"The barren body will become a thing of the past, and today the Holy Prince will definitely kill him!" Countless Tianjiao secretly cheered in their hearts. These days are very depressing, and people are panic-stricken, and they dare not even go out for a walk at night.


Every time Ye Tianxing hits a world-shattering blow, he will use a big method to weaken the power of the attack to the minimum when it touches Yan Shuangfei, so that Yan Shuangfei can resolve it.

Every time Yan Shuangfei defuses an attack, Yan Shuangfei feels chills in his heart. The barren body's attack is simply too strong. With his own strength, he can't match it at all. That kind of arrogance is what a man yearns for!He is indeed a man who can dominate the sky.

"Looking for a chance, we must take this kid as a younger brother. If there is a free thug, the road to riches will be safe for the young master in the future!" Thinking of this, Yan Shuangfei couldn't help laughing.

Ye Tianxing only wants to get the idea of ​​Yan Shuangfei's treasure, but he doesn't know that Yan Shuangfei has already taken a fancy to his man.

The two realms of the Immortal Kings collided, sparking endless sparks. Yan Shuangfei was extremely vigorous, protected by magic armor all over his body, and fought hand-to-hand with Ye Tianxing. This is the really scary place. , but now Yan Shuangfei can compete with Ye Tianxing's physical body, which shows that he is truly powerful and terrifying.

"Everyone says that the body is invincible physically, but in my eyes, it's nothing more than that!"

When the two bodies collided, the tyrannical force tore Chang Tian apart, and the mountains and rivers were also divided into two by the wave wind!This level of power is truly frightening.

The sky collapsed, the chaos opened wide, and Ye Tianxing launched a shocking attack with his own power, and with his own power, he resolved 80.00% of the power of the attack. The cooperation between the two was perfect!

"This is my power. If you are strong enough, you will be easily dispelled in front of me!" Yan Shuangfei sneered domineeringly, suddenly raised his hand, and patted Ye Tianxing's body from the air. With one palm, Ye Tianxing's protective qi exploded, and his body was hit hard, fell into the sky, and smashed into the sea.

"I am invincible in the world by water, land and air, who can fight me!?" Yan Shuangfei was extremely arrogant, shouted loudly, the sea was divided into two, the power of the avenue was vertical and horizontal, and there was a hint of heavenly power to wash away.

Ye Tianxing was forced out of the sea, in a panic,

On the road to heaven, no one has ever seen Huang Ti in such a state of embarrassment. Even at the beginning, he was invincible in the face of the ten knights of the Qinghuang and the masters of the Cheng family, but now...

"The barren body stands in the absolute realm of invincibility, but the Holy Prince has not opened any state. Such a powerful barren body is no match for the Holy Prince. Is there anyone else in this world who can match it?"

"In the vast world, does he really want to be invincible in the world!" Many Tianjiao sighed.

The faces of the devastated believers were gloomy, while Chen Jingqiu, Wu Ting and others were not disturbed because they were the few who knew that this was a deal.

"Boss, it's too difficult." Chen Jingqiu smiled wryly, Wu Ting and Han Yongjiang beside him also sighed in the same way, but Ye Tianxing's followers and his believers sweated for him.

"His strength seems to be ordinary and nothing special. Is there something wrong with my perception?" Yang Nianxi was puzzled. How could this level of strength tear down the defense of the barren body?

"This power is indeed not weak, but it is far from enough to tear apart the barren body's defenses. Maybe he has tampered with the power, or maybe he has buried something that we can't perceive in this world. !" Yang Pingan said in a deep voice, "You have to know that breaking a thousand jun with one force does exist, and the way of Tai Chi is the best proof."

"This holy prince is indeed capable. He can make the barren body so embarrassed. It is not an exaggeration to call him the number one in the heavenly road!"

"Now, what we have to consider is how to deal with the aftermath. The holy prince has come to suppress the waste body with such a big display, and I'm afraid he won't let him go." Yang Nianxi was worried that something unexpected would happen to Ye Tianxing, and now the void is chaotic. Inside, there are many guys hidden, watching.

"It's time for a result!"

With a thought in Ye Tian, ​​the divine power is unparalleled, and the body of the immortal king is condensed, and the darkness is filled in an instant, and a strange figure in the darkness that swallows the stars is evil and awe-inspiring, making people's scalp numb.

Yan Shuangfei looked directly at Ye Tianxing, and couldn't help but stand up with chills: Good guy, this turtle is so strong, who can beat him?Thanks to the ingenuity of labor and capital, otherwise labor and capital will not be seconded if they do it with real knives and guns without resorting to foreign objects?

Yan Shuangfei, Yan Shuangfei, labor and management really admire you, how can there be someone as smart as you in the world?Yan Shuangfei was secretly happy, the feeling of playing with people and applauding was very refreshing.

"God has the virtue of being good at life, let you die at the feet of this prince, you are so proud of your body!" Yan Shuangfei began to talk about his avenue nerves again, beeping and beeping, so loud that Ye Tianxing wanted to beat him,

The Immortal King is angry and moves the heavens!

A record that destroys heaven and earth!

Yan Shuangfei raised one hand and greeted him with a strong posture. However, there was a slight change from the previous result. This time, the offensive did not weaken at the last moment!

"Brother, you...!" Yan Shuangfei was dumbfounded, this attack was going to fall on him, so it's okay?He was about to use the magic weapon, but when the Immortal King's Nu was only a short distance away from him, he collapsed directly.

Yan Shuangfei swallowed: My mother.

