Who is the arrogant person present here who is not arrogant?

They are afraid of the terror and power of the Holy Prince, but it does not mean that they are also afraid of Chiyuan Chahar. It's an opponent, but a group fight has a high chance of winning.

There are not many Peerless Tianjiao present, and the odds of winning this battle are very high.

"Chiyuan Chahar, I respect you as a peerless genius who is in the top ten of the heaven list, but today's treasure hunt, no matter how you win, you will get first come first, first come first, and I will try my best to push this fairy weapon into a desperate situation. You just want to come here It's too shameless to compete!" A peerless genius spoke, not afraid of Chiyuan Chahar, this peerless genius is at the peak of the seventh heaven of reincarnation, and his combat power cannot be underestimated.

"Heh." Chiyuan Chahar sneered, and his playful smile gave off an extremely strong killing intent, "The magic weapon is a treasure, and those who are capable live in it. You trash, are you worthy of fighting with me? "

Now that the matter has come to an end, Chiyuan Chahar doesn't mind making two more enemies. If he is really no match, there are still a few others behind him who can fight.

"Hmph, do you think that this is the first heavenly path? It's not your turn to be arrogant. A group of wastes who were almost wiped out by the barren body are not qualified to say such things!"

Another peerless celestial arrogance from the top of the seven heavens of reincarnation stepped out,

With one step, the sky trembled, and a huge gap was opened in the void.

"Come to fight!"

The Peerless Tianjiao stepped into the crack of the void and entered the turbulent flow, and a big battle would start at any time.

Chiyuan Chahar didn't hesitate, and with a flash of his figure, shocking movements erupted in the turbulent turbulence, and the turbulent storm whizzed up,

Chiyuan Chahar, who has stepped into the eighth heaven of the reincarnation realm, is extremely powerful, and his combat power has soared much higher than when he was in the seventh heaven of the reincarnation realm.

In the realm of reincarnation, the further you go to the back, every time there is a difference of one level, the strength will undergo a qualitative transformation. Chiyuan Chahar, who has stepped into the eighth level of reincarnation, has a truly invincible posture.


With just one punch from him, the peerless genius who was at the peak of the Seventh Layer of Reincarnation Realm shook out from the shattered void, dripping blood dripping in the sky and slithering for more than a hundred feet, his entire chest also collapsed with his punch.

"Just one punch, can't you catch it?"

Chiyuan Chahar stepped indifferently, his whole body was filled with scarlet and hostile aura. Wherever he passed, the sea of ​​blood submerged everything, and the blood aura was so overwhelming that no one could stop it.

Now his Shura body has improved to a higher level, his physical body is indestructible, and his physical strength is unparalleled. From his body, all the heavenly talents saw the posture of the barren body.

"Let's go together! Let's see how many he can hit!" The three peerless geniuses looked at each other and launched a shocking attack. The divine power of destiny swept across, and the power that could make the master of reincarnation shroud Chahar. .

The Divine Ability of Destiny ripped apart the sea of ​​blood behind Chiyuan like a bamboo, and attacked him, but he did not cause substantial damage to him. That's all.

In Ye Tianxing's eyes, Chiyuan Chahar's current strength has been qualitatively improved. Compared with him at the seventh level of Samsara Realm, his strength has skyrocketed many times.

"It might be a lot more interesting to fight with him." Gong Xianliang became interested, looked at Chiyuan Chahar with great interest, and then looked at Ye Tianxing. He didn't want to fight with Chiyuan Chaha I'm just curious about who will be stronger between him and the waste body.

Ye Tianxing looked into his eyes and understood, what the latter was thinking was clear at a glance.

Simply, he calmly said: "Before breaking through, you only need to punch him."

"What about after the breakthrough?"

"It's still just one punch."

Whether it was Chiyuan Chahar at the seventh heaven of reincarnation, or Chiyuan Chahar who had already stepped into the eighth heaven of reincarnation, in Ye Tianxing's eyes, it still only needed one punch.

This is an invincible self-confidence and an invincible attitude. Standing in the absolute field, he has the capital to be proud.

The battle in the sky was very fierce, and Chiyuan Chahar was not afraid at all in the face of the alliance of many arrogance.

"Tsk tsk tsk, really pitifully weak!"

Yan Shuangfei began to sigh again, looking at the Tianjiao who were defeated by Chiyuan Chahar one by one, and began to add insult to injury, hurting others without using dirty words, which was vividly reflected in him.

Originally, many Tianjiao were shocked by Chiyuan Chahar's combat power and did not intend to get involved, but Yan Shuangfei's words inspired the last stubbornness in their hearts, and they stepped out one after another to challenge Chiyuan Chahar, even though they knew it Even if they were defeated, they rushed forward without hesitation.

The fighting is unprecedentedly fierce,

Yan Shuangfei's words completely enraged this group of proud sons of heaven. Walking on the road of heaven, they have never been insulted like this before. Although Yan Shuangfei didn't say it clearly, the tone of every sentence and his expression clearly the greatest insult to them,

And such insults were blamed on Chiyuan Chahar one after another.

"I'm a little uneasy." Ye Tianxing said to Gong Xianliang when all the talents were attacking Chiyuan Chahar, the depths of the tomb should not be so quiet.

