice but to respond, "Deal."

Ye Tianxing stepped lightly, and instantly disappeared into this void,

At this time, Nangong Shu and Zhang Shengpeng confronted each other, and the two immortal artifacts radiated divine power. Zhang Shengchang also took advantage of the situation and launched an offensive, killing three men and three women in the Taiyi Immortal Mansion with a bloodthirsty smile.

"Let's attack together!" The six of them looked solemn, Zhang Shengchang was too powerful, Tianjiao of Tianshuang faction and Yaoyue Palace were all killed in seconds, if it was them, the ending would not be much better.

The six people put up their defenses and wiped out Zhang Shengchang's shocking blow. In the sky, there was the sound of Tianpeng's long roar, which was deafening, and the power of blood swept away, making it difficult for everyone to breathe.


Tianpeng roared past, and the offensive fell instantly.


The barrier propped up by six people cracked in just one encounter,

"Hey, with this level of strength, you can't last two rounds!" Zhang Shengchang laughed grimly, and the faces of the six people in Taiyi Immortal Mansion were extremely gloomy. This level of defense actually shattered in the face of each other.


With a low growl, Zhang Shengchang pushed his strength to the extreme,

"Crack!" The crisp cracking sound set off a chain reaction, and the shattering of the barrier was imminent.

Just when the six people were worried, the broken barrier suddenly began to repair, and Zhang Shengchang's fierce attack was blocked.

The six people were a little dazed: what's going on?

Zhang Shengchang's face froze, and suddenly an ominous premonition appeared, and then he shook his wings and retreated quickly.


A slight gust of wind swept past where Zhang Shengchang was just now, and as far as everyone could see, a tiny hole opened in the sky.

A figure quietly appeared in front of the six people of Taiyi Immortal Mansion, standing between the heaven and the earth, as if it had merged with the heaven and the earth, faintly visible, as if it was in front of your eyes, and as if in the depths of the void.


Zhang Shengchang's expression darkened suddenly, he hadn't noticed when this guy appeared.

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