"Brother, don't you play with people like that?" He secretly wiped his cold sweat.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't take it for a while. When I see people who pretend to be x, I always miss it." Ye Tianxing lightly transmitted the sound, and the corners of Yan Shuangfei's mouth twitched, "I'm not doing this just to make a living. , think about it, if I want these big guys to dedicate my precious life, I have to show the strength I should have? I earn a lot, brother, don’t you also earn a lot?"

"Okay, you're right, I'm going to slip away." After the words fell, Ye Tianxing was already ready to escape.

Yan Shuangfei took the opportunity to force him to kill him, his might was unparalleled.

"It's broken, the Immortal King Domain of the barren body has been broken just like that, it's miraculous and weird!" In the void and chaos, Tianjiao was shocked.

"If that's all you have, this prince won't have time to continue playing with you. Die!"

Yan Shuangfei raised his hand and pressed forward, the space around Ye Tianxing collapsed and shattered, and even the protective energy around him broke.

"Get ready!" Yang Nianxi said in a deep voice.

At this moment, Ye Tianxing escaped into the sea again, the sea was rough, and his aura disappeared. The Holy Prince chased into the sea, searched for a while, and then walked out of the sea again.

"Disappeared out of thin air?" He frowned, pretending to be surprised, "Huangti, you disappointed me so much that you chose to run away!" Yan Shuangfei shouted at the entire sea, and the sound waves rolled away into the distance.

"Run away? The barren body ran away again?"

"This guy just ran away?!"

"Despicable, you are so useless!" At this moment, countless Tianjiao began to taunt mercilessly,

"Holy Prince, Holy Prince!" There was one wave after another of voices in the world, all shouting, the barren body was defeated, and Yan Shuangfei conquered everyone!

"Huangti, you can't run out of my palm, my prince wants to kill you, even the heavenly king and I can't save you!" Yan Shuangfei carried his hands on his back, his sharp eyes, and an unpredictable expression on his face, which won the hearts of countless arrogances.

The low growl carried rolling sound waves, which were deafening. The sea surface exploded with this low growl, and countless swimming fish went from raw to cooked in just one breath.

"The barren body was defeated. I didn't expect that Tianlu would have such a ruthless character!"

In the depths of the void, in the hidden chaos, two black shadows covered the traces and aura, and did not reveal the sky and the earth at all.

"The holy prince, indeed, gives people an unfathomable feeling. He seems to have defeated the deserted body with ease, and his strength is still not exhausted. I'm afraid he didn't use his full strength at all."

"Interesting, interesting! I thought that only the barren body could fight against me on this road, but now it seems that my vision is shallow. This person is in a mediocre state but can defeat the barren body. If he stands in the absolute field..." the black robe The figure couldn't help but take a slight breath.

"There is a mysterious power in him, it is hard to say, but it can resist my perception, this son is unfathomable, don't challenge it rashly, I am going to sleep, I am awake, I am worried that I will be discovered by this guy !" A voice sounded in Cheng Yuan's body, and it didn't sound again in an instant.

With the affirmation of the voice in his body, Cheng Yuan couldn't help but a thought crossed his mind.

"It's time to make friends with this holy prince." Cheng Yuan smiled evilly, and the figures of the two disappeared in the next instant.


Ye Tianxing was defeated and fled, and became a joke in Tianlu for a while. The name of the Holy Prince moved Tianlu, and no one dared to question the strength of the Holy Prince.

Countless Tianjiao came to vote one after another, and even peerless Tianjiao came to present gifts to show their favor.

Yan Shuangfei would not refuse anyone who came, and he said no, but he had already made clear arrangements in private.

"Your Highness, the barren body will not die for a day, and I will have trouble sleeping and eating!"

Yan Shuangfei waved his hand, "Don't worry, as long as he dares to show his face, I can kill him. Last time I was negligent and let him escape, it won't be so easy next time."

Yan Shuangfei spread the net widely in Tianlu and made a lot of money.

On the other hand, Ye Tianxing has become a joke among many Tianjiao on the road to heaven.


Outside the customs on the seventh day of the human race, Ye Tianxing returned to the camp, Chen Jingqiu, Wu Ting and the others had been waiting for a long time.

"Boss, you are finally back!"

Several people looked anxious, and Chen Yan was also waiting here.

"Brother Ye, I have heard from my brother that you did this on purpose, why?"

"Do you know that half of your believers left when you lost to that holy prince!"

Chen Yan couldn't help feeling a little resentful in her heart, Ye Tianxing's decision was unwise in her opinion.

"Yan'er, why are you talking to the boss!" Chen Jingqiu scolded, blinking at Chen Yan repeatedly.

Ye Tianxing turned his face away, and the three of them couldn't help but glance at each other.

"How did I explain to you three?"

The three of them smiled wryly upon hearing this.

"Uh...hehe, Lao Ye, Yan'er is not an outsider, I saw that she was in a hurry and told her." Han Yongjiang said.

"Forget it, let's not pursue this matter, Yan'er, only the five of us know about it, please don't spread it."

"Oh," "But I still don't understand, Brother Ye, why did you do this?"

"Yan'er, the old man has his own reasons, so don't worry too much about it," Chen Jingqiu said.

"It's okay," Ye Tianxing waved his hand, "Believers, it's best to leave. I don't like this kind of nonsense the most. As for why I did this, there are two reasons. First, I am on the road to heaven now. It's not a good thing for me to have too many enemies and all the attention is on me."

"The second point, and the most important point, is that this deal is profitable!"

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