Gong Xianliang covered his consciousness and couldn't help frowning, "That guy came before we didn't check." He caught a breath in one corner.

"It should be staring at us not far away!" Ye Tianxing said in a deep voice, his eyes couldn't help frowning, and the color of his pupils kept changing.

"What's wrong?" Yan Shuangfei asked after noticing Ye Tianxing's movement.

"It's nothing, we should leave here." The enemy is in the dark, they are in the light, if they stay in one place all the time, it is not safe for them.

"What are you worried about!" Yan Shuangfei could sense it from Ye Tianxing's eyes.

"It's just an illusion. I don't feel at peace. We'd better be careful." Ye Tianxing didn't tell Yan Shuangfei about this, and didn't want to explain.

Chiyuan Chahar is extremely powerful, possessing Ye Tianxing's domineering and invincible posture in the true sense, and he punches every enemy,

Boom will win!

"He is imitating the barren body, evolving the Dao of the Heavens, and defeating the enemy with one punch!" Tianjiao had insight into this scene.

"That's right, I know the Dao of the barren body very well. He is replicating the Tao of the barren body, and he wants to use this to step into invincibility!"

"The impact of the barren body is too great. Chiyuan Chahar used to be the most powerful existence on this sky road, but he was covered by the light of the barren body, and now he is gone. A holy prince appears, and his strength is even higher than that of the barren body! If you don't make a breakthrough, the peerless arrogance will also be overwhelmed by the ordinary!"

Many arrogances talked about it, and Chiyuan Chahar followed Huangti's way and stepped into invincibility, which was shocking.

"This guy is indeed very strong. He wants to use your way to walk out of his own way." Gong Xianliang was also slightly shocked.

"Imitation is a small way after all, but this guy is indeed a genius who can evolve his own way from my way!" Ye Tianxing had to admit that Chiyuan Chahar's talent was indeed extremely strong.

Just when Chiyuan Chahar was fighting against many heavenly talents alone, a pure wave of life suddenly appeared in the depths of this large tomb, and a celestial medicine plant was radiant, like a dormant horned dragon, emitting endless energy. brilliant.


Everyone's pupils shrank sharply.


The familiar dragon chant sounded again, and everyone froze in place in shock. The sound of the dragon chant came from here, a fairy in the form of a dragon.

"It was born with dragon energy, and it has not yet reached the level of a real fairy, but after being washed by dragon energy, it is not far from a fairy, and its intelligence is far superior to other fairy spirits!" Huge life fluctuations and terrifying coercion in this area The sky is surging, this fairy has powerful combat power, a fairy that has been cultivated.


Yan Shuangfei's eyes are shining, the fairy is such a treasure!

All the Tianjiao made their moves one after another and grabbed the dragon-shaped fairy. Facing such a treasure as a fairy, no one wanted to miss it.

At the same time, the power of the fairy weapon became weaker and weaker, and it was basically suppressed.

"Second, take back the fairy artifact." Chiyuan Chahar thought, and the fairy artifact belonging to the Qinghuang's ten riders plundered Jiuxuan, and Jiuxuan held the fairy artifact and directly suppressed it forward, revealing the peak of the seven heavens of the reincarnation realm , its power is not much weaker than Chiyuan Chahar.

"Today, I just want to hunt for treasure, not to kill people. Get out of here quietly, like a dead dog, don't dangle in front of me, otherwise, I'll take your head off and use it as a urinal!" He said coldly , the voice is chilling, none of the ten knights of the Qinghuang is weak, and they are all among the peerless arrogance.

As the second-in-command of the Qinghuang Ten Riders, Jiuxuan possessed talent and strength that he could be proud of. With a wave of the fairy weapon in his hand, he slashed at the other two fairy weapons that suppressed the black sword, without mercy.

The faces of the purple-clothed youth and another peerless Tianjiao holding a fairy weapon changed dramatically. It took a lot of their strength to suppress the black sword, but now Jiuxuan came to grab the sword with unstoppable power.

"Ten knights of the Qinghuang, is this what they are capable of? Only dare to take treasures from others?" The young man in purple had a gloomy face, full of murderous intent.

"It's my choice to take the treasure from whom. Whether I can take it or not is my ability and ability. You can try it and you'll know!" Jiuxuan smiled, the corners of his mouth curled up, and an air of contempt for all living beings swept away. Come.

"If you don't want to die, just roll as far as you can!"

"Hmph, the ten knights of the Qinghuang are too domineering!" Another peerless arrogance stood in front of him, with a heavenly knife hanging from his head, and purple thunder surged. Submerged, the power of the fairy weapon is extremely strong.

Many Tianjiao trembled and panicked, and the peerless Tianjiao fought with the immortal weapon, and the power of extreme destruction may affect them.

"The ten knights of the Qinghuang really think that they can dominate the heavenly road? The holy prince doesn't have this ability, so what's the point of waiting for a few remnant soldiers?" The power that crushed all the arrogants swept through at this moment, and the void in the tomb was about to collapse.

At this moment, everyone discovered that the tomb was a world of its own, an independent small world. If it hadn't been for the absolute prohibition, the tomb would have collapsed in the war.